医療法人あすなろ 岩倉メンタルクリニック - Iwakura

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 医療法人あすなろ 岩倉メンタルクリニック

住所 :

Sakaemachi, Iwakura, 〒482-0022 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 482-0022
Webサイト : http://www.iwakura-mental-clinic.com/
街 : Aichi

Sakaemachi, Iwakura, 〒482-0022 Aichi,Japan
うしまる on Google

The vice-clinician is not impressed by my story. If you are talking about what kind of symptom you are experiencing in the future, with anxious feelings about the future, how about taking a break from the work? And I felt more stressed and anxious. I will change the location.
坂尾早百合 on Google

診察前から長蛇の列、檜木院長の診察はじっくり傾聴同調 して下さる 。森副院長の診察は無駄なく端的な診断をして下さってるから急いでる時は森副院長、院内処方だから与薬清算までが又時間かかる。
Before the examination, a long line and the examination by Dr. Hinoki will be carefully listened to and synchronized. Deputy Director Mori makes a straightforward diagnosis without waste, so when you are in a hurry, Deputy Director Mori, because it is an in-hospital prescription, it will take time to clear the medication.
juice to roux on Google

ADHDかもしれないって診断してもらおうと思い 来院。受付の先生達は嘲笑う感じでずっと笑いながら話してる。電話の時は親切で、今日検査も出来るって聞いから行ったのに今日はできないから予約ねって。後、担当医の森先生が本当に愛想悪すぎる。人の目も見ないし、へぇ、はい、うん、だから?みたいな先生だった。 建物自体怪しい感じの所で、暗くて余計病みそうだわ。笑 話して予約しただけなのに3千円近く取られた。これが普通なのかな? 他の病院行きます。
I'm thinking of getting a diagnosis that it may be ADHD Visit. The teachers at the reception are laughing and talking with ridicule. I was kind when I called, and I heard that I could do an inspection today, but I can't do it today, so make a reservation. After that, Dr. Mori, the doctor in charge, is really too unfriendly. I don't even see people's eyes, hey, yes, yeah, so? It was a teacher like that. The building itself is suspicious, and it looks dark and sick. Lol I just talked and made a reservation, but it cost me nearly 3,000 yen. Is this normal? I will go to another hospital.
不動白雪 on Google

ほかのレビューが的確なのでこれ以上言うことないのですが、申し訳ないけど、ここの病院はやめた方がいいですね。 薬もらうためだけに行くような場所。まともに話聞いちゃいないんですよ森先生
I can't say any more because the other reviews are accurate, but I'm sorry, but it's better to stop the hospital here. A place where you just go to get medicine. I haven't heard the story properly, Mr. Mori
ともさん on Google

あの病院の森は最悪です。 私も質問したら質問で返されました。 本当に人の話を聞かない=仕事をしてない先生だと思いました。 院長先生は話をじっくり聞いてくれます。しかし、診療時間が長くなるので、待ち時間も長く疲れます。 薬だけが欲しいなら森で、話を聞いて欲しいなら院長が良いと思います。
The forest in that hospital is the worst. When I asked a question, it was returned as a question. I didn't really listen to people = I thought he was a teacher who wasn't working. The director listens carefully to the story. However, since the consultation time is long, the waiting time is long and tiring. If you want only medicine, you should go to the forest, and if you want to hear the story, the director is good.
わべ on Google

医院長先生はすごく優しくおっとりされています。お話もよく聞いてくださいます。 待つ忍耐力覚悟です。 森先生は、サバサバしていてスピーディです。 的確なので、凹んでしまうので あまり弱音は言わず、お薬サクッと貰う時助かります。 でも、ちゃんと要点押さえてる方だと思います。 院長先生の何倍見てるんだろうか。 森先生とおふたりはいいコンビな気がします。 事務の方は、キビキビされているし、 優しいですよ! そして、カウンセラーさんも優しいです。 よくお話聞いてくださいます。 看護師さんも優しかった。 良いメンタルクリニックだと思います。 ここしかメンクリは知らないとはいえ。
The director of the clinic is very kind and unfussy. Please listen to the story well. I am prepared to wait for patience. Mr. Mori is dry and speedy. Because it is accurate, it will be dented It doesn't make a lot of noise, and it helps when you get a quick medicine. But I think he is the one who keeps the point. How many times do you see the director? I feel that Mr. Mori and the two are a good duo. The office workers are squeaky and It's kind! And the counselor is also kind. Please listen carefully. The nurse was also kind. I think it's a good mental clinic. Although I only know Menkuri here.
k ha on Google

