Santo Country Club - 1-1 大月 山東町 Asago

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Santo Country Club

住所 :

1-1 大月 山東町 Asago, Hyogo 669-5153, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 669-5153
Webサイト :
Description : Tree-lined golf resort with 18 holes, a pro shop, a light-filled restaurant & a modest lodge.

1-1 大月 山東町 Asago, Hyogo 669-5153, Japan
こだまたもつ on Google

I went to Santo CC for the first time in a long time, the air is delicious, I'm old, so I won't fly, but it seems to be quite interesting from the back tee, so if you are far away, please challenge.
ヒロインHeroine on Google

ダイナミックに飛ばせるコースや、戦略的に攻めるコースが交互にあり楽しめる。 茶店脇にウォータークーラーがあって、心遣いがいいと思った!
There are alternating courses that you can fly dynamically and courses that you can strategically attack, so you can enjoy it. There was a water cooler beside the teahouse, and I thought it was good to be considerate!
まじめの一歩 on Google

フロントの方の接客はいいが明らかに予約詰めすぎ 三度目くらいの利用だったが今回は酷かったので書かせて頂きます。 平日水曜日の利用でしたら朝イチ8時スタートで昼食に2時間近く時間を空けられいざINのカートに戻ると時間通りにも関わらず前に3組まだスタートしていない組が。 それからマイホール前の二組分のティーショットを見るくらい詰まっていて、自分たちの組の後ろも二組ティーショットを見守っていました。 待ち時間が長すぎてとにかくダレました。 土日は行った事ないが毎回こんな事が行われているのかと思うとゾッとしました。 明らかに予約管理考えた方がいいです おそらく当分行かないでしょう。
The customer service at the front desk is good, but obviously too many reservations It was the third time I used it, but this time it was terrible, so I will write it. If you use it on weekday Wednesday, it will start at 8 o'clock in the morning, and after about 2 hours for lunch, when you return to the IN cart, there are 3 groups that have not started yet even though it is on time. After that, I was so packed that I could see the two tee shots in front of my hole, and I was watching the two tee shots behind my group. The waiting time was too long and I just slumped. I've never been there on Saturdays and Sundays, but I was horrified to think that this kind of thing was happening every time. Obviously you should think about reservation management Probably not going for the time being.
淳也池田 on Google

十数年ぶりに行ったので、すごく懐かしかった❗ でも、昔からのコースにしてはそれなりに楽しめた? ただ、これからの時期は寒いのでちょっと厳しい?
I went there for the first time in more than a dozen years, so I missed it ❗ But for a long-standing course, I enjoyed it as it was ? However, it will be cold from now on, so it's a little tough ?
yuri yuri on Google

The correspondence of the front desk was very good. If you say hello with a smile in the morning, that alone will improve the impression of the golf course! I went there without thinking that there was an approach practice area, so I was happy to see it. it was fun. Thank you very much.
片平大樹 on Google

I went there for the first time. I participated in the Scratch Open, but I couldn't get a good score on the first course. (Laughs) It's a course that makes the green difficult and motivated to take on challenges. I will practice bleeding blood from my pores and try again next year. Thank you very much.
Tatsuhito Masuyama on Google

コースの難易度は高くなく、初心者の私でもOB少なく回れました。ただ、グリーンがやや難しかったです。 事前に練習できる打ちっぱなしや練習場が広くありがたいです。 全てのホールにプレ4が設けられています。 駐車場収容台数は少なめ。 宿泊施設が2020年にリニューアルしています。 ロッカールームは1人あたりが大きく使いやすいです。風呂は一般的な感じ。 食事はメニュー少なめですが、唐揚げ定食はかなりボリュームあります。横で売られているパウンドケーキが美味しいです。
The difficulty of the course was not high, and even I, a beginner, could go around with few OBs. However, the green was a little difficult. I am grateful for the wide range of practice areas and practice areas where I can practice in advance. Pre 4 is provided in all holes. The number of parking lots that can be accommodated is small. The accommodation has been renewed in 2020. The locker room is large and easy to use per person. The bath feels general. The menu is small, but the fried chicken set meal is quite voluminous. The pound cake sold next to it is delicious.
小たま on Google

練習場があるのは普通ですが、アプローチグリーンあり、練習用バンカーありで、びっくりしました。 距離は確かにありますが、アップダウンがかなりある。 左足下がり、左足上がりとなることが多く、落とし場所を考えないとの次のショットで簡単になるか難しくなるか左右される戦略性の高いコースといえます。つまり、ロングだからドライバーという安易な考えでは、罠にかかるということです。 フェアウェーは広めなので、飛ばし屋でもOBはしにくい感じですが、パーオンは難しくなります。 また、グリーンが難しい。OUTのショートは、グリーン手前に乗せても、また、奥のラフからちょっとでもオーバー気味に打ってグリーンに乗せたとしても、転がって、下のラフまで落ちる恐怖のホールもあります。上につけたら、早いですので、なかなか止まりません。 とにかく考えさせられるコースなので、リピートして、攻略していく面白みのあるコースだと思います。 GPSナビがついているので、とても安心です。
It's normal to have a driving range, but I was surprised to find an approach green and a practice bunker. There is certainly a distance, but there are quite a few ups and downs. In many cases, the left foot goes down and the left foot goes up, so it can be said that this is a highly strategic course that depends on whether it will be easier or more difficult in the next shot without considering where to drop it. In other words, because it is long, the easy idea of ​​a driver is to fall into a trap. Since the fairway is wide, it seems difficult to OB even at a skipper, but it will be difficult to make a par-on. Also, the green is difficult. Even if you put the OUT short in front of the green, or even if you hit the green from the rough in the back and put it on the green, there is a fear hole that rolls and falls to the rough below. If you put it on the top, it's fast, so it's hard to stop. It's a course that makes you think about it anyway, so I think it's an interesting course that you can repeat and capture. It has a GPS navigation system, so you can rest assured.

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