三代目網元 さかなや道場 可部店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三代目網元 さかなや道場 可部店

住所 :

Kabe, Asakita Ward, 〒731-0221 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001154322/
街 : Hiroshima

Kabe, Asakita Ward, 〒731-0221 Hiroshima,Japan
W213まっく on Google

コース頼んだけど量が少ない。 結局追加頼む羽目になる。 味も微妙〜。 もう次は無いね。
I ordered a course but the amount is small. In the end, I end up asking for more. The taste is also subtle. There is no more next.
can mic on Google

Isn't the conger eel tempura rotten? I spit it out because it was so bad.
鍛え抜かれた精鋭と技と力 on Google

Since it is a Korean-style hot pot type, you can choose two types of soup stock, but if the amount of soup stock is large from the beginning, you can overcome the partition and mix the soup stock. It became a mixed and complex taste pot
植林博之 on Google

All-you-can-drink for an hour is a great deal! One dish is expensive
hi to on Google

マジで接客はやばいし、寿司はベチャベチャで シャリがぬるいし不味いしマジで終わってる。
Seriously, the customer service is bad, and the sushi is messy. The rice is slimy and unpleasant, and it really ends up.
菜穂 on Google

メニューにないものをリクエストしたら ちゃんと対応してもらえて満足です。ひと言言うなら 店内の温度が引くく 寒かったので 飲み物が進まなかったです。スタッフさんの対応も すごく良かったです。また行きたいと思います
If you request something that is not on the menu, I am happy that you will respond properly. In a word, the temperature inside the store is low It was cold so I couldn't drink. The correspondence of the staff was also very good. I think I want to go again
うほ on Google

可部で必ず空いてるお店です。 滑り止めって感じでしょうか 味はまあまあ。魚屋だけど魚がすくない…笑笑 可部でやっていくには仕入れも厳しいと思います。 潰れないでください! 店長も店員さんも一生懸命頑張ってます! 好きです!
It is a shop that is always vacant in Kabe. Does it feel like non-slip? The taste is ok. It's a fish shop, but I don't have many fish ... lol I think it is difficult to purchase in Kabe. Don't crush! Both the store manager and the clerk are working hard! I like it!
佐々木広宣 on Google

It was really delicious today too (laughs)

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