株式会社ロフティー 高崎支店

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ロフティー 高崎支店

住所 :

Sakaecho, Takasaki, 〒370-0841 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://lofty-ltd.co.jp/
街 : Gunma

Sakaecho, Takasaki, 〒370-0841 Gunma,Japan
太郎山田 on Google

I'll give you an empty job. I won't contact you. If you contact me from here, the job will be completely blurred if there is no space right now, and there is no actual situation as a temporary staffing company.
yuka k. on Google

The person in charge of me was a very caring person. He showed up diligently and gave me words of concern.
渡辺愛香 on Google

Be careful because job postings lie first and employees move in a direction as appropriate. The conversations of the employees around me on the phone are so loud that you can hear a sloppy voice and a sloppy voice of laughter.
かめ(Rum) on Google

It seems that the person in charge of work differs depending on the department. It seems that the work of different departments was suitable for my conditions, so I was introduced to that.
K9 M on Google

以前、こちらの求人を見て応募後、面接し、その後、指定日に工場見学があるとの事で後程、見学時間を連絡すると言われたので、その日は一日予定をいれずに見学のために空けて待っていたのですが結局、連絡は来ませんでした。(この時点でも不信感はかなりありました) その後、ロフティー側からの電話で別の工場を紹介され、工場見学をしたのですが、当初のイメージとかなり違っていた為、就業するのは難しいと思い、断ったところ担当の関根に「困ります、もう紹介は無理そうですね」と強い口調で一方的に言われました。 このように会社側の都合だけを考えている派遣会社ではこちらこそ紹介されても、到底働く気にはなりませんね。 また、ここの営業は就業が決まったわけでもないのに勝手に、ラインで友達登録してきます。関根、工藤のラインは当然ブロックしてありますがね (笑)
Previously, seeing this job seeing this job, submitting an interview, and then told that there will be a factory tour on the designated date, so it is told that we will inform you of the tour time later, so on that day, Although I was waiting waiting for it in the end, contact did not come after all. (There was a lot of distrust even at this point) After that, another factory was introduced by the telephone from the side of the lofty, I went to the factory tour, but because it was quite different from the original image, I thought it was difficult to work, It seems impossible to introduce anymore, "he said unilaterally with a strong tone. In a temporary agency that is considering only the convenience of the company side like this, even if introduced here, it does not feel like working at all. Also, although the sales here are not decided on work, I will register friends on line without permission. Although the line of Sekine, Kudo is obviously blocked, (laugh)
あいうえお on Google

最低です。何も話を聞いてくれない。全てにおいて対応が悪いし態度がでかい。 相談したのに連絡すると言って何も来ないしメールしても返信も来ないです。担当は関根という男の方です。
It's the worst. He doesn't listen to anything. Correspondence is bad in all and attitude is huge. Even though I consulted, I said that I would contact you, but nothing came and I did not receive a reply even if I emailed. The person in charge is a man named Sekine.
小渕武政 on Google

対応が良かったです 夜遅くまで電話に付き合ってもらち嬉しかったです! 自分勝手な事ばっかり考えて酷いことを担当の方に言う人もいるみたいですが、私は親切にしてくれたと思ってます! 満足です。 昔ゼリーの工場で仕事終わりにアイス買ってくれたのを思い出します。嬉しかったです
Correspondence was good I was happy to have you stay on the phone until late at night! It seems that some people think about selfish things and tell the person in charge about terrible things, but I think they have been kind to me! I'm satisfied. I remember buying ice cream at the end of work at a jelly factory a long time ago. I was happy
草薙京 on Google

担当と、まったく連絡が付かない。 調子のいいことしか言わない。 仕事あるとか言いつつ結局…ない。 ハッタリ求人多すぎ。 ☆なんて付ける気もしない。 騙されるな求人募集
I can't get in touch with the person in charge at all. I only say things that are in good shape. After all, saying that he has a job ... There are too many job offers. ☆ I don't feel like attaching it. Don't be fooled

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