中部自動車販売株式会社 行田店(チューブ行田店)

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中部自動車販売株式会社 行田店(チューブ行田店)

住所 :

Sama, Gyoda, 〒361-0032 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.bcn-chubu.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Saitama

Sama, Gyoda, 〒361-0032 Saitama,Japan
デグー のモモ on Google

営業さんなどの対応は凄く良いので、もう何十年も、何度もお世話になっている。 が、修理などでお願いすると頼りないと思った。 とりあえずの修理で「こうして欲しい」と頼んだら、全部外さないといけないから高額になると言われ帰宅。だが知り合いに話したらものの10秒で希望通りにしてくれた。(どこも外してないし…) また、「こういう時に不具合が出るので見てください」とお願いしたが、見てもらった時にその症状が出なかったので「様子見してください」と言われた。これまた知り合い(別に車屋ではない)に見てもらったら、原因も特定でき、すぐに直してくれた。「分からない」ではなく、話をした内容からその症状が出る状況を作り出して確認するくらいは必要なのではないかと思う。(と、知り合いが言っていた。色んな推測をして、直してくれましたよ) 只々症状が出るのを待っているだけでは、修理前提で見てくれているとは言えない。 しかも「本当にそんな症状出るの?」位の顔で話されたらイラッとする。こちらは困っているので助けて欲しかった。素人が直せるようなことを直してもらえないので、修理系は…現在別のところにお願いしてます。 女性は勿論、僕のような男でも車のこと詳しくないと適当に流されるので注意。
The sales staff and other staff have taken great care of me, so I've been using them for many decades. However, when I asked for repairs, I thought it would be unreliable. I asked for "I want you to do this" for temporary repairs, but I was told that it would be expensive because I had to remove all, so I went home. However, when I talked to an acquaintance, it took 10 seconds to do what I wanted. (I haven't removed anything...) In addition, I asked, "Please watch it because a problem occurs at such a time," but when I got it, I did not have the symptom, so I was told "Please wait". I also asked an acquaintance (not another car shop) to see this, and I was able to identify the cause and fix it immediately. I think it is necessary to create and confirm the situation in which the symptoms appear based on what you talk about, rather than "don't know." (My acquaintance said, he made various guesses and fixed it.) Just waiting for the symptom to appear does not mean that he is looking at the repair premise. Moreover, if I was told with a face like "Do you really have such symptoms?" I'm in trouble so I wanted you to help me. I am not able to fix anything that an amateur can do, so please ask for a repair site at another place. Be careful, of course, not only women but also men like me can be swept properly if they are not familiar with cars.
taku shin on Google

I am indebted to you here. Installation of carry-on parts is also OK! You will be happy to receive any consultation regarding cars. Estimates such as repairs and vehicle inspections are also accurate, so you can take care of them with confidence.
野口秀之 on Google

I bought a car before. It was good that everyone was very polite. However, at the time of purchase, I think that the vehicle is a little higher than the market price due to the set etc.
papa Miohana on Google

先日、友達の紹介で初めて行きました。 担当の営業方が新人さんだったみたいですが 一生懸命丁寧に説明してくれて、車を購入しました。アフターフォローの面も安心してお任せできるので長くお付き合いさせて頂きたいと思います!Yさん頑張ってね!
The other day, I went there for the first time with a friend's introduction. It seems that the sales person in charge was a newcomer He explained it very carefully and bought a car. I can leave the after-sales follow-up aspect with confidence, so I would like to keep in touch with you for a long time! Good luck with Mr. Y!
中野英紀 on Google

Because it is a chain store, there are many choices even for used cars due to the large amount of handling. The starting price is a little high, but there is a sense of security as the support is substantial.
test on Google

Even though I visited with a repair quote, it was noisy because the transfer was open for a long time because it was profitable in the campaign. I don't need it, I'm saying that I have no plans to transfer yet, but he doesn't return. If I buy it next time, I thought I would buy it at another used car shop.
Googleユーザー on Google

Please purchase the car you are currently riding here, inspect it, and inspect it. I think the response of female employees and maintenance personnel is good. When I said that I was thinking about buying a new car, a sales person came, but while serving customers in front of the customer, my eyes were following the movement of the car and people at the entrance and exit of the store, and I did not see the person in front of me. .. Unpleasant. I will buy the next car somewhere else.
なーなー on Google

私見ですが、同じ年式・同じくらいの走行距離・同じグレードでディーラーの中古車と比べて見てください、私が見た車はディーラー中古車の方が30万〜50万安く買える感じでした。 安くてディーラー保証付くなら、ディーラーで買った方が良いかと自分は思います。 あくまで私見になります。
In my opinion, compare it to the dealer's used car with the same age, the same mileage, and the same grade. .. If it is cheap and comes with a dealer guarantee, I think it is better to buy it at the dealer. It's just my personal opinion.

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