Sakamaki Onsen Inn - Matsumoto

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakamaki Onsen Inn

住所 :

上高地 Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-1516, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 390-1516
Webサイト :
Description : Relaxed rooms in a laid-back inn offering dining & open-air hot spring baths.

上高地 Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-1516, Japan
吉野博美 on Google

部屋にトイレ、冷蔵庫、お風呂、エアコンはないですが食事中にささっとお布団敷いてくれてお風呂も掃除している以外はいつでも入れるからありがたい。 温泉の泉質は良いけど熱めなのでゆっくり入れないのが残念。車通りの激しい場所なので車の出し入れが恐怖!なかなか道路に出れない。でも上高地までバス停すぐだし宿泊者はチェックアウトした後に日帰り温泉無料のサービスと車も停めておけるのがありがたいです。また上高地行くときは予約したいと思います!
There is no toilet, refrigerator, bath, or air conditioner in the room, but I'm grateful that I can put it in at any time except for the quick laying of futons during meals and cleaning the bath. The quality of the hot spring is good, but it's hot, so it's a pity that you can't put it in slowly. It's a busy place, so I'm afraid to get in and out of the car! It's hard to get out on the road. However, the bus stop is just around the corner to Kamikochi, and guests are grateful that they can park their car and a free day trip hot spring service after checking out. I would like to make a reservation when I go to Kamikochi again!
呉龍権 on Google

バスで向かった上高地、そこからの帰り道。 釜トンネルから中の湯温泉に行くには遠すぎました。 ただ、釜トンネルで待っていても寒いだけなので、歩いて体を温めようと思って沢渡まで歩くことにしました。 20分ほど歩いたところに、坂巻温泉があります。 実は日帰り時間が過ぎていたので、温泉に入れないことは承知していました。 でも、温泉で待たせてもらったら沢渡まで歩かなくても済むのではないかと思い始めました。 坂巻温泉前がバス停ですからね。 そこで、オーナーさんに相談したら、「まってもらっていいよ」と快諾してくださいました。 おかげさまで寒い思いをせず、1時間ほど店内でゆっくり待たせていただけました。 もちろん感謝の気持ちを込めて、店内の売店でお土産を購入させていただきました。 それでも、ありがたい。
Kamikochi headed by bus, the way back from there. It was too far to go from the Kama tunnel to Nakanoyu Onsen. However, even if I waited in the Kama tunnel, it was only cold, so I decided to walk to Sawatari to warm my body. Sakamaki Onsen is about 20 minutes walk away. Actually, I knew that I couldn't take a hot spring because the day trip time had passed. However, I began to think that if I had to wait at the hot spring, I wouldn't have to walk to Sawatari. The bus stop is in front of Sakamaki Onsen. So, when I consulted with the owner, he kindly agreed that I could have him wait. Thanks to you, I was able to wait for about an hour in the store without feeling cold. Of course, with gratitude, I bought souvenirs at the shop inside the store. Still, thank you.
john HONEST on Google

2021 11 10 wed 宿泊。104室 こまくさ 8畳 濡れ縁2畳 流しあり。トイレ無し。すぐ隣のドアが露天風呂入口 消費税他コミコミ2.5万円 バス停のすぐそば。宿裏には朽ちたトンネル。朽ちた釣り橋。秘境の雰囲気満載。露天風呂からは対岸の山崩れが何箇所も見える。宿も古めだが値段も安い。翌日宿泊した中の湯温泉よりは点数が高い。また来たい宿だ。
2021 11 10 wed Overnight. 104 rooms, 8 tatami mats, 2 tatami mats with wet edges, and a sink. No toilet. The door next to it is the entrance to the open-air bath, consumption tax, etc. Comicomi 25,000 yen Right next to the bus stop. A decaying tunnel behind the inn. A decaying fishing bridge. Full of unexplored atmosphere. From the open-air bath, you can see many landslides on the opposite bank. The inn is old, but the price is cheap. The score is higher than that of Nakanoyu Onsen where I stayed the next day. I want to come back again.
前田昌也 on Google

お湯は41度くらいと高め。露天風呂は洗い場がないので立ち寄り湯は内風呂になるのだが水風呂や涼むところがないので長居できないのが難点。いい湯なのに残念。 洗い場、脱衣場は4人が限度。
The hot water is as high as 41 degrees. The open-air bath does not have a washroom, so you can drop in at the indoor bath, but there is no water bath or cool place, so you cannot stay long. It's a shame though it's a good hot water. The washing area and dressing area are limited to 4 people.
旅好き on Google

だいぶ昔に日帰り入浴で立ち寄った。当時500円。透明無臭と言うか湯の華が混じった温泉。 旅館が冬季休業中、露天風呂は無料開放してて運が良ければ無料で入浴出来たが今はどうなんだろ?
A long time ago, I stopped by for a day trip bath. 500 yen at that time. A hot spring that is transparent and odorless, or mixed with hot springs. While the ryokan is closed in winter, the open-air bath is open for free, and if you're lucky, you could take a bath for free, but what about now?
クロ on Google

上高地へ向かうトンネルの間に入口があります。通過すると本当に一瞬しか見えないので見落としに注意です。 温泉は内湯と露天風呂がありました。内湯はタイル張りになっていました。露天風呂は着替えて離れた場所まで歩かなければなりませんが、特に嫌な気持ちにはなりませんでした。露天風呂は自然石を配置した浴槽になっていました。施設の入口には激熱な温泉が出ている場所がありました。 日本秘湯の会に所属している宿だそうです。
There is an entrance between the tunnels to Kamikochi. Be careful not to overlook it as you can only see it for a moment when you pass it. The hot spring had an indoor bath and an open-air bath. The indoor bath was tiled. I had to change clothes and walk to a remote place in the open-air bath, but I didn't feel particularly unpleasant. The open-air bath was a bathtub with natural stones. At the entrance of the facility, there was a place where a hot spring was coming out. It seems that it is an inn that belongs to the Japan Association of Secluded Hot Springs.
Jorg Altenburg on Google

Not very clean onsen.
Nicolas on Google

clean, great service, but next to the road so noisy

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