狭山茶 浅見園

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Contact 狭山茶 浅見園

住所 :

Sasai, Sayama, 〒350-1327 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : https://asamien.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM
街 : Saitama

Sasai, Sayama, 〒350-1327 Saitama,Japan
Jyo on Google

けいちゃん on Google

5月の連休に、茶摘み体験でお邪魔しました。 新芽を摘むには、毎年この時期のみとのことで、 コロナ下、午前と午後の各1回・1グループのみの受付=合計2回での開催とのことで、安心して伺えました。 茶畑なので田舎を想像していましたが、大きい道路(バイパス?高速?)の真下。青々と広がる景色に早速癒されました。 女将さん、若女将さん、ちっちゃな3代目女将さん(!)に暖かくお出迎えされ、まずは茶摘みから。 3代目女将さんが、ちっちゃな体で大きな茶摘みかごを『はい!どーぞっ!!』なかなかの怪力振りです。(笑) 茶畑で、どの位摘んでよいか聞くと、 『特に時間や量などは決めてなくて。多分、飽きてくると思うのでそのタイミングでどうぞ(笑)』と。若女将さんもなかなかお茶目。笑 20分位で自主的に終了。笑笑 女将さんがお茶道具一式とゴザを携え、後ろから3代目も、 柏餅を持ってトコトコ。『かしわもちどーぞ!』働き者です笑。 『いつもはお茶室なんですが、今日はお天気も良いですし、ここでしましょうか?』と。茶畑を背に、素敵なお茶会がスタート。 煎茶、抹茶の淹れ方を教わりました。 まずは煎茶から。 茶釜(狸のモチーフつき!ぶんぶく茶釜と呼んでました笑)で沸かしたお湯を、温度調節の為、1度大きめの陶器に移してしばし休憩。女将さんの合図で茶葉を入れた急須へ。 人数分の湯のみを置いて、少量ずつ、交互に注いでいきます。 飲んでみると、今まで味わったことのない、柔らかで、茶葉の味をとても感じられる味で…驚きました。 次はお抹茶。抹茶茶碗の中に、茶筅を当てるようにして泡立ます。 尖った味もせず、苦くなく、飲みやすいです。 ちなみに煎茶用の茶葉と、抹茶用の茶葉は違う種類の茶葉なのだそうです。 お茶会も終わり、次は工場見学に。 売店の向かいの工場は、湯気が立ち上り、お茶のいい香りで一杯でした。 大型の機械が並ぶ室内で、収穫した茶葉は、蒸気で蒸されて、ゆっくり乾燥。ほうじ茶はその後、もう1工程経て完成するそうです。 売店で新茶、ほうじ茶、お菓子を購入していると、 3代目に『かしわもち、おいしかったでしゅか?』 と、最後までお気遣いされ、帰路も見送って頂きました笑。 殺伐としたコロナ生活が続いていた中、今回は一つひとつ、 どれも皆、ゆったりと参加することが出来、久し振りに楽しい一日を過ごせました。 浅見園のみなさま、今回は本当にお世話になりました。 機会があれば、また伺いたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
During the Golden Week holidays in May, I visited for a tea-picking experience. It is said that it is only this time of year to pick sprouts. Under the corona, it was held once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and only one group was accepted = two times in total, so I was able to hear with confidence. Since it is a tea plantation, I imagined the countryside, but right under the big road (bypass or highway?). I was immediately healed by the lush scenery. We were warmly welcomed by the landlady, the young landlady, and the tiny third-generation landlady (!), And we started by picking tea. The third-generation proprietress said, "Yes! Doo! !! 』\ It is quite a superhuman strength swing. (Lol) When I asked how much I could pick in the tea plantation, "I haven't decided on the time or amount. Maybe I'll get tired of it, so please do it at that timing (laughs). " The young landlady is also quite playful. Lol It ends voluntarily in about 20 minutes. LOL The landlady carries a set of tea utensils and goza, and the third generation from the back Tokotoko with Kashiwa mochi. "Kashiwamochi! 』\ I'm a hard worker lol. "It's usually a tea room, but the weather is fine today, so why don't we go here? "When. A wonderful tea party started with the tea plantation in the background. I was taught how to make sencha and matcha. First of all, from sencha. The hot water boiled in a tea pot (with a raccoon dog motif! I called it Bunbuku tea pot lol) was moved to a large pottery once to control the temperature, and I took a break for a while. To the Kyusu with tea leaves at the signal of the landlady. Place only the hot water for the number of people and pour in small amounts alternately. When I drank it, I was surprised at the soft taste of tea leaves that I had never tasted before. Next is matcha. Whisk in a matcha bowl as if you put a chasen on it. It has no sharp taste, is not bitter, and is easy to drink. By the way, it seems that the tea leaves for sencha and the tea leaves for matcha are different types of tea leaves. After the tea party, we went to the factory tour. The factory opposite the shop was full of steam and a nice aroma of tea. The harvested tea leaves are steamed with steam and slowly dried in a room lined with large machines. Hojicha is said to be completed after another process. When you buy new tea, roasted green tea, and sweets at the shop, The third generation said, "Kashiwamochi, was it delicious? 』\ He was so concerned until the end that he didn't even return home lol. While the murderous corona life continued, this time one by one, All of them were able to participate relaxedly and had a fun day after a long absence. Thank you to everyone at Asamien for this time. If I have a chance, I would like to come back again. Thank you very much.

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