徳樹庵 吉川店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 徳樹庵 吉川店

住所 :

Sakaecho, Yoshikawa, 〒342-0050 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : https://www.bashamichi.co.jp/tokujyuan/to1155/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Saitama

Sakaecho, Yoshikawa, 〒342-0050 Saitama,Japan
masa BIGI.N on Google

You can eat in a private room without worrying about the surroundings. When you order the freedling, the clerk will carry it for you. You can rest assured that you will not come into contact with other people in the store except when moving to the restroom.
あっきーめーぐ on Google

I ate a set of eel and soba. The taste was ok, but the clerk's attitude was miscellaneous even though it was a kimono. I felt unfriendly without a drink bar or detailed explanations. I was a little worried because some customers were coughing without measuring their body temperature when they entered the store.
鈴木洋子 on Google

個室なので徳樹庵でランチしました。 久々に友達とのマスクランチ❗和食のバランスの良いランチにドリンクバー付で1900円ぐらいでした。寒かったのでドリンクバーのホットゆずは美味しいです ランチにデザート付だったので大満足‼️
Since it is a private room, I had lunch at Tokujuan. Mask lunch with friends after a long time ❗ It was about 1900 yen with a drink bar for a well-balanced lunch of Japanese food. It was cold so the hot yuzu at the drink bar is delicious I was very satisfied with the dessert for lunch! ️
Takeshi Matsuzaki on Google

路地から入り口のエントランス❗、、、 お部屋の佇まいが素敵です❗、、、 足を下ろせる炬燵状に思ったら❗❓ 違っていた❗? 以前は2階の大広間でやった第九の反省会でしたが❗、、、 有志の参加で20名弱と人数も少なくなったせいで、1階の部屋でしたが❗、、、残念❗?、、、
Entrance from the alley to the entrance ❗ ,,, The appearance of the room is wonderful ❗ ,,, If you think it's like a kotatsu that you can put your feet down ❗❓ It was different ❗? It used to be the 9th reflection meeting held in the hall on the 2nd floor, but ❗ ... It was a room on the first floor because the number of people was less than 20 due to the participation of volunteers, but ❗ ,,, sorry ❗? ,,,
ととまる on Google

ドリンクバーは都度店員さんに頼みます。 JAF会員でフライドポテト無料です。 個室で落ち着きます。
The drink bar asks the clerk every time. French fries are free for JAF members. Calm down in a private room.
9 A on Google

ウェルシアの横にある馬車道グループ のお店。2021年12月末までPayPay 支払いで10%還元中。 矢絣柄の着物に袴姿の店員さんが接客 して下さり、接客は丁寧です。入口が 料亭のような雰囲気で落ち着きますが、 中に入るとファミレス兼居酒屋のよう なお店でした。 二千円台の和食コースメニューが多く、 客単価は高め。周辺にこれといった 飲食店がないため吉川マダムの憩いの 場という感じでにぎやかでした。 空いていると個室で食事出来て落ち 着きますが、壁にシミがあったり 廊下の生け花が造花だったり細部の チープ感はいなめません。 平日に行き1,300円の鴨南蛮そばを 注文。味はまあまあですがおそばが 多く、途中や飽きます。千円以下の ランチメニューが3種類くらいしか なく、単品でブリかまの塩焼きを 注文しようとしたところ売り切れで 残念でした。 もやし炒めはペラペラの薄切り肉 入りで、メニュー写真と大分差が ありいまいちでした。 陶板が温めてあり、最後まで料理 が冷めないのと、白米がもちもち ツヤツヤで良い米を使ってる感じ なのと、味噌汁がちゃんと出汁を とっているような風味で良かった です。 なぜか入口におせち料理を予約 したお客様の町名と名字がひらがな で貼ってあり、個人情報保護的に 大丈夫なのかな?と感じました。
Bashamichi Group next to Welcia Shop. PayPay until the end of December 2021 10% reduction by payment. A clerk wearing a hakama dressed in a kimono with an arrow fletching pattern serves customers Thank you for your kindness and the customer service is polite. The entrance is It's calm like a restaurant, but Once inside, it looks like a family restaurant and izakaya It was a store. There are many Japanese course menus in the 2,000 yen range, The average customer price is high. Like this in the surrounding area Because there is no restaurant, Yoshikawa Madam's rest It was a lively place. If it is vacant, you can eat in a private room and fall I will arrive, but there are stains on the wall Ikebana in the corridor is artificial or detailed I do not lick the feeling of cheapness. Go on weekdays and enjoy Kamo Nanban soba for 1,300 yen Orde. The taste is ok, but the soba is Many, I get bored on the way. 1,000 yen or less There are only about 3 types of lunch menu No, grilled yellowtail with salt When I tried to order, it was sold out That's too bad. Stir-fried bean sprouts are sliced ​​meat With the entry, there is a big difference from the menu photo It wasn't good enough. The ceramic plate is warm and cooks to the end It doesn't get cold and the white rice is chewy Feeling that you are using good rice with gloss Miso soup is soup stock It was good to have a flavor like that is. For some reason, I booked New Year dishes at the entrance Hiragana is the name and surname of the customer It is pasted with, and it is for personal information protection Are you OK? I felt that.
c m on Google

Wide variety of menu , good staff and traditional Japanese atmosphere.
Cynthia Ishizawa on Google

Delicious food, kind and wonderful service, great price, super clean and cozy atmosphere, free parking ... I love it❣️

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