ホリデー車検 桜川

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ホリデー車検 桜川 - ホリデー車検は一歩先の安心を考えます - Holiday-fc.co.jp

大阪府大阪市での車検はホリデー車検 桜川へ。ホリデー車検は「対話型立会い車検NO.1!」安くて、早くて、安心です。また、当ホームページから車検のインターネット予約が行なえます。

Contact ホリデー車検 桜川

住所 :

Sakuragawa, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0022 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.holiday-fc.co.jp/shop/osaka/sakuragawa
街 : Osaka

Sakuragawa, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0022 Osaka,Japan
植田早奈恵 on Google

とっても丁寧な接客でした。 受付ももちろん、車検してくれた方も分かりやすくて良かったです!
It was a very polite customer service. Of course it was good that the receptionist was also easy to understand if you inspected the car!
田中千恵子 on Google

毎年タントエグゼの車検はこちらで安心❗️ 点検時間もあっという間に過ぎて、 立会い点検も丁寧です。 料金も明瞭会計で納得? 女性でも気軽にお任せできます。? 今回は車内の抗菌除菌もできるチタセラン施工も オーダー。3ヶ月効果が持続して何と2200円です。 それが、今ならGoogle口コミキャンペーンで、 無料になります。めちゃお得✨
You can rest assured that Tanto Exe's vehicle inspection is here every year ❗️ The inspection time passed in no time, Witness inspection is also polite. Convinced by clear accounting ? Even women can feel free to leave it to us. ? This time, we also installed Chitaselan, which can also disinfect the inside of the car. order. The effect lasts for 3 months and it is 2200 yen. That's now the Google word-of-mouth campaign, It will be free. Great deals ✨
村井昭郎 on Google

Previously, I had a car inspection at Holiday Car Inspection Sakuragawa-san, but this time as well, the response is still good, and of course the friendliness is good, and it feels very good. Please take care of yourself and do your best in the future.
yu yu on Google

スタッフの方が皆さん親切で、とても丁寧に対応してくれます。 事務所内も明るく清潔な雰囲気✨ 待合室にはフリードリンクやキャンディーが用意されていて仮に長時間になっても気になりません。
The staff are all kind and very polite. Bright and clean atmosphere in the office ✨ Free drinks and candies are prepared in the waiting room, so even if it takes a long time, it doesn't matter.
nae funa on Google

先日はお世話になりました。 受付の子の対応がとてもよく女性でも安心して車検を受けることができました。待合室も明るく清潔な感じがして待っている間もゆっくりできました。 車検も立会いで車に詳しくない私でも安心。次回もお願いする予定です。
You were very helpful the other day. The correspondence of the child of the reception was very well and even the woman was able to receive the car inspection at ease. The waiting room was bright and clean and I was able to relax slowly while waiting. Even if I'm not familiar with cars at the inspection, I'm relieved. I am planning to ask again next time.
千子村正 on Google

初めての車検でどこにしようか迷っていたところ、親戚からの紹介で利用させてもらいました。 初めてだったので何度も電話してしまったのですが、その都度丁寧に対応してもらえました。 待合室もキレイでゆったり出来ました。 費用も思っていたよりずっと安かったので、今後も利用させてもらおうと思っています。
When I was wondering where to go at the first car inspection, I was introduced by a relative and used it. It was my first time, so I called many times, but each time I received a polite response. The waiting room was also clean and spacious. The cost was much cheaper than I expected, so I will continue to use it in the future.
大廻憲広 on Google

I'm a former employee, and he seems to be busy with vehicle inspections this time. We also sell sheet metal, new cars and used cars, so why don't you feel free to stop by?
村上直樹むらやん on Google

I asked for it at the second vehicle inspection. The inside of the store is bright and the reception staff and maintenance staff are polite and kind, and you can receive a car inspection comfortably with a smile from beginning to end. It was good that the explanation of the maintenance person was easy to understand (● ^ o ^ ●)

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