そば処 水火風弘(スイカフウコ) 作並

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処 水火風弘(スイカフウコ) 作並

住所 :

Sakunami, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒989-3431 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/sr3g5x7j0000/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM
街 : Miyagi

Sakunami, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒989-3431 Miyagi,Japan
若林之彦 on Google

里山の景色を愛でるには素晴らしいロケーションですが。 ダイニング、座り心地宜しからず。 写真撮る気も失せる。 蕎麦は素晴らしいが2種在る汁が何れも・・・・・。 星は投稿に必要なので一つ(個人的には星は付かない)。 最後に一言。 二度目はナイですね。
It's a great location to enjoy the view of Satoyama. Dining, uncomfortable to sit on. I also feel like taking a picture. Soba is wonderful, but there are two types of soba. One star is required for posting (personally, no star is attached). One last word. The second time is Nai.
ceiestial blue on Google

作並温泉の手前にある山の中のお蕎麦屋さん。 お蕎麦屋さんとは思えないようなジャズが流れていて、店内には囲炉裏があり、周りには楽器が並んでいました。 何だか楽しそう(笑) 更科蕎麦はもちろん、サクサクの天ぷらが美味しい♪ 暑い日には特に食べたくなるお蕎麦です☆
A soba restaurant in the mountains in front of Sakunami Onsen. There was a jazz that didn't seem like a soba restaurant, there was a hearth inside the store, and there were musical instruments lined up around. Somehow it looks fun (laughs) Not only Sarashina soba but crispy tempura is delicious♪ It's a soba that you'll want to eat especially on hot days☆
ゴン on Google

車道から少し奥に入った所にある蕎麦屋さんです、喉ごしがよく美味しい蕎麦が食べられます。 天丼のセットはボリュームもあり満足出来ました。
It's a soba restaurant located a little further back from the road, and you can eat delicious soba with a good throat. I was satisfied with the set of Tendon because of its volume.
masao 4117 on Google

I ordered a walnut colander. There was a mashed walnut in the soup. The soba was also delicious, and the soup was also delicious. I am very satisfied with the homemade gelato.
スゥミィ on Google

A soba restaurant just after entering the road to Oku-Nikkawa in front of Sakunami Onsen. It is said that the soba noodles served with walnut juice are the most popular, but the duck juice is also excellent.
ウリウリ on Google

国道48号線作並街道沿いから脇道に反れた場所に店を構える隠れ家の様なお蕎麦屋さんです。 街道を走っていると脇道の入り口に突然『蕎麦』のノボリが立っているので通りすがりで漠然と食べ物屋を探している方は多分勢いで通り越してしまうと思います。 店の外観はパッと見落ち着いた感じで有りつつ何処か遊び心も有るのかな?と思いました。 落ち着いた和風の感じだと思ったら、洋風な雰囲気も有る店内です。 囲炉裏が有るのにテラスが有って何故かギター迄。 席から望む苔むした深緑はお蕎麦をいただきながら好ましく思えました。 店内に入ると店員さんに初めてかどうかを訊ねられました。当然初めてだったので、そう答えると店の一押しを薦められました。 胡桃出汁の天ざるがお薦めとの事だったので俺はソチラを注文。 嫁は何故か普通の天ざるを注文していました。 冒険をしない娘です。 個人的な結論としては胡桃が苦手って言う訳でも無い限り自分としては断然胡桃出汁の天ざるをお薦めします。 蕎麦のボリューム的には成人男性としては全然足りなかったのでお腹一杯食べたい人は大盛りを注文された方がヨロシイかと。 良店です。
It is a soba restaurant that looks like a hideaway with a shop on the side road from the Sakunami Highway on Route 48. When you are running on the highway, a "soba" nobori suddenly stands at the entrance of the side road, so if you are vaguely looking for a food shop by passing by, you will probably pass by. The appearance of the store looks calm, but is there some playfulness? I thought. If you think it's a calm Japanese style, it has a Western atmosphere. Even though there is a hearth, there is a terrace and for some reason even a guitar. The mossy dark green that I saw from the seat seemed to be preferable while having soba noodles. When I entered the store, the clerk asked me if it was my first time. Of course, it was my first time, so when I answered that, I was recommended to recommend the store. It was said that the walnut soup stock was recommended, so I ordered Sochira. For some reason, the bride ordered an ordinary colander. A daughter who does not have an adventure. As a personal conclusion, unless you are not good at walnuts, I definitely recommend walnut soup stock. The volume of soba wasn't enough for an adult man at all, so if you want to eat a full stomach, it's better to order a large serving. It is a good store.
見知らぬひと。 on Google

くるみ天ざるそばを食べました! 値段は1500円と少し高めです! そばつゆに入っているくるみが口の中に広がりそばの味とよく合います。 天ぷらも油っこくなく衣もサクサクしてました。
I ate walnut tenzaru soba! The price is a little high at 1500 yen! The walnuts in the soba soup spread in your mouth and go well with the taste of soba. The tempura was not greasy and the clothes were crispy.
加藤清佳 on Google

囲炉裏のある店内に気分があがりつつ、横をみると近代アート?が飾られていて不思議な店内でした。囲炉裏の席は食べづらそうなので移動しました。 天ぷらは美味しいと思ったのですが、肝心のお蕎麦はふにゃふにゃ。そういうお蕎麦なのでしょうか? くるみだれは甘いので好みが分かれると思います。 そば湯はぬるく、店員さんにお願いしても再度ぬるいものしか出てきませんでした。 一番残念なのはお漬物です。商業用大量パックのような味と食感でした。 後ろの席に座ったご夫婦も味について不満そうに喋っていたのですが、他のクチコミを見ると高評価でびっくりしました。その日は何か不具合でもあったのでしょうか?
Looking sideways while feeling up in the store with a hearth, is it modern art? It was a mysterious store that was decorated with. I moved to the hearth seat because it seems difficult to eat. I thought the tempura was delicious, but the essential soba was fluffy. Is it such a soba? Walnuts are sweet, so I think they have different tastes. The soba bath was lukewarm, and even if I asked the clerk, only lukewarm ones came out again. The most disappointing thing is pickles. It tasted and textured like a large commercial pack. The couple sitting in the back seat were also dissatisfied with the taste, but when I saw other reviews, I was surprised at the high evaluation. Was there something wrong with that day?

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