
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば切り治太夫

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0021 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/zidaiyu96
街 : Osaka

Saiwaicho, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0021 Osaka,Japan
えつじ on Google

I had delicious new soba. I can't stand it and have a little sake ?
Tomoko Tsutsui on Google

味はとても美味しいです。 すだち蕎麦(冷)がオススメです。 昼の定食メニューがなくなってしまったのが残念。
The taste is very delicious. Sudachi soba (cold) is recommended. It's a pity that the lunch set menu has disappeared.
ぬーぐるまっぷ on Google

十割蕎麦の冷と天ぷらのセット、追加でしそじゃこ飯を注文。 蕎麦はぼそぼそとして、噛みごたえがある。ツルツルと召し上がりたいなら、つなぎありの麺を選ぶといいかも。 しそじゃこ飯はかなりオススメ。 味は満足だが、待ち時間がかなりあるので、星マイナス1で3つ評価。
A set of cold 100% buckwheat noodles and tempura, and an additional order of shisojako rice. Soba is chewy and chewy. If you want to enjoy it smoothly, you may want to choose noodles with a joint. Shisojako rice is highly recommended. The taste is satisfactory, but the waiting time is quite long, so I rated 3 with a star minus 1.
はちあっこ on Google

初めて入るので、十割もり蕎麦を注文。 粗挽きの食感と香りが760円で楽しめる コスパのいいお店です。
As I enter for the first time, I order tartar soba. Enjoy roasted texture and aroma of 760 yen It is a good store of COSPA.
ni ko on Google

以前から気になっていたお蕎麦屋さん 夜は21:30まで営業されてるようです。 鴨汁(十割そば)とホクホク里芋 とっても美味しかったです☆ 〆のそば湯もぜひいただいてほしいです。
A soba shop that I've been worried about for a long time It seems to be open until 21:30 at night. Duck soup (10% soba) and hokuhoku taro It was very delicious ☆ I want you to have 〆 no soba hot water.
黒坊主II世 on Google

