ドライブスルー弁当 SANKEI

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ドライブスルー弁当 SANKEI

住所 :

Yukube, Meiwa, Taki District, 〒515-0354 Mie,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://sankei-bentou.com/
街 : Mie

Yukube, Meiwa, Taki District, 〒515-0354 Mie,Japan
Bun Mana on Google

It's cheap. A warm lunch is happy.
山本篤 on Google

The lunch you can eat inside the store is deep-fried main with fried chicken. There are many kinds, and all goods One coin 500 yen is conscientious. It is also convenient to be able to buy drive-through.
YAN SUー on Google

税込み500円でボリュームはあります。 メニューの数も多いです。
There is a volume at 500 yen including tax. There are also many menus.
つくえのうえ on Google

It's cheap and delicious. I often buy karaage and chili. Buy 500 yen each and 1000 yen will make children on holidays very happy!
まるまるぶんた on Google

This time is a hamburger steak. 540 yen Cospa is good. I also ordered fried chicken. It was delicious.
kocho zu on Google

唐揚げはからあげ花とどっちも美味しくて甲乙付け難いです。 ここではカレーのルーのみが200円なので必ずいっしょに買います。
Both fried chicken and karaage flowers are delicious and difficult to attach. Only the curry roux is 200 yen here, so be sure to buy it together.
gacapin oyaji on Google

弁当がメインかな。 午後の空いている時間に定食を食べに行ったらオバチャン恐ろしく態度が悪い。 仮にも客商売でしょ? 経営者なのかパートなのかわからないけど‥‥返事しないし客の顔も見ない。 何を怒ってるの?
I think the lunch box is the main dish. Obachan is horribly ill-mannered when he goes out to eat a set meal in the afternoon. Isn't it a customer business? I don't know if it's a manager or a part-time worker, but ... I don't reply and I don't see the faces of customers. What are you angry about?
apasan88 on Google

I could buy it while I was in the car. It was a delicious lunch.

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