今日初診で診てもらいました。 口コミで賛否両論有るみたいで少し不安でしたが、初診は電話してからという事で電話をしてみました。 私の第一印象は、電話対応は丁寧に受け答えして貰えましたが初診で電話する必要は感じられず、電話をしなくても直接病院に行っても良いと受け止めました。(再診時も予約制では無いので受け付けた順) 私は車で伺ったのですが、病院の西隣に以前パーキング駐車場らしき跡のある病院専用の駐車場で車も20台ほど駐車出来る立派な駐車場でした。 受付に行くと朝一番なのにもう20人ほどの患者さんが座っていてビックリしましたが受付も丁寧に受け答えしていただきました。 初診だったので受け付けてからどれくらい掛かるか分からなかったですが診察までに2時間くらい掛かりました。 診て頂いた先生は感じのいい女性の先生で親身に話を聴いて頂き受け答えも親切でした。 会計が終わるまでは診察後2-30分程度掛かり、薬もその場で出して頂きました。 全体的に感じのいい病院であると思いますし、平日の午前に行ったので、夕方の様子はまだ分かりませんが、午前中の終わりくらいに伺ったら人は少なそうに思えました。
I had my first visit today. I was a little worried because there seemed to be pros and cons in word of mouth, but I called after calling for the first visit. My first impression was that I received and answered the phone carefully, but I didn't feel the need to call at the first visit, and I accepted that I could go directly to the hospital without calling. (Since it is not a reservation system even at the time of re-examination, the order of acceptance) I visited by car, and it was a good parking lot where about 20 cars could be parked in the hospital-only parking lot, which had a trace of a parking lot on the west side of the hospital. When I went to the reception desk, I was surprised that about 20 patients were already sitting, even though it was the first thing in the morning, but the receptionist also politely answered. Since it was my first visit, I didn't know how long it would take after I received it, but it took me about two hours to see it. The teacher who consulted me was a nice female teacher who listened to me and answered me kindly. It took about 2-30 minutes after the medical examination until the checkout was completed, and the medicine was taken out on the spot. I think it's a nice hospital overall, and I went there on weekday mornings, so I don't know what's going on in the evening yet, but when I visited around the end of the morning, it seemed that few people were there.
国見栄 on Google

森さんは一体何を言ってるのか。「治そうとしないと治るものも治らない」え???出来たらやってますが。出来ないから困ってるんですが。治したい、でも出来ないから相談しに病院通ってるんですけど。そんなの分かってますよ他の誰でもなく自分が。あの人医者向いてないと思うくらいには酷い。言われた時何を言ってるのか理解できなかった。「あ、この人 根本的に精神病疾患者のこと分かってない?自分の考え方押し付けるタイプかな」っていう第一印象。なんで相談しに行ってるこっちが気を使わなければなからないのか。正直疲れます。でもササッと診察終わるからそこだけは助かる。急いでる時とか。 後女性の方も…少し苦手。森さん程じゃないけど、あの人もちょっと軽いというか、淡々とし過ぎてて冗談のつもりなんだと思うことが冗談に聞こえなくて…疲れる…。ハハハッて感じの雑談と最近どうですかって言う診察だったけれど、あの方の話し方…が上記の通り。冷たいとかじゃなく、軽すぎてモヤッとする…自覚なく人を傷つけるタイプというか…とりあえずあまり…好めない…人ですね。 星3なのは、檜木先生の存在があるから。あの方はしっかり質問に答えてくれるし親身になって寄り添ってくれるから、相談もしやすくてひたすらに話しやすい。ほっこりして安心出来る。何年も通ってると本当にそれを実感する。本当に負の感情というもの皆無。ほわわんとした柔らかい雰囲気な方で、ゆっくり聞き取りやすい話し方してくれます。だからこそ人気で、あの方の担当日はいつも人が多く時間かかります。一人一人しっかり診察してくださるので尚更です。 しっかり診察してくださる檜木さん ササッと診察が終わる森さん 女性の方がいいという方向けな稲垣さん 時間あるか無いか、しっかり相談したい時、薬だけ欲しい時…と、判断しやすい病院です。 受付の方も人に合わせて配慮してくださるいい方々ばかりで話しやすく、何か質問があればしっかり答えてくださるのでいつも助かっております。 以上です。2人分のマイナスな点で星3です。(それと、確か半年以上通うと役所で申請すれば診察料が無料になる制度があったような…金額が気になる方は質問してみてください。檜木先生と受付の方は答えてくれると思います。) あくまでも自分の感覚、体験談ですが、診察を受けるかどうかの参考までに。
What the hell is Mr. Mori saying? "If you don't try to cure, nothing will cure", right? ?? ?? I'll do it if I can. I'm in trouble because I can't do it. I want to get rid of it, but I can't, so I go to the hospital for consultation. I know that, not anyone else. It's so terrible that I don't think he's suitable for a doctor. I couldn't understand what I was saying when I was told. The first impression is, "Oh, I don't know about this person who has a mental illness. Is it the type that imposes his own way of thinking?" Why do I have to be careful when I go to talk? To be honest, I'm tired. But since the examination is over quickly, that is the only thing that helps. When you're in a hurry. Also females ... I'm not good at it. It's not as much as Mori-san, but he's a little lighter, or it's too plain to think that he's going to be a joke, but it doesn't sound like a joke ... I'm tired ... It was a chat with a hahaha feeling and a medical examination asking how it was recently, but that person's way of speaking ... is as above. It's not cold, it's too light and it makes me feel uncomfortable ... It's a type that hurt people without being aware of it ... For the time being, I don't like it ... people. The reason why it is 3 stars is because of the existence of Mr. Hinoki. He answers the questions well and is kind and close to me, so it's easy to talk to him and talk to him. You can feel relaxed and relieved. I really feel it after many years. There are no really negative emotions. It has a soft and soft atmosphere, and speaks slowly and easily. That's why it's so popular that it always takes a lot of people to take charge of that person's day. It is even more so because each person will be examined thoroughly. Mr. Hinoki who will give you a thorough examination Mr. Mori who finishes the medical examination quickly Mr. Inagaki for those who prefer women It is a hospital that makes it easy to judge whether you have time or not, when you want to talk about it, or when you just want medicine. The receptionists are all nice people who take care of each other, so it's easy to talk to them, and if you have any questions, they will answer them well, which is always helpful. that's all. It is 3 stars in the negative point for 2 people. (Also, it seems that there was a system where the examination fee would be free if you apply at the government office if you go for more than half a year ... If you are concerned about the amount, please ask a question. Mr. Hinoki and the receptionist will answer. think.) It's just my feelings and experiences, but it's just for reference if you want to see a doctor.

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