Sakurakazu Mental Clinic - Toshima City

2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakurakazu Mental Clinic

住所 :

八木下ビル 3F 1 Chome-19-12 Sugamo, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Postal code : 170-0002
Webサイト :

八木下ビル 3F 1 Chome-19-12 Sugamo, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0002, Japan
Reiko Ota on Google

子供の発達障害の相談で、東京都の発達障害支援センターに行ったら、こちらのクリニックを紹介されました。事務長さんはとても良く話を聞いてくれて、1番良いと思われる治療方法や普段の生活などについて、一緒に考えながらアドバイスを下さり、とても良い印象を受けました。しかし、他の医師は、簡単に話を聞くだけで、いきなりお説教から入るし、何の説明もなく、入院せましょう!と言って、選択肢すら与えてくれず、事務的で冷淡な印象を受けました。精神的にダウンしている患者やその家族に対しての、優しい言葉や温かい配慮は一切ありませんでした。主人も私も、心が更に沈み、残念で悲しい気持ちになりました。診察の前までは精神的に落ち着いていた息子も、診察の後、不安定になり、かなり荒れてしまいました。正直なところ、最低な医師に信用を失い、なぜこのクリニックが発達障害に適している病院として紹介されたのか疑問に思います。患者をテキトーに扱い、単なる儲け主義?とも思いました。本当に残念でした。 ※事務長さんのカウンセリングは50分で8,000円です。子供と親、それぞれ別に話をしなくてはならないこともあるので、50分以内で終わる事はまずないでしょう。1回の通院で2万円以上はかかると思っておいた方が良いと思います。
When I went to the Developmental Disability Support Center in Tokyo for consultation about my child's developmental disabilities, he was introduced to this clinic. The Secretary-General listened to us very well and gave us a great impression, as we thought together about the treatment method that seems to be the best and everyday life while giving us advice. However, other doctors just enter the sermon suddenly, and let's be hospitalized without any explanation! However, I didn't give them any choices, and I was impressed by the clerical work. There was no kind word or warm consideration to the mentally down patient and their families. My husband and I both felt more sad and sad. My son, who was mentally calm before the medical examination, became unstable after the medical examination and became quite rough. Honestly, I lost my credit to the worst doctors and wonder why this clinic was introduced as a suitable hospital for developmental disorders. Treat patients patiently and simply make money? I thought both. I was really disappointed. * The counseling for the Secretary-General is 8,000 yen for 50 minutes. It's unlikely that you'll end up in less than 50 minutes because you and your parents may have to talk to each other. You should think that it costs more than 20,000 yen for one visit.
Dr. MARIO on Google

