サカイ引越センター 厚木ターミナル

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サカイ引越センター 厚木ターミナル

住所 :

Sakai, Atsugi, 〒243-0022 Kanagawa,Japan

街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Sakai, Atsugi, 〒243-0022 Kanagawa,Japan
今成信哉 on Google


If you get an estimate, you will get a phone call (; ・ ∀ ・)
内藤修 on Google

A man named Obayashi of an employee is arrogant and the worst
なお on Google

The part-time job here is harsh, and even though Obayashi who quit many people due to the driver Obayashi would be peaceful if he quit
茂男大内 on Google

I asked Sakai to move in January. When the move is over, I will decide to increase or decrease the number of stars!
たちたち on Google

う~ん サカイで引越を考えている方は必ず他の業者の見積りを取ってください。 私の勉強不足が悪いのですがかなりボッタくられました。 近々また引越しますが、サカイで見積りを取ってから他の業者で契約するつもりです。
Hmm If you are thinking of moving in Sakai, please be sure to get a quote from another company. My lack of study is bad, but I'm pretty confused. I will be moving again soon, but I plan to get a quote from Sakai and then contract with another company.
早瀬遊人 on Google

When I asked for a quote, it was quite expensive, so when I told him that I wanted to compare it with other companies, I had the worst impression that he said, "Cheap move or ask and regret it."
そちゃ on Google

I don't know if it's here, but I saw a driver of Panda Logi Atsugi driving while smoking a cigarette several times in the direction of Fujisawa. Is it okay to drive while smoking a cigarette at a moving company? Azusa Sano, a female driver.

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