sand omotesando

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact sand omotesando

住所 :

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
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街 : Tokyo

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan
K N on Google

2回目の来店でした。 1回目も今回もまたお願いしたくなるような可愛い髪型にカットして頂きました。 お店の方々も明るくカット中も楽しく過ごせました。
It was my second visit. I had you cut it into a cute hairstyle that you would want to ask again for the first time and this time. The shop staff were also cheerful and had a good time during the cut.
b d on Google

インスタで有名な某ボブ美容師を指名して行きました。 【僕にしか出来ないパーマ】とあったのでお願いしたのですが、何故か適当なことを言われ別の方に縮毛矯正を任された上、ご本人にお願いした金額を払うことになりました。 後日実際に担当された方に縮毛矯正をお願いした場合の料金を確認したところ、約2万円ほど安くびっくりしました。 実際その方の施術はとても丁寧でしたが、肝心なボブ美容師のカットは可も不可もなく、色々と不信感しかないのでもう行くことはありません。
I nominated a certain Bob beauty artist who is famous for Instagram. I asked for it because it was a perm that only I could do, but for some reason I was told something appropriate and was entrusted with straightening my hair by another person, and then I had to pay the amount I requested. It was. Later, when I checked the fee when I asked the person in charge to correct the curly hair, I was surprised that it was about 20,000 yen cheaper. In fact, that person's treatment was very polite, but the important Bob beautician's cut is neither good nor bad, and there are various distrusts, so I will not go anymore.
お肉うまい on Google

2回目の来店です。 小さい子供がおり帰宅後すぐ子供を迎えに行かなければならないので時間が取れないことを伝えましたがトリートメントを勧められました。 インスタに載せたいから写真を撮りたいと言われ、顔を撮らないのであればと了承しましたが、あれから1ヶ月弱たちますが写真が使用されることは無かったです。 髪を短くすることで子育てのお手伝いが出来たら嬉しいですと仰っていましたが、そう思うのならこちらは前述の通り忙しい合間を縫って何とか来店しているので、カット後は早く帰宅したいのです。 写真を使用しないのであれば無駄な時間を使わせないで欲しかったです。 インスタの投稿が好きで良く見ていましたが、上記の理由とこのご時世にマスクを外して複数人とBBQをしている投稿が目に余るのでフォローは外させて貰いました。 進められて入会した夕焼け会員も何時まで経ってもいいねがつかない&コメントしても返事がないですし不誠実だと思います。 インスタの投稿の文字を手書きにしようと思うがどうか? と尋ねられましたがそんなことよりもっと気にすることがあるのでは? 肝心のカットですが可もなく不可もなので二度と行くことはないです
This is my second visit. I told him that I couldn't get enough time because I had a small child and I had to pick him up right after I got home, but he recommended a treatment. I was told that I wanted to take a picture because I wanted to put it on Instagram, and I agreed that I wouldn't take a face, but it's been less than a month since then, but the picture hasn't been used. He said that he would be happy if he could help raising children by shortening his hair, but if you think so, I've managed to come to the store during busy periods as mentioned above, so I want to go home early after cutting. .. If you don't use photos, I wanted you not to waste time. I liked Instagram posts and watched them a lot, but for the above reasons and the posts I was doing BBQ with multiple people with the mask removed at this time, I was allowed to unfollow. Even the sunset members who joined the club after being promoted can't like it no matter how long it passes, and even if they comment, there is no reply and I think it is dishonest. Would you like to handwrite the characters on Instagram posts? I was asked, but maybe there is something more to worry about than that? It's an important cut, but it's neither good nor bad, so I'll never go again
R F on Google

I saw Instagram and went to have it cut. The finish is very satisfying, but it took a total of nearly an hour and a half just to cut. It was a popular shop, and the person in charge seemed to be popular, so I had to wait for a long time to go there and go here. So when I go, I'll give myself plenty of time.
りい on Google

カット・カラー共に自分の理想通りの仕上がりにしていただけて、とても満足です。周りからも好評でsandさんを選んで良かったと思いました。 美容師さんも皆さん気さくに話しかけてくれてとてもお話ししやすく、緊張感もなく時間が過ぎるのがとても早いです。 今後もsandさんに通います‼︎
I am very happy that you can get the finish you want in both cut and color. It was well received by the people around me and I was glad that I chose sand. The beauticians also talked to me very easily, and it was very quick for the time to pass without any tension. I will continue to go to sand! ︎
福谷朋子 on Google

