やきとん酒場 ぎんぶた 福島駅前店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やきとん酒場 ぎんぶた 福島駅前店

住所 :

Sakaemachi, 〒960-8031 Fukushima,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.atom-corp.co.jp/brand/brand.php%3Fbrand_no%3D160
Opening hours :
Saturday 4PM–12AM
Sunday 4–11PM
Monday 4–11PM
Tuesday 4–11PM
Wednesday 4–11PM
Thursday 4–11PM
Friday 4PM–12AM
街 : Fukushima

Sakaemachi, 〒960-8031 Fukushima,Japan
on Google

流行りのGOTOで福島へ行った時にクーポン使えるとのことで、行きました。 スタッフは若い子が多く活気がありました? 接客していただいた女の子が丁寧だったので、また行きたいお店です(っ˘ω˘c )
When I went to Fukushima with the trendy GOTO, I heard that I could use a coupon, so I went there. The staff was lively with many young children ? The girl who served me was polite, so I want to go there again (˘ω˘c)
ub ky on Google

I came to the store as a standing drink on a trip and ate and drank, but the food is cheap and the cospa is the best if the delicious sake is also a standing drink. The customer service of the clerk was also good. It has become one of the shops I want to visit again.
kankuro kikuda on Google

I wonder if it should be cheap. Minced meat cutout comes out with sauce. It's a soy sauce school. I made 5 skewers and it came out on the top. Hmm... I wish I had not left it to you. It's my first time. Drinks are cheaper if you are standing.
Kei Matsumoto on Google

スープ80円が安くて美味しい。やっぱり豚モツは少々臭みがあるので、牛や鳥の方が好きかな。 立ち飲みなら懐に優しいです‼️
Soup 80 yen is cheap and delicious. After all, pork offal has a slight odor, so I wonder if I prefer cows and birds. If you drink standing, it's kind to your pocket! ️
青馬海老蔵 on Google

I was heading to another store, but I noticed that it was open for lunch, so I went in. It seems that it has just opened, and I thought that if the staff were not accustomed to it, I would have to wait quite a while, but even though the seats were full, I didn't have to wait that long. The lunch menu is 700 yen (tax included), and includes ginger-grilled rice bowl, bulgogi rice bowl, bulgogi set meal, pork rose soba noodles, hayashi rice, beef streak tofu set meal, and grilled tongue bowl. The set meal can be refilled. It seems that you can choose large, medium and small rice for the first time in a bowl. The ginger-grilled set meal was delicious. I was able to use electronic money for payment. There is no place where you can use electronic money for lunch around here, so it feels very convenient. If you can use electronic money, you can come with just one smartphone. Lunch is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and dinner seems to be open all year round.
澤田政志 on Google

立呑、でよりました。 短時間で、楽しめました。 焼きとり、テイクアウトで、家でもうチョイ。
It was better. A short period of time, we enjoyed. Barbecued chicken, in Takeout, another Choi at home.
蓮沼賢一 on Google

立呑できて、価格もお手頃。ハイボールが安い! ただ、焼き場の女のコバイトがずっと喋りながら焼きとんを焼いてました。そういうの客は気にしますよ。
You can drink it and the price is reasonable. Highball is cheap! However, the female crematorium co-bite was grilling the tongue while talking all the time. Such customers care.
Anh Nguyen Tuan on Google

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