元々別の心療内科に通っていたのですが、病名に納得がいかず、自分自身で発達障害を疑っていた事もあり、検査ができるこちらの病院に移ることにしました。 まず思ったのは初診料が異様に高いという事。診察と血液検査だけだったのに2万円以上取られました。 発達障害の検査をしたいと言ったら、他の方が言われているように、三度の検査で5万円近くかかると言われました。初診と検査で計7万超なんて、下手したら家賃払えますよね。 他の精神科の初診が二千円程だったので、その時点でこの病院は何かおかしいと思い、調べたら、発達障害の検査も、大学病院では数千円、それ以外でも1〜2万という所が殆どらしいです。 それなのに、検査に5万もかかるって、一体どういう事なんでしょう…。 発達障害の検査の事は、適当にはぐらかしながら暫く通ってみましたが、受付のおばさんも本当に最悪です。 営業時間に電話をしても、何コールしても出ないわ、持ってくるように指示すらされていない忘れ物を責められるわ。 医師とちぐはぐな事を言ったりもして、きちんと連携も取れていない印象です。 カウンセリングのおじさんも最悪です。趣味を聞かれたので答えたら、軽蔑するような冷たい目線だけ浴びせたり(割合一般的な趣味だと思うのですが)現在のような状態になった理由を聞かれたので、過去のトラウマを話そうとした瞬間、もういいからと、こちらの話を即遮って来たり。対応が冷酷で、早く話を終えたくて仕方のないような印象を受けました。 医師に関しては、院長は悪い印象は受けませんでしたが、決めつけが激しいと思いました。初見で数分も話していない時点で、絶対そう(発達障害)だと思う。検査を受けなさいと。そう見えたとしても、実際そういう事は、詳細な検査をしないと分からない事らしいのに。勝手に決めつけて患者に言っていい事なのだろうか。 担当医もいい加減で、明日までには書いておきますねと言った診断書を、いつまで経っても書いて頂けませんでした。 何度、出来上がっているか、クリニックに確認の電話をした事か。 結局2週間以上待たされました。 色々な事が積み重なりすぎて、不信感が募り、自分には合わない病院だと思ったので、次の予約を取らず、そのまま逃げるように去りました。 今は自分に合った素晴らしい心療内科を見つけ、心穏やかに治療を続けております。病院選びがいかに大切かという事を痛感しました。皆さんもよく考えて。
I originally went to another psychosomatic medicine department, but I was not convinced of the name of the illness and I suspected developmental disability. The first thing I thought was that the initial fee was unusually high. Although it was only a medical examination and blood test, over 20,000 yen was taken. When I said that I wanted to test for developmental disabilities, I was told that it would cost nearly 50,000 yen for the third test, as others said. You can pay rent if you are not good enough for the first examination and inspection. Since the first medical examination for other psychiatry was about 2,000 yen, I thought that this hospital was something strange at that time, and when I examined it, the examination for developmental disabilities was also thousands of yen at a university hospital, otherwise it was 10,000 to 20,000 It seems almost like that. Even so, what does it mean to take 50,000 tests? I went through the examination for developmental disabilities for a while, but the aunt at the reception is also the worst. No matter how many calls you make when you call during business hours, you'll be blamed for forgotten items that you're not instructed to bring. I feel like I haven't worked well with the doctors. The uncle of counseling is also the worst. I asked my hobby, so if I answered it, I just took a cold look like a scorn (I think it's a common hobby), and I was asked why I was in the current state. The moment I was trying to talk, I was immediately blocking this story because it was already good. The response was ruthless, and I got the impression that I wanted to finish the conversation quickly. As for the doctor, the director did not get a bad impression, but thought that the decision was intense. I think that it is absolutely (developmental disorder) when I haven't talked for a few minutes at first glance. If you have an inspection. Even if it looks like that, it seems that you can't really understand it without a detailed inspection. Is it all right to decide on your own and tell the patient? The doctor in charge was so decent that I couldn't write the medical certificate that I would write by tomorrow. How many times have you completed it, and have you called the clinic to confirm? I ended up waiting for more than two weeks. There was so much pile up that I felt distrust and thought it was a hospital that didn't fit me, so I didn't make the next appointment and left to escape. Now I have found a wonderful psychosomatic medicine that suits me and I continue to treat myself calmly. I realized how important it is to choose a hospital. Please think carefully.
m c on Google

I heard from the local government, but above all, I was caught in a high cost. It costs 15,000 yen for the first visit. I didn't really understand the uncle counselor (?) Dressed like a brown jumper. It feels like I've just been asked about my private life. It was said that the amount of money offered by the clinic was close to 40,000 yen, but when I received a similar test at a university hospital at a later date, it was settled at several thousand yen. I doubt the amount of money that is not covered by insurance. It was a pity that I could trust it because it was introduced by a staff member of the Living Welfare Division.
scarlet (カシュケア) on Google

患者の立場からです。ここ以外でメンタルクリニックを利用した事がないですが正直効果を感じないです…事務長さん?はかなり親身な対応ですが数年前に会ったきりずっと会えず、その後は事務的と言うか適当な人ばかり。高い料金に見合わないと思います、余程金銭的にも精神的にも余裕が無ければ他の所がいいかもです 11/9追記 この投稿後に別のクリニックに変えましが少なくともここに比べれば良かったです、安いし対応もそこまで適当ではないです(ちょっと合わないけど)。ここは受付や事務員、医者の対応がマジで微妙なので是非他の場所へ行く事をオススメします(オーナーの返信の中に「悪意の~」や「不正確な情報~」という投稿がありますが内容は本当にそのまんまです、違うならここまで低い評価が続くなんてあり得ないと思います)
From the patient's point of view. I've never used a mental clinic other than here, but honestly I don't feel the effect ... Secretary-san? Is a very friendly person, but I haven't been able to meet him for a long time since I met him a few years ago, and after that, all the people are clerical or appropriate. I don't think it's worth the high price, but if you can't afford it both financially and mentally, you may want to go elsewhere. 11/9 postscript: It was better to change to another clinic after this post, at least compared to here, it is cheap and the correspondence is not so suitable (although it does not fit a little). The reception, clerk, and doctor's response is really delicate here, so I recommend you to go to another place (the owner's reply includes "malicious" and "inaccurate information". However, the content is really the same, if it is different, I think that it is unlikely that such a low evaluation will continue)
山下テスト on Google

