
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 湘南美容クリニック福島院

住所 :

Sakaemachi, 〒960-8031 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : https://www.s-b-c.net/clinic/branch/fukushima/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Fukushima

Sakaemachi, 〒960-8031 Fukushima,Japan
根上志江 on Google

昔から目の下のくまで悩んでおり、勇気を出してカウンセリングへ。 手術のメリットをお聞きして、受けよう!と思うようになりました。 術後はかなり腫れてしまいましたが、腫れが引くと、くまのないキレイな目元が! この手術だけで大分若く見えるようになって嬉しい限りです。
I've been worried about my eyes for a long time, so I took the courage to go to counseling. Listen to the benefits of surgery and get it! I came to think so. After the operation, I got a lot of swelling, but when the swelling subsided, I got beautiful eyes without dark circles! I'm glad that this surgery alone makes me look younger.
村尾たま on Google

ここ数年、顔のたるみが気になっていたので糸リフトは前から気になってました。 先生からの丁寧な説明や症例をHPで見たので施術を決めました。 麻酔が効いていて寝ている間に治療は終わってました。笑 終わってから数日経って、顔の輪郭が少しずつ変わってる気がしました! 本当にスゴくて感動しました!!
For the past few years, I've been worried about sagging faces, so I've always been worried about thread lifts. I decided the treatment because I saw the polite explanation and the case from the teacher on the HP. The treatment was over while I was anesthetized and sleeping. smile A few days after it was over, I felt that the contours of my face had changed little by little! I was really impressed with it! !!
瀬尾のどか on Google

I've been eyelid glue almost every day for more than 10 years since I was in high school, and I'd like to have double surgery, but I'm scared ... I've been thinking about that for the last two years. I finally had the courage to undergo the operation the other day, but it was shorter than I expected and there was no pain during the operation. The swelling also subsided in about 3 days. If it was so easy, I should have received it earlier! I'm glad I did plastic surgery! !!
たと on Google

正直福島での脱毛はここ一択。湘南さんには脱毛の機械が2種類あって、片方が効きにくいけど客側が機械を選べないというのがネットでよく書かれている。福島の店舗行ってそれ聞いたら1種類だけしかないとのこと。それが効きやすいほうのやつだから客側としてはラッキーだし、混んでて若干予約とりづらいのもまあ納得。 他社と比較して全体的に低価格だけどクオリティは担保されてる印象。糸リフトとかクマ取りは検討中でまだ受けてないのでとりあえず現段階での評価は4。
To be honest, hair removal in Fukushima is an option here. It is often written on the internet that Mr. Shonan has two types of hair removal machines, one of which is difficult to work, but the customer cannot choose the machine. When I went to a store in Fukushima and asked about it, there was only one type. It's the one that works better, so I'm lucky for the customer side, and I'm quite convinced that it's crowded and it's a little difficult to make a reservation. The overall price is low compared to other companies, but the quality is guaranteed. I haven't received the thread lift or bear removal yet, so the evaluation at this stage is 4.
Mona Hoshino on Google

自宅から近いということで足を運びました。電話対応はもちろん、相談時のスタッフの皆さんの対応も素晴らしく、気分良く相談、受診できました。 ドクターも雰囲気良く、気軽に質問できたのがよかったです。 丁寧に説明してくださり、信頼できると感じました。 眉下リフトの経過も良好です。また機会があればお世話になりたいと考えています。
I went there because it was close to my house. Not only the telephone response, but also the response of the staff at the time of consultation was excellent, and I was able to consult and receive a consultation in a pleasant mood. It was good that the doctor had a good atmosphere and could feel free to ask questions. He explained it carefully and felt that he could be trusted. The progress of the lower eyebrow lift is also good. I would like to take care of you if I have the opportunity.
ゆうこ on Google

湘南二重術で手術していただきました。 三重を二重にするために10数年前に他のクリニックで埋没法を受けたのですがとれてきてしまったので。 心配していた痛みも軽く、ダウンタイムもとても短かく、仕上がりはバッチリだったし手術してよかったと心から思いました。 しかし、左目がなんと2週間で三重に戻ってしまいました。 事前に取れやすいことや、2点止めよりも三点止め、他のグレードの高い埋没法を強く進められた上で湘南二重術を希望したので年齢も年齢ですし、取れてしまっても仕方がないとは思っていました。取れた場合は切開を検討しようかと。 ですがまさか2週間でとれるとは、、 メイクも控えていたし引っ張ったりこすったりしないように気をつけていたのですが、、 近々再手術をする予定ですが、またすぐに取れてしまったら残念ですが他のクリニックも検討してみようかと思います、、 仕上がりは大満足だったので残念です。 再手術に期待しようと思います。
I had an operation with Shonan double surgery. I received a burial method at another clinic 10 years ago in order to double the triple, but it has been removed. The pain I was worried about was light, the downtime was very short, the finish was perfect, and I was glad I had the surgery. However, my left eye returned to Sanchong in just two weeks. It's easy to get it in advance, it's a three-point stop rather than a two-point stop, and I wanted Shonan double surgery after strongly advancing other high-grade burial methods, so my age is also age, and even if I get it, I can't help it. I thought there was no such thing. If I can get it, I should consider an incision. However, it is not possible to get it in 2 weeks, I refrained from making up and was careful not to pull or rub it, but ... I'm planning to have another surgery soon, but I'm sorry if I can get it again soon, but I'd like to consider other clinics, I'm sorry that the finish was very satisfying. I would like to expect a re-operation.
平野秀美 on Google

目元の皮膚のたるみにちょうど良さそうな施術を見つけたのでカウンセリングと施術を受けました。 実際に治療してみて見た目のことよりも目が開きやすくなったことが驚きでした! 家族からも好評ですし、自分的にも変われたので見つけてすぐ行動してよかったなと思います。
I found a treatment that seemed to be just right for the sagging skin around my eyes, so I received counseling and treatment. I was surprised that it became easier to open my eyes than it looked when I actually treated it! It's been well received by my family, and I've changed myself, so I'm glad I found it and acted immediately.
コアラさくさく on Google

受付スタッフ、カウンセリングスタッフさん凄く丁寧で院内も綺麗で居心地がいい美容外科でした。 施術は看護師の方が対応してくれましたが、美容外科で販売している化粧品が今安いとか、すごく効き目があると最後まで勧誘され苦痛な時間でした。 良い商品は紹介してくれるのは有り難いのですが、話が一方通行でこちらの気持ちも察して欲しいです。スタッフさんはみんなマスクをしていますが、施術中こちらはマスクを外しているので、必要以上に話しかけないでいただきたきです。 施術中に勧誘されるので、友達にはおすすめしたくありません。
The reception staff and counseling staff were very polite, the hospital was clean, and it was a cozy cosmetic surgery. The nurse took care of the treatment, but it was a painful time because I was solicited until the end because the cosmetics sold in cosmetic surgery are cheap now and they are very effective. I'm grateful that you can introduce me to good products, but I want you to understand this feeling as the story is one-way. All the staff are wearing masks, but since we are removing the masks during the procedure, we would like you not to talk to us more than necessary. I don't want to recommend it to my friends as I am invited during the procedure.

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