ジョイカル熊谷南店 熊谷市 カーリース おすすめ

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジョイカル熊谷南店 熊谷市 カーリース おすすめ

住所 :

Hiharu, Kumagaya, 〒360-0112 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://joycal.jp/shops/detail.php%3Fsid%3D00544
街 : Saitama

Hiharu, Kumagaya, 〒360-0112 Saitama,Japan
やんも on Google

We are always indebted! !
みにぃぃぃぃ on Google

I went to hear about my car lease. He explained it very carefully and it was easy to understand. I knew it was a good product (o '艸 ` o) ♪ I would like to decide a car and go again.
誰そ彼時 on Google

He / she changes engine oil for 2000 yen. It's cheap. He also checked the air pressure and battery. Impressed
ボビイデヴィット on Google

車検で、外した部品が車内に残ってたのは、どう考えてもおかしいだろ?! いくら車検が多少安かろうが客の足元見ての商売はやめて欲しいですね。 二度とこちらで車検などしません。
It's strange that the removed parts were left in the car after the inspection. ! No matter how cheap the vehicle inspection is, I want you to stop the business of looking at customers' feet. I will never do a vehicle inspection again.
RI on Google

山崎っていう女の口の聞き方がなってない 接客向いてない 散々、車検やオイル交換に出していたが今後一切出す気がなくなった 人の車をあんな車とか言われる筋合いないし 折り返しの電話するって言ってしてこない 最低な会社
I don't know how to hear the mouth of a woman named Yamazaki Not suitable for customer service I had been out for car inspections and oil changes, but I didn't feel like going out at all in the future. There is no reason to call a person's car such a car I didn't say I'd call you back Worst company
鈴木康介 on Google

営業にMichael.kさんいたような気がします。 もしかして、自分で嘘の口コミを書いているのでしょうか? もし、そうだとしたら酷いすぎです。 前回、お店にお伺いした時に担当してもらった気がします。
I feel like Michael.k was in the business. Maybe you're writing a lie review yourself? If so, it's too terrible. I feel like I was in charge of it the last time I visited the store.
飯田悟 on Google

車検代金ぼったくられた 通常修理しなくてよいところまで無理矢理やられた感じです。 完全に客の事をばかにしているとしか思えない 車検後交換部品を他に見せにいったらまだ使えるといわれ自社の利益がすべてなのかな?? さらに交換した部品がビニール袋に入って車内に置きっぱなしでその袋の中に入っていた封等が油まみれになってた。 気配りもできないし若いメガネかけた営業マン?の対応も最悪。 他に頼んだ方が良いです。 二度と利用しません。
Car inspection fee was drowned It feels like I was forced to the point where I usually don't have to repair it. I can only think that I'm completely ridiculing the customer It is said that if you show the replacement parts to others after the vehicle inspection, you can still use them, and is your company's profit all? ?? Furthermore, the replaced parts were put in a plastic bag and left in the car, and the seals etc. in the bag were covered with oil. A salesman wearing young glasses who can't be attentive? Correspondence is also the worst. You had better ask for another. I will never use it again.
Michael K (ナタデココ) on Google

故障で連絡した所、直ぐに対応してもらい助かりました。金額の方も相談すると純正以外の選択肢を教えていただきお得に直す事ができました。 スタッフの対応も良くしっかり納得するまで教えていただけたので安心して任せる事が出来また来たいと思います!
When I contacted him about the breakdown, he was saved by having me deal with it immediately. When I consulted with the amount of money, I was told about options other than genuine and I was able to fix it at a good price. The staff's response was good and I was able to tell you until I was completely satisfied, so I can leave it to you with confidence and I would like to come again!

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