事故車買取王 埼玉店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 事故車買取王 埼玉店

住所 :

Sasai, Sayama, 〒350-1327 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897987
Webサイト : https://jikosya-kaitori.com/
街 : Saitama

Sasai, Sayama, 〒350-1327 Saitama,Japan
ヨシダM on Google

I was able to request with confidence because of the kind explanation. The pick-up location was outside the target area, but they were willing to accept it, and the dealer gave me twice as many presentations, and the photo presentation gave me a + α rating, making it a very conscientious shop.
丸山凌太 on Google

安心して廃車の手続きができました。 その日に車引き取ってもらえますしその場で買い取ってもらえます。 面倒な手続きも無料でやってくれます。 また、機会があればよろしくお願いします! 大変満足出来ました!
I was able to complete the scrapping procedure with confidence. You can pick up your car on the day and buy it on the spot. The troublesome procedure is also free of charge. Also, if you have a chance, thank you! I was very satisfied!
Kaz F on Google

Thank you very much for your willingness to respond to the sudden response during the busy year-end. We responded politely, so we were able to trade with confidence. I'm really thankful to you.
横井寿成(Serendipity) on Google

初めての事故車買取で不安でしたが、ご担当頂いた方とお話すると、安心しました。 Google検索のレビューどおり、大変良い方でした。 ありがとうございました。
I was worried about buying the accident car for the first time, but I was relieved when I talked to the person in charge. According to the Google search review, it was a very good person. Thank you very much.
三毛 on Google

レビュー通り!場所指定したに関わらず迅速な対応助かりました。 本当にありがとうございました。 次回も廃車となったらお願いします。
As reviewed! It was helpful to have a quick response regardless of the location specified. I'm really thankful to you. I would appreciate it if the car is scrapped next time.
かとりひろゆき on Google

大変迅速な対応をして頂いて、大変助かりました。 愛車を引き取りに来て頂いた社長さんも、大変丁寧でこちらのお願いも快く聞いて頂きました。とても感謝しています。ご足労いただきありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
It was very helpful to have a very quick response. The president who came to pick up his car was also very polite and kindly listened to this request. I appreciate it very much. Thank you for your efforts m (_ _) m
久保和政 on Google

地図のマップでは 事故車買取王埼玉店ですが、 屋号はくるま屋ユーカラですね。 中古車探しは(グーネット)からの情報なので、 グー鑑定を見せて貰いながら詳しく説明して頂きました。 展示車両は車検込みなのと、どんなに古くても廃車を買い取ってくれました。 親切で正直な店主です、 有難う御座いまた。
On the map of the map It is the accident car purchase Ou Saitama store, The shop name is Kurumaya Yukara. Searching for a used car is information from (Goo-net), so He explained in detail while showing me the Goo appraisal. The exhibited vehicle was inspected and bought a scrapped vehicle no matter how old it was. Kind and honest shopkeeper, Thank you again.
伊藤健一 on Google

他社の買取金額よりも高く引き取ってもらえレッカー車代もかからず安心しました。 事故は不幸な出来事でしたが、親切丁寧な対応でお薦めできます。
I was relieved that the tow truck was not charged because it was collected at a higher price than the purchase price of other companies. The accident was an unfortunate event, but we can recommend it with kind and courteous response.

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