Sakai Animal Clinic - Amagasaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakai Animal Clinic

住所 :

4-chome-1-32 Kuiseminamishinmachi, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 660-0822
Webサイト :

4-chome-1-32 Kuiseminamishinmachi, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0822, Japan
長谷川由香 on Google

いつ行っても先生は優しいです。 うちの子はここが好きで他の病院は嫌がるので引っ越した後もここに通ってます。
The teacher is kind whenever I go. My child likes this place and hates other hospitals, so I go here even after moving.
M Y on Google

ほぼ毎日診療されており、ペットを持つ者にとってはありがたい病院です 駐車場もあり、車で行っても、バイクでも、自転車でも助かります 病院に併設された美容室もありますし、以前はペットホテルでもお世話になりました スタッフの皆さんも、もちろん先生方も私達飼い主の気持ちを考えてくださる方ばかりでありがたいです 費用のことも教えてくださいますし、説明も的確でした
It is a hospital that is treated almost every day and is a great hospital for pet owners. There is also a parking lot, so you can go by car, bike, or bicycle. There is also a beauty salon attached to the hospital, and before that I also took care of it at a pet hotel We thank all the staff and of course the teachers for thinking about the feelings of our owners. Please tell me about the cost, and the explanation was accurate.
Kiyo on Google

院長先生と女性の先生に診て頂きましたが、お二人共とても親切で時間をかけてみてくれました。受付の対応もいい。 人気のため患者さんが多いのにも関わらずとても丁寧でした。金額もほかの動物クリニックと比べると良心的。
The doctor and the woman's teacher asked me to see him, but both of us were very kind and they took time. Accepting reception is also nice. Even though there are many patients because of popularity it was very polite. The amount is also conscientious compared to other animal clinics.
香月裕好 on Google

Lara-chan, who took care of 6 cats in my house, was commended as an elderly healthy cat. Chibi was 22 years old and lived 6 months long and went to heaven.
さえか on Google

まず入り口に灰皿があるのが意味が分からない。 名義が全員違うのに確認もなく検査代と注射代をまとめて請求された。 以前家族が受付してもらった筈なのに、1時間近く待ち合いで待たされたのに誰もスタッフが気づかないとはどうなのか?待っている間誰も疑問に思わずに通常業務をし続けて、『受付してもらった筈』と伝えたら『受付通っていない』と云われた(-_-メ)何人もスタッフいるのに受付に人がいない時間があり呼び鈴もないなからコッチから声をかけないと出てこないとか受付の意味は?診察は丁寧だが、複数頭診察してもらうと1匹終わる事に看護師さんが何処かに行く、呼んでも直ぐに来ない。もともと何の処置をするか理解した上てま看護師が待機するべきでわ?何もゆわずに飼い主が必然的に保定を手伝う。何の処置をするかの説明ぐらいするべきでわ?結果として、ワクチンは近いから行くが、それ以外はオススメしません。
First of all, I don't understand the meaning of having an ashtray at the entrance. Although all the names were different, I was billed for the examination fee and injection fee together without confirmation. What if my family had to accept me before, but I had to wait for almost an hour and no one noticed it? While I was waiting, no one wondered and continued to do normal work. When I told him that he should have been accepted, he said, "I haven't passed the reception." (-_- Me) Even though there are many staff members, there are times when there are no people at the reception and there are no doorbells, so I called out from Kochi. What does the reception mean if you don't come out? The examination is polite, but when multiple animals are examined, the nurse goes somewhere to finish one, and even if I call him, he doesn't come immediately. Should the nurse wait after understanding what to do? The owner inevitably helps with the retention without doing anything. Should I just explain what to do? As a result, the vaccine is close, but I don't recommend anything else.
しーたか on Google

I heard about the vaccine for the first time, but he was a very kind teacher ?? He taught me various things in detail even for me as a beginner ??
こたろう on Google

My cat is always indebted. The teachers and staff are all kind, devoted and can leave their cats with peace of mind. We look forward to your continued protection of local pets for many years to come.
横藤田章子 on Google

I changed the hospital once and went back to treat my dog! Thank you very much for your kindness and for thinking about your dog and the owner. We received a heartwarming postcard from our family who took care of 2 One. I am still treating my dog, but please do it until the end.

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