「蕎麦屋」の蕎麦は本来注文してから提供まで時間がかかるもの。特に挽きたて・打ちたて・湯がきたてを意識している店は当然のことで、注文して直ぐに出てくるようなものを求める方は別の店に行くことをお勧めします。また接客云々にこだわる方も同様。超絶に酷いというのならまだしも、些細な表現・言葉を敏感に察知してそれが原因で食事が不味くなるというのなら、サービス万全のチェーン店等で食事されることを強く推奨します。その方が安心して美味しく食べれるでしょう。 で、平成30年12月16日、4度目の訪問です。 本日の蕎麦は北海道寿都郡黒松内町産の奈川在来種を使用。盛り蕎麦と鴨汁蕎麦を頂きました。 全体的にやや白く見える蕎麦切りですが、紛れもなく挽きぐるみ。星が飛びまくっています。やや太切りに裁断された蕎麦切りは、弾力・コシともに抜群の食感で、しっかり噛んで食べ、香りを鼻腔に送り込みます。そして非常に十割らしくボソッと感があり、唇を楽しませてくれます。蕎麦の香りは抜群で、一口噛むだけで頭蓋を香りが駆け巡る感じがしました。そしてとにかく蕎麦の甘みが強烈で、食べ終わったあとでも甘みの余韻がずっと残っています。 もう何度か来ていますが、いつ来ても全くハズレのない安定した素晴らしい蕎麦が堪能できます。 【以前の記事】 久しぶりに高品位・高満足な蕎麦を頂くことができました。食べたのは12月初旬で新蕎麦が楽しめる時期ですが、このお店で十割蕎麦を頂きました。 星が飛ぶ全体的にはやや黒みがかった太めの蕎麦切りで、弾力・歯ごたえが十分過ぎるぐらい噛みごたえのある男らしい食感。蕎麦を「飲む」なんて勿体無い、これはしっかりと噛んで口中で咀嚼して蕎麦の香りを鼻腔に運んで食べるべき蕎麦切りだと感じました。 十割新蕎麦の風味のインパクトは抜群。誰が、どんな人が食べても「これぞ蕎麦!」がわかるくらい十分な風味が鼻腔を駆け回ります。無論味は申し分なく、減点要素など全くありません。 蕎麦汁は醤油風味が強めの辛口テイストといった感じで、この蕎麦切りには素晴らしいマッチングだと思います。 最後に、私はそば切りを「塩で食べる」ということがあまり好きではなく、また塩で食べることを勧めてこられるのもあまりいい気持ちがしません。勿論「塩で食す」ことを否定するわけではありませんが、食べ方や好みは千差万別・十人十色。食べる人が好きなように食べればいいのです。そう考えている私が、はじめて「塩で食べて美味しい!」と思わせたのがこのお店の蕎麦でした。塩で食べると圧倒的に蕎麦の香りが頭蓋の中を走り回る感じがして感動を覚えました。 蕎麦処まで足を延ばさずとも、こんなに素晴らしい蕎麦と出会えたことに感謝したいです。
Soba from "Soba-ya" takes a long time to serve after ordering. Of course, it is natural for stores that are conscious of freshly ground, freshly beaten, and freshly hot water, and if you are looking for something that comes out immediately after ordering, we recommend that you go to another store. .. The same applies to those who are particular about customer service. If it is terrible for transcendence, but if you are sensitive to trivial expressions and words and it makes your meal unpleasant, we strongly recommend that you eat at a chain store with perfect service. That way you can eat deliciously with peace of mind. So, this is my 4th visit on December 16, 2018. Today's soba uses Nagawa native species from Kuromatsunai-cho, Suttsu-gun, Hokkaido. I had morisoba and duck soup soba. The soba slices look a little white overall, but they are definitely ground. The stars are flying around. The soba slices, which are cut into slightly thick slices, have an excellent elasticity and chewy texture, and they are chewed firmly and the aroma is sent to the nasal cavity. And it is very 100% and has a lumpy feeling, which makes your lips entertaining. The scent of soba was outstanding, and I felt that the scent ran around the skull with just a bite. And anyway, the sweetness of soba is so strong that the lingering sweetness remains even after eating. I've been there several times, but whenever I come, I can enjoy the stable and wonderful soba noodles without any loss. [Previous article] I was able to get high quality and highly satisfying soba for the first time in a long time. I ate it in early December, when I can enjoy new soba noodles, but I got 100% soba noodles at this shop. The stars fly. Overall, it is a thick, slightly blackish soba slice, and has a masculine texture that is chewy enough to have more than enough elasticity and chewy texture. It's a waste to "drink" buckwheat noodles, and I felt that this was a buckwheat noodle that should be chewed firmly and chewed in the mouth to bring the aroma of buckwheat to the nasal cavity and eat it. The impact of the flavor of 100% new soba is outstanding. No matter who eats it, it has enough flavor to run around the nasal cavity so that you can understand "This is soba!" Of course, the taste is perfect, and there are no deduction factors. The soba juice has a dry taste with a strong soy sauce flavor, and I think it is a great match for this soba slice. Finally, I don't really like "eating with salt" and I don't like being encouraged to eat it with salt. Of course, I do not deny "eating with salt", but there are many different ways to eat and tastes. You can eat as you like. It was the soba noodles at this restaurant that made me think "It's delicious to eat with salt!" For the first time. When I ate it with salt, I was impressed by the overwhelming scent of soba running around in my skull. I would like to thank you for meeting such a wonderful soba without having to go to the soba restaurant.
vette 0244 on Google

浪速区に位置する本格蕎麦屋。 蕎麦湯も特濃! #大阪 #浪速区 #桜川 #難波 #ミナミ #蕎麦 #十割そば #そば切り治太夫 #OSAKA #NANIWAKU #SOBA
Full-scale soba is located in Naniwa-ku. Sobayu also Tokuno! # Osaka # Naniwa-ku # Sakuragawa # Namba # South # buckwheat # ten percent buckwheat # Soba Soba #OSAKA #NANIWAKU #SOBA
Julien Chevrier on Google

Really good sobas !

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