(2021/06/26:受診1カ月) 総評:医師とは相性次第ですが、自分にはとても良くしていただいています。事務や経営スタッフについては残念。 ▼初診の理由 引越しでクリニックの変更が必要になり、地域の訪問看護ステーションの方に相談したり、複数のクリニックに電話して受診を決めました。 コンサータの処方ができるクリニックが少ないため、あまり選択肢も多くなかったですが、良い出会いもありました。 ▼医師と診断 初診だけではなく、再診でも継続的にこちらの話を傾聴していただけています。 また、話の要点を確認してくれたりと、丁寧な診察で安心感が得られました。 ただ、非常勤の先生とのことで、いつまで診ていただけるか判らない不安があります。 ▼待合室 来院者の多いクリニックらしく、待合室は常に人が多い印象です。 受診待ちの人も支払い待ちの人も、ひとまとめになっているため、名前を呼ばれても気付きにくく、落ち着きません。 また、会計などを含めて、スタッフさんの対応が過度に事務的で「近くの処方薬局を知りたいのですが」と伺ったら、無言でチラシを突き出される状態でした。 ▼カウンセリング カウンセリングは自費負担のクリニックが多いらしく、こちらも25分で4000円程度が求められます。
(2021/06/26: 1 month consultation) General comment: It depends on the compatibility with the doctor, but I am very good at it. I'm sorry about the office work and management staff. ▼ Reason for the first visit When I moved, I needed to change clinics, so I consulted with a local home-visit nursing station or called multiple clinics to decide to go to the clinic. There weren't many clinics that could prescribe concerta, so I didn't have many choices, but I had a good encounter. ▼ Diagnosis with a doctor You can listen to this story continuously not only at the first visit but also at the second visit. In addition, I was relieved by the careful examination, as he confirmed the main points of the story. However, since I am a part-time teacher, I am worried that I will not know how long I will be able to see you. ▼ Waiting room Like a clinic with many visitors, the waiting room always has a lot of people. People who are waiting for a medical examination and those who are waiting for payment are grouped together, so even if the name is called, it is hard to notice and it makes me feel uncomfortable. In addition, the staff's response, including accounting, was overly clerical, and when I asked, "I would like to know a nearby prescription pharmacy," I was in a state where the leaflets were silently pushed out. ▼ Counseling It seems that many clinics pay their own expenses for counseling, and this also requires about 4000 yen in 25 minutes.
shiyuri miya on Google

