Sakamaki Clinic - Kumagaya

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakamaki Clinic

住所 :

酒巻クリニック 555 Harajima, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 360-0811
Webサイト :

酒巻クリニック 555 Harajima, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0811, Japan
肉汁うどん on Google

I am indebted in otolaryngology. It is a complete reservation system. I will examine you very carefully. The consultation takes some time. The medicine is prescription in the hospital.
小林 on Google

酒巻クリニック様には、息子が花粉症や、滲出性中耳炎などでお世話になっています。 予約制で、多少待ちますが、耳鼻咽喉科の先生が素晴らしい女医の先生です。 沢山の患者さんを見られていますが、疲れも見せず、詳しく検査し、治療やアドバイスしてくださいます。
At Sakamaki Clinic, my son is taking care of hay fever and otitis media with effusion. It's a reservation system, but wait a while, but the ENT doctor is a wonderful female doctor. Although we see many patients, they do not show any fatigue and will be examined in detail, treated and advised.
Tsuneyosi Ootsuka on Google

Only a few doctors are good doctors. In Saitama, there are a few more conscientious doctors in my experience, just like the Ono Clinic in Ogawa Village. Ohno-sensei is also a good year and I want him to continue forever. Large hospitals are scary and unreliable because there are not a few people who can't see their faces, benignism, or self-proclaimed doctors = pharmaceutical companies.
Negi Sasa on Google

I'm very busy, and I'll ask a different otolaryngologist next time, so I won't go anymore.
miru meru on Google

I don't know the plastic surgery teacher, but the female otolaryngologist was too scared to go to school.
アルパカ“カントリーマアム”ゆっぺ on Google

ギックリ腰で何度か整形に、外耳炎で耳鼻科にかかりました。 整形の先生はとても気さくで話しやすいです。腰に電気を流すリハビリのみでも通えたため、早く回復しました。 耳鼻科の先生は一見クールですが話しをよく聞いてくれ、診察も丁寧です。きちんと炎症をとるために細菌検査をしてくれて、薬も適切に選んでくれます。効果のある薬を使うため治りも早かったです。完全予約制でも時々待つこともありますが、丁寧な診察と訴えを聞いてくれるため不満はありません。
I had some plastic surgery on my hips, and I had otitis with otitis externa. The orthopedic teacher is very friendly and easy to talk to. I was able to get through the rehabilitation only with electricity on my waist, so I recovered quickly. The otolaryngologist is cool at first glance, but he listens well and the examination is very careful. It does a bacteriological test to properly get rid of inflammation, and selects medicine appropriately. He was quick to heal because he used effective drugs. Even if you have a complete reservation system, you may have to wait from time to time, but there is no dissatisfaction as he listens to a careful examination and appeal.
門池太一 on Google

色々ありましたが、 「後でやっぱり見てくださいとか泣きついてこないでくださいよ?」 と言い放つ大層ご立派な女医様でした。 なにか勘違いされても困るので、 「なんで泣きつかなきゃならないんですか?先生じゃなきゃ見れないわけじゃないですよね?」 とお答えしたら、「電話切ります、お会計させてもらいます!」と終話。 もし患者からセカンドオピニオンなんて言葉聞いたらこちらの先生はどういった反応をされるのか? ※コロナ感染対策は徹底しているようなので駐車場待機で電話でのやり取りを徹底しています。 患者の話を聞いてくれる等と書かれているレビューや、ホームページでもその様に書かれているようですが、わたくし個人の見解としては医者の言う事を聞かない(意の通りにならない)なら圧力的に話をされるだけでしたね。 それ以前に電話で当日の予約が可能か09:00からかけ続けて1時間弱してつながった際の電話口の女性には「今日可能であれば予約をお願いしたいんですが?」に対して”返答一番”「今日じゃなきゃダメですかぁ~?(ヘラヘラ」と言われてその時点で止めておけばよかったと後悔しかないですね。 今の時代は、立地・院/医師のスタイル・スタッフの応対・設備、全てにおいて納得のいく場所で治療を受けたいと願っている人が大勢います。 この院が合う方もいるでしょうし、私の様に合わないと感じる人もいるでしょう。 だれかの参考になれば幸いです。 まぁ、全容書いてたらこの3倍かかるので、「話半分以下」で読んで下さればいいかと。
There were various things, "Don't you look at me later or cry?" It was a great female doctor who said that. I don't want to be misunderstood, so "Why do I have to cry? It's not that I can't see it unless I'm a teacher, right?" When I answered, "I will hang up the phone, I will pay you!" What kind of reaction does this teacher have if he hears the word "second opinion" from the patient? * It seems that measures against corona infection are thorough, so we are thoroughly communicating over the phone while waiting in the parking lot. It seems that the reviews that say that they will listen to the patient's story and the homepage also say that, but in my personal opinion, if you do not listen to the doctor (it does not go as you want) You just talked pressurefully. Is it possible to make a reservation for the day by phone before that? When the woman on the phone who made a call from 09:00 and connected for less than an hour, asked "I would like to make a reservation if possible today?" I have no choice but to regret that I should have stopped at that point when I was told "No. 1 reply" and "Isn't it necessary today?" In this era, there are many people who want to receive treatment in a place that is convincing in terms of location, hospital / doctor style, staff reception, and equipment. Some people will find this hospital suitable, and others will find it unsuitable for me. I hope it helps someone. Well, if I write the whole story, it will take three times as much as this, so I wonder if I should read it in "less than half the story".
9034 am on Google

耳鼻咽喉科で何度か受診していますが、毎回とても待ちます!! 予約10時にしても、診察室に呼ばれるのは12時とか普通です。 しかも毎回電話がまったくつながりません!!! 今日も、予約したくて午前中から何度も何度も電話しているのですが、一向に出てくれません。コール音は鳴るので、受付が意図的に無視しているのでしょう。「一般の電話は無視していいから」とか、そういう方針なのでしょうか? 急病のときに助けてほしくても、これじゃ無理ですね。。。 女医さんはハキハキしていて、質問すれば詳しく説明してくれる方です。高圧的に感じることもありますが、まぁ満足なほうです。駐車場待機など、コロナ対策もしっかりしています。
I have been to the otolaryngology department several times, but I wait very much every time! !! Even if you make a reservation at 10 o'clock, it is normal to be called to the examination room at 12 o'clock. What's more, the phone doesn't connect at all every time! !! !! I've been calling again and again from the morning because I wanted to make a reservation today, but I can't answer at all. The call sounds, so the receptionist may have intentionally ignored it. Is it such a policy as "you can ignore ordinary telephones"? Even if you want help in case of sudden illness, this is not possible. .. .. The female doctor is very excited and will explain in detail if you ask a question. It may feel high pressure, but I'm satisfied with it. Corona measures such as waiting in the parking lot are also solid.

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