SAKE Bar ゆう

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SAKE Bar ゆう

住所 :

Kabe, Asakita Ward, 〒731-0221 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Kabe, Asakita Ward, 〒731-0221 Hiroshima,Japan
安永多恵 on Google

There are many types of sake, and it's fun to choose. The rice is also delicious.
前原洋祐 on Google

オーナーの祐さんがよくわかってらっしゃる。 素材の味を活かした料理と、美味しい広島の日本酒。 最高です?
You know the owner, Yu-san. Dishes that make the most of the taste of the ingredients and delicious Hiroshima sake. The best ?
Jo Jo on Google

A fashionable glass shop in front of the station in a cute town.
ka yo on Google

コースを予約して伺いました 色んなお酒があってどれを選んでいいか… 好みを伝えて持ってきていただきました 料理もお酒に合う! 色んなものを少しずつ 日本酒かけバニラアイスは変わってて これも美味しかった お酒は二種類しか飲めなかったから また行きたいと思います
I booked a course and asked There are various kinds of sake and which one to choose ... I told you my taste and brought it Cooking goes well with alcohol! Little by little The sake vanilla ice cream has changed This was also delicious I could only drink two kinds of sake I think I want to go again
べるうふふ on Google

オシャレな内装で店員さんも適度に話してくれる気軽なお店です。 注文も大将がお酒に合う料理を出してくれるので、悩む必要が無くて会話に集中できる雰囲気で良かったです。
It is a casual shop with a stylish interior and the clerk can talk appropriately. As for the order, the general will serve the food that goes well with the sake, so it was good to have an atmosphere where you can concentrate on the conversation without having to worry.
kousen kouei on Google

The food is delicious and there are various types of sake, so it has a good taste. The shops around me, including this one, are doing their best, and the quality is very good, so no matter which shop you stop by, you will love the town of Kabe a little.
ヒロ on Google

食事と旨い酒が楽しめるバルです!! 面白い趣向で利き酒セット、食べたい料理に向くお酒?で、なおかつ好み(辛口とか甘口、純米、スッキリ等)マスターと話聞きながら自分好みのお酒も探せます。お酒も紫外線に当てないように温度管理もしっかり大切にされてる様が美味しさを際立たせてくれます。 因みに、マスターはそんな事一言もうるさく言われ無いので難しいお店ではありませんので安心して楽しんでください。
It's a bar where you can enjoy food and delicious sake !! You can find your favorite liquor while talking with your favorite (dry or sweet, pure rice, refreshing, etc.) master with a tasting sake set with an interesting taste, liquor suitable for the dish you want to eat ?. The fact that temperature control is also important so that alcohol is not exposed to ultraviolet rays makes the deliciousness stand out. By the way, Master doesn't say such a thing annoyingly, so it's not a difficult shop, so please enjoy it with confidence.
mksch00l on Google

やや寂れた感のある可部駅東口の前に、灯台の如くポツンと目立つお店、ほぼガラス張りなので、外から中の様子が伺えます お店は日本酒が主体、日本酒も料理も決まったメニューは無く、選ばれた食材からアテ3点5点7点盛りを選びます、マスターは関西で長い間、修業された方で、お酒に合うアテを造ってくれます 最初にアテ3点を選びました、3点は甘くない最中(中の具は忘れた)炙り鯖生ズシ、ばい貝煮と手が込んでます 甘旨な日本酒をリクエストすると新潟佐渡の尾畑酒造の学校蔵と云う酒が登場、初めて見ましたが、淡麗辛口では無い、良い意味で非新潟的なお酒ですね、その後福島に復活した磐城壽の新ラベル、聞いたことはあるが初めて実物を見た、広島熊野の大号令なんぞを呑みます(大号令は正直、今一つかなと思ったが、若い杜氏さんに変わったそうなので、今後要注目かも) お酒は120ccで700円ぐらいかな、少量の飲み比べセットもあるみたいです、個人のツテで入荷されているものが多く、今ここでしか飲めないモノも色々 お店は午後四時からなので、明るいうちからお酒が楽しめます その日の気分でフラッと行きたいお店ですが、人気店なので予約必須
In front of the east exit of Kabe Station, which has a slightly lonely feeling, the shop stands out like a lighthouse, and it is almost glass-walled, so you can see the inside from the outside. The shop is mainly Japanese sake, there is no fixed menu for sake and dishes, and you can choose 3 points, 5 points, and 7 points from the selected ingredients. Will make a suitable dish At first I chose 3 points of Ate, 3 points are not sweet (I forgot the ingredients inside) Roasted mackerel Zushi, boiled mackerel and simmered When I requested sweet sake, a sake called Obata Shuzo's school brewery in Sado, Niigata appeared. I swallow the new label of Toshi, the big command of Hiroshima Kumano, which I have heard but saw the real thing for the first time (I thought that the big command is honestly not good, but it seems that it has changed to Mr. Mori, so it will be necessary in the future Attention) Alcohol is about 700 yen for 120cc, and there seems to be a set for comparing small drinks. The shop starts at 4 pm, so you can enjoy sake while it's bright. It's a shop that you want to go to in the mood of the day, but it's a popular shop so reservations are required

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