他のクリニックに行きましたが発達障害の検査ができないクリニックだったので、こちらに転院することにしました。 14時に予約をし、3分前位に到着。お昼休み中だったので廊下?に3組ほど待っている方がいました。 待合室は狭めで病院感は少なく、個人的には落ち着く空間でした。周りの音に敏感なので、BGMがかかっていなかったのも良かったです。午後の診察開始後、コロナ対策としてまず体温を測り、体調を記載する紙に記入をしました。 事前に記入する問診票を渡し、初診だったので確か2枚ほどチェックリストを記入したと思います(このチェックリストに発達障害の初診で10000円くらいかかりますよ~と書いてあった気がします+同意書)。電話の予約では初診に1~2時間待つ可能性があると言われましたが、タイミングが良かったのか30分待たずに診察室に呼ばれました。 診察は女性の先生で、今までメンタルクリニックで男性にしかあったことがなかったのでほっとしました。とても話やすかったです。また、今までのクリニックでは5分程度の質問ですぐに薬出しましょう、という流れだったのに対し、15分ほど今までの経緯や悩み、診察のきっかけなどしっかりお話を聞いてくださいました。自分から話そうとするとどこから話していいのかわからなくなったり、話ながら自分が何を伝えたいのかわからなくなることが多いので、途中途中「ここはどうでしたか?」と誘導してもらえてとても助かりました。 目的がADHDの心理検査であることを伝えると、検査をしても今の苦手が得意になることはない(検査結果から導いた対応策を試していくことになる)、けれど検査をすることで心が軽くなるならしっかりやりましょう、と選択肢を与えてくれつつはっきり教えてくださいました。 発達障害の診察で10000円くらい+血液検査と心電図と初診で6000円ちょいでした。他のメンタルクリニックでは初診7000円超えるくらいだったので、発達障害の診察を抜いたら逆に安いのかなと思いました。 受付の方も丁寧で、発達障害の検査について詳しく教えてくださいました。料金と検査の流れ、子供の頃を良く知る人と第三者の協力が必要な旨、キャンセルするとお金がかかることもこの時点で教えてくれました。心理検査はASDとADHD両方の検査で5~6万くらいでした(曖昧ですみません)。 前払いをした時点で予約ができるということでしたが、現金をもっていなかったのと、家族に報告してからにしたかったので振込にすることにしました。ここでも、どちらでも大丈夫ですが予約がとりづらいので気を付けてくださいね~と優しく対応してくださいました。 評価の低い口コミが多いですが、クリニック内・受付の対応・診察が今までで一番印象が良いクリニックだったので詳細を書かせていただきました。 清潔・最先端・素早く!を求めている方には合わないかもしれませんが、時間をかけられる方や落ち着いて話をしたい方には合っていると思います。 まだ1度しか言っていないので星4つにしましたが、気持ち的には星5つです! 【追記】 通院して時間が経ったので追記します。 心理検査後はお薬での治療を続けており、様子を見つつ量を調整したり、別の薬を試したりしていますが症状は改善していると実感できています。 担当医が一度変わった時は不安を感じましたが、今の担当のお医者さんもとても話しやすくて問題なく通院できそうです。 待ち時間について、多少であれば気にしないのですが、たまに予約時間から1時間以上待つこともありちょっと長いなあと思います。 しっかりお話聞いていただけるのは助かりますが、1時間以上ズレが出てしまうなら予約の間隔を見直したり何かしらのアプリでお知らせ機能を使用する等の改善が必要ではないかなと感じました。
I went to another clinic, but I couldn't test for developmental disorders, so I decided to transfer to this clinic. I made a reservation at 14:00 and arrived 3 minutes ago. It was during lunch break, so is it a corridor? There was a person waiting for about 3 groups. The waiting room was small and there was little hospital feeling, so it was a calm space for me personally. It's good that BGM wasn't applied because it's sensitive to the surrounding sounds. After starting the examination in the afternoon, as a measure against corona, I first measured my body temperature and filled out a paper to describe my physical condition. I handed over the questionnaire to fill out in advance, and since it was my first visit, I think I filled out about two checklists (I think it was written on this checklist that it would cost about 10,000 yen for the first visit to a developmental disability. Masu + consent form). When I made a phone reservation, I was told that I might have to wait an hour or two for my first visit, but maybe the timing was right, I was called to the doctor's office without waiting for 30 minutes. The medical examination was a female teacher, and I was relieved that I had only had a male doctor at a mental clinic. It was very easy to talk to. Also, in the clinic so far, it was a flow to take medicine immediately after asking about 5 minutes, but for about 15 minutes, he listened to the story, worries, and the reason for the medical examination. .. When I try to talk from myself, I often don't know where to start talking, or while talking, I often don't know what I want to convey, so it was very helpful to be guided by "How was it here?" I did. If you tell them that your purpose is a psychological test for ADHD, you will not be good at what you are currently doing (you will try the countermeasures derived from the test results), but you should do the test. He clearly told me that if it makes me feel lighter, I should do it well, giving me the option. It cost about 10,000 yen for a developmental disability examination + 6000 yen for a blood test, an electrocardiogram, and the first examination. At other mental clinics, the initial consultation cost more than 7,000 yen, so I wondered if it would be cheaper if I skipped the diagnosis for developmental disorders. The receptionist was also polite and told me in detail about the examination for developmental disorders. He also told me at this point that the fee and inspection process, the cooperation of a person familiar with childhood and a third party is required, and that it costs money to cancel. Psychological tests were about 50,000 to 60,000 for both ASD and ADHD (sorry for the ambiguity). I was told that I could make a reservation when I made the prepayment, but I didn't have cash and I wanted to report it to my family, so I decided to make a transfer. Again, either is fine, but it's difficult to make a reservation, so please be careful. There are many reviews with low ratings, but I wrote the details because it was the clinic that had the best impression so far in the clinic, reception desk correspondence, and medical examination. Clean, cutting-edge, quick! It may not be suitable for those who are looking for, but I think it is suitable for those who can spend time or who want to talk calmly. I've only said it once, so I gave it four stars, but I feel like it's five stars! 【postscript】 It's been a while since I went to the hospital, so I'll add it. After the psychological test, I continue to be treated with medicine, and I am adjusting the amount while watching the situation and trying another medicine, but I feel that my symptoms are improving. I was worried when the doctor in charge changed once, but the doctor in charge now seems to be able to go to the hospital without any problems because it is very easy to talk to. I don't care about the waiting time, but I think it's a little long because I sometimes wait for more than an hour from the reserved time. It would be helpful if you could listen to the story firmly, but if there is a gap of more than an hour, I felt that it would be necessary to improve the reservation interval or use the notification function in some app.
アカウント1 on Google

