Sakakiya - Edogawa City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakakiya

住所 :

4 Chome-46-9 Matsushima, Edogawa City, Tokyo 132-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 132-0031
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

4 Chome-46-9 Matsushima, Edogawa City, Tokyo 132-0031, Japan
T D on Google

I went because I could use a gift certificate from Edogawa Ward. I didn't expect it to be a liquor store in the shopping district, but there was a wide variety of sake, the interior was beautiful, and the clerk was very friendly. It was a festival recommendation.
Hiro on Google

生酒の品揃えがそこそこあるのは良いと思います。 日本酒って本当に沢山あって、好きな銘柄探しても中々見つからないのが常。品揃えの好みについては普通でした。説明とかは割と淡白で、好みを伝えてお勧めを教えてもらう、といった感じではなかったです。 実際に飲んでいてその素晴らしさを語ってくれるのを期待するのは、日本酒専門店ではないので難しいのかも。
I think it's good that there is a decent assortment of raw sake. There are so many sakes, and even if you look for your favorite brand, you can't usually find it. The assortment preference was normal. The explanations were rather plain, and I didn't feel like telling them what they liked and recommending them. It may be difficult to expect people to actually drink and talk about their splendor because it is not a sake specialty store.
Sosuke on Google

日本酒を重点的に取り扱ってるお店。 それだけでなく、焼酎、ワインにも力を入れてあり、ウイスキーも取り扱っている。 日本酒は様々な種類があり、店員さんに聞けば色々と教えてくれる。 七田、菊姫、開運等はもちろんのこと、 特に獺祭はすごい売れる前から取り扱っているのは知ってたが、 最近では新潟県の「久保田」「越乃景虎」「鶴齡」、岐阜県の「初緑」「奥飛騨」、 山形県の「栄光冨士」、千葉県の「寒菊」、秋田県の「阿櫻」「雪の茅舎」、長野県の「どぶろく」などなど…、、、。 前には置いてなかったような商品も取り扱い始めてから更に魅力が上がったと思う。 そのせいか、年末に寄った時には店内にお客さんがごった返していた。 このご時世に密とか思うかもしれないが、それぐらい繁盛してるんだなと思った。 ビール、酎ハイなどの販売は辞めてしまったさうだが、確かに今はスーパーや、ディスカウントショップでビール等は沢山売られている。 その中で、日本酒、焼酎、ワイン等に的を絞り、種類を揃え、上手く考えられているなと思った。 お店に行けば、瓦版と書いてあるチラシを入れてくれたり、Facebook、Instagramで常に新しい商品が紹介されている。 最近では配達サービスも始めるそうで、、。 これからも利用していきたいと思います。
A shop that focuses on sake. Not only that, we are also focusing on shochu and wine, and we also handle whiskey. There are various types of sake, and if you ask the clerk, they will tell you various things. Not to mention Nanada, Kikuhime, good luck, etc. In particular, I knew that Asahi was handled before it sold very well, Recently, "Kubota", "Koshino Keitora", "Tsurusa" in Niigata Prefecture, "Hatsumidori", "Okuhida" in Gifu Prefecture, "Glorious Fuji" in Yamagata Prefecture, "Kangiku" in Chiba Prefecture, "Asakura" and "Yuki no Bosha" in Akita Prefecture, "Doburoku" in Nagano Prefecture, etc ... I think it has become even more attractive since I started handling products that I hadn't put before. Probably because of that, when I stopped by at the end of the year, the store was crowded with customers. You might think it's secret at this time, but I thought it was so prosperous. Although the sale of beer and chuhai has stopped, it is true that a lot of beer is sold at supermarkets and discount stores now. Among them, I focused on sake, shochu, wine, etc., arranged the types, and thought that they were well thought out. If you go to the store, you can put in a leaflet that says "Kawaraban", and new products are always introduced on Facebook and Instagram. Recently, it seems that a delivery service will be started. I would like to continue using it.
田中信宏 on Google

Since I bought a festival at the first store in March of 2018, I am interested in the product selection. At that time, the shop had a bit of dry impression, then Kuma of the Forest of Glory Fuji, after that it looked like a fine foaming of Tianshan, buying it with Spinning of Tianpu, it seems to be very normal became. Perhaps I thought it would be good to ask people who are being run by their families and thought to be their wife (?) Or daughter (?). It also responded to simple questions brightly. I do not buy local sake only, it is not as frequent as to remember face (only 4 times in 5 months), but there are also various treats such as shochu and wine, you surely tell us what you like when you taste It should be given up. I personally have a favorite mountain range, so I often go there. By the way, I could drink Tenpu without spitting out. It was delicious. Recently I bought some foaming chillies at Hachikaiyama, but when I drank it was a hot horse! I got a lot of drinking because I got drunk easily.
toufu mabo on Google

美味しい日本酒が手に入ります。冷蔵庫も整備され、品質も管理されてます。久保田、獺祭、七田等のお酒が手に入ります。常連になると日本酒を取っておいてくれるなど気を利かせてくれたりもします。 あまり愛想がないのですが、話すといろいろ教えてくれます。気軽に話しかけてみてください。
You can get delicious sake. The refrigerator is also maintained and the quality is controlled. You can get alcohol such as Kubota, Matsuri Festival, and Shichida. When you become a regular, you can take care of things such as taking sake. I don't have much love but I can tell you a lot when I speak. Please feel free to talk.
前村武雄 on Google

此処は新小岩のルミネ商店街の中ですね♪ 皆さん、私はお酒が飲めないのでご免なさい??日本の地域のお酒が有るみたいですね。??️?
This is in the Lumine shopping district of Shinkoiwa ♪ Everyone, please excuse me because I can't drink ?? It seems that there is alcohol in the Japanese region. ??️?
とちふうてんの on Google

全国の美味しい日本酒がけっこう揃っていて 酒好きにはたまらない店❣️ 店員さんの対応も適度で嬉しい。 二階の立ち飲み屋で試飲(勿論、有料です!)してから好みを購入するのも良いかと…
There are quite a lot of delicious sake from all over the country An irresistible shop for sake lovers ❣️ I am glad that the clerk's response is also moderate. Is it okay to buy your favorite after tachinomi (of course, there is a charge!) At the standing bar on the second floor ...
琴音 on Google

ワインはボトルのみの提供です。ほぼ小売価格でボトルが頼めますが、ワイングラス使用料で300円かかります。(それでも安いです) 料理はどちらかというと日本酒に合う物が多いので、ワインに合う料理がもう少しあると良いかなと思いました。
Wine is provided in bottles only. You can order a bottle at almost the retail price, but it costs 300 yen to use the wine glass. (Still cheap) Most of the dishes go well with sake, so I thought it would be nice to have a few more dishes that go well with wine.

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