I had Hegi cut it. It was my first cut in 6 years, and I was a little worried because I had a lot of hair, but I am very satisfied. I've been watching Instagram for half a year, and I'm glad I took the courage to go. He made a cut that suits me. When I got to my seat, there was a message card with my name on it, and the atmosphere of the whole shop and the cosmetologist's response were very good.
Yuki “kappa” Uki on Google

I was taken care of by the cut about two years ago. I used to go to a certain beauty salon in Ginza for a long time, but I wanted to make it a shortcut, so I searched for it on Instagram and made a reservation to change the salon. I asked the store manager to cut it while expecting to see the post "I will definitely make it cute!" On Instagram, but the finish was good, but "What kind of feeling do you want? Any feeling I'll do it. ", I didn't feel that I could make any suggestions from there, and I thought that there was a considerable temperature difference from the Instagram post. I think that each hairdresser has different requirements, but personally, I think that not only the skills of the hairdresser but also the ease of consultation are important for choosing a hairdresser. (Because the cosmetologist I used to go to was easy to talk about styles and made various suggestions at that time), so this is not the second time.
haru shiki on Google

迷いましたが、注意喚起のために投稿します。アシスタント料金でブリーチをした結果、10000円払って、2ヶ月以上経っても治らない頭皮の炎症と膿に悩まされています。 アシスタントなので技術が十分でない可能性があることは承知していましたが、予定時間の2倍かかった上、ムラだらけで指定した色と全く違うあまりにもひどい仕上がりでした。それに10000円払いました。インスタの写真はうまく仕上がったものだけが載っており、よくよく考えたら入っている予約件数に対して掲載写真が少なすぎるので、大抵このような仕上がりなのだと思います。詐欺的だなあと思いましたが、スタイリストではないので仕方がないと割り切りました。しかし、問題はその後起こりました。 施術中も頭皮に激痛があったのですが、ブリーチ剤を長時間ベタ塗りされたことで頭皮全体に炎症が起こり、皮が剥けました。それで終わればまだよかったのですが、頭皮の一部は膿んでしまい、施術が終わって3ヶ月近く経った現状もまだ治っておらず皮膚科に通院しています。先生にも、普通にブリーチすればここまでにはならない、あまりにもひどい状態だと驚かれました。私の頭皮が特別弱かったわけではなく、その後複数の美容院に行ってわかりましたがその美容師さんの施術が異常でした。 しかも美容師さんは入店して3ヶ月程度だと言っていました。3ヶ月程度であればこのようなミスが起こるのはある程度仕方ないことだと思います。しかし、劇薬を正しく扱う能力さえ得られていないような経験が浅い美容師に、リスクのある施術を金銭的報酬を設定して行わせる店の管理体制は異常だと思います。技術が低いリスクがあることには同意しましたが、2ヶ月以上経っても治らない身体的損傷を負わされることには同意していません。 もしアシスタント料金での施術を考えている方がいらっしゃったら、是非とも考え直されることをお勧めします。
I was at a loss, but I will post it as a reminder. As a result of bleaching with an assistant fee, I paid 10,000 yen and am suffering from inflammation and pus of the scalp that does not heal even after more than 2 months. As an assistant, I knew that my skills might not be enough, but it took twice as long as the scheduled time, and the finish was so terrible that it was completely different from the color I specified because it was full of unevenness. I paid 10,000 yen for it. Only the photos of Instagram are well-finished, and if you think about it carefully, there are too few photos posted for the number of reservations, so I think that it is usually such a finish. I thought it was fraudulent, but I wasn't a stylist, so I couldn't help it. But then the problem arose. I had severe pain in my scalp during the procedure, but the bleaching agent was applied solidly for a long time, causing inflammation of the entire scalp and causing the skin to peel off. I wish I had finished with that, but part of my scalp became pus, and the current situation, which is almost three months after the procedure, has not healed yet and I am going to a dermatologist. The teacher was also surprised that the situation was so terrible that it wouldn't be possible to bleach normally. My scalp wasn't particularly weak, and after that I went to several hairdressers and found out that the hairdresser's treatment was abnormal. Moreover, the beautician said that it was about 3 months since he entered the store. I think it is unavoidable to make such a mistake in about 3 months. However, I think that the management system of the store, which allows inexperienced beauticians who do not even have the ability to handle powerful drugs correctly, to perform risky treatments with monetary rewards, is abnormal. I have agreed that the technology is at low risk, but I do not agree that I will suffer physical injury that does not heal after more than two months. If anyone is considering a treatment with an assistant fee, we strongly recommend that you reconsider.

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