年中しょっちゅう医師、看護師、精神保健福祉士、心理士、受付、変わりまくっていて余程雇用が悪いか?キツイ職場かです。 採血も看護師がいないので何ヶ月もできない、慣れたと思ったら精神科医が退職してしまう、心理士もすぐ辞める、めちゃくちゃ落ち着きません。デイケアは若い人しかいなく年寄りはいません。お勧めできません。
Doctors, nurses, mental health workers, psychologists, receptionists, who are constantly changing and have poor employment all year round? It's a tough workplace. I can't collect blood for months because I don't have a nurse, the psychiatrist will retire if I get used to it, the psychiatrist will quit soon, and I'm insanely restless. Day care is only for young people and not for the elderly. Not recommended.
m mama on Google

子供のことを相談したくて、かかりつけの小児科から紹介して頂き受診をしました。 女性医師で優しく清潔感のある院内でした。 が、発達検査の金額に驚きました。保険適用外で合計5万円との事。他の方も言われてる通り、入金が確認出来てから予約を取りますとの事。あまりに高額だったので一旦保留にして帰宅。私自身医療機関で勤務経験があり、必要だと言われた検査項目の正式名称を聞き点数本で調べると、明らかに保険適用のものでした。 後日どうして保険適用のものが自費なのかお聞きしたところ『検査に時間がかかりキャンセルが出てしまうと困るのでキャンセルされないよう高めに設定している』と返答があり、開いた口が塞がりませんでした。そのような理由ならば予約金として別で金額を設けて預かり金などを頂き、検査を受けたら返金する。などの対応をすればいいと思います。また保険適用のものなので後日区役所で保険証を提示すれば保険適用になるかと聞くと病院が自費で設定しているものは申請をしても返金は出来ないそうです。なので皆さん注意してください。他の病院では同じ検査でも保険適用で受けられるところがあります。療育の先生に聞いても高すぎる。とびっくりしていました。うちは子供なので乳児医療証で負担が無いはずなのに、ここで5万を払うなんてバカバカしくて転院することを決めました。
I wanted to talk about my child, so I was introduced by my pediatrician and consulted. It was a female doctor and the hospital was kind and clean. However, I was surprised at the amount of the development test. The total is 50,000 yen, not covered by insurance. As other people have said, we will make a reservation after confirming payment. It was so expensive that I put it on hold and went home. I myself had experience working at a medical institution, and when I looked up the official name of the test item that was said to be necessary with a few points, it was clearly covered by insurance. Later, when I asked why the insurance coverage was at my own expense, I received a reply saying, "It takes a long time to inspect and it is a problem if cancellation occurs, so I set it higher so that it will not be canceled", and the open mouth did not close. bottom. For such a reason, we will set a separate amount as a reservation fee and receive a deposit etc., and will refund it when it is inspected. I think that you should take measures such as. Also, since it is covered by insurance, if you show your insurance card at the ward office at a later date, you will be covered by insurance. If you apply for something set by the hospital at your own expense, you will not be able to get a refund. So please be careful. At other hospitals, the same test may be covered by insurance. It's too expensive to ask a nursing teacher. I was surprised. Since we are a child, there should be no burden on the baby's medical certificate, but it was ridiculous to pay 50,000 here and decided to transfer to the hospital.

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