ハウスコム 高崎店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハウスコム 高崎店

住所 :

Sakaecho, Takasaki, 〒370-0841 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.housecom.jp/shop/takasaki-hc/list/%3Futm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_source%3DGMBlisting
街 : Gunma

Sakaecho, Takasaki, 〒370-0841 Gunma,Japan
佐藤純司 on Google

担当してくださった水田様は、こちらの要望や都合に臨機応変に対応してくださいました。 入退店時の挨拶が気持ちよく、お店の教育がしっかりしてると思いました。
Mr. Mizuta, who was in charge, responded flexibly to this request and convenience. The greetings at the time of entering and leaving the store were pleasant, and I thought that the education of the store was solid.
りり卍リベンジャーズ on Google

The explanation was easy to understand and kindly guided by a polite response. When looking for an apartment in the future, I thought I would be indebted to Mr. Housecom.
taka taka on Google

We were able to accurately introduce the property that matched the desired amount of money and the size of the room of our choice, and we were able to respond from the user's point of view. It's a good idea to park your parking lot at a nearby drugstore and tell them about it.
Googleユーザー on Google

高崎で物件を見つけるのは初めてでしたが、細かい所まで丁寧に対応していただきとてもありがたかったです。    想像以上に良い物件を見つけられて良かったです。店内の雰囲気もとても良かったです。
It was my first time to find a property in Takasaki, but I was very grateful for the careful attention to detail. It was good to find a better property than I had imagined. The atmosphere inside the store was also very good.
小林真由 on Google

The number of properties was abundant, and the person in charge was very friendly and enjoyable looking for a room. He kindly and politely taught me what I didn't understand after moving in. Number of properties ◎ Customer service ◎ Correspondence ◎ Atmosphere in the store ◎. If you are looking for a room, I would recommend Housecom Takasaki.
まめ on Google

I received a response a few years ago, but it was a very unmotivated response, so I made a contract at another store. This time, I was moving, and when I was looking for a property, the listing destination of the property I was interested in was here, so when I looked at the store information, it seemed that the person who did not respond well was still working. I was very uncomfortable and worried that I was still hiring someone with a bad customer service, so I decided to give up the tour. A few years ago, the reviews were worse than they are now, and I thought that there were many people who had the same feelings as me, but now there are few such reviews and many have one review. So I doubt the operation. Impressions once made are hard to erase. At least I definitely don't recommend it around me.
上達部喬 on Google

高崎駅東口、駅前通りに面していて立地は良好。駐車場に関しては説明なく、駐車場は無いのかも。 ただ、窓口の担当者は有能な方で物件説明は丁寧、顧客の疑問点はすぐ解決していただいた。物件も数多く取り上げてくれ参考になりました。 応対親切、契約の条件説明も手際よく感心しました。 来る前までは部屋が見つかるか心配していた友人も見つかりひと安心しました。店内の雰囲気も良かったと思いました。
The location is good as it faces the east exit of Takasaki Station and the front of the station. There is no explanation about the parking lot, so maybe there is no parking lot. However, the person in charge of the window was a competent person, the property description was polite, and the customer's questions were immediately resolved. Many properties were picked up and it was helpful. I was very impressed with the kindness of the response and the explanation of the terms of the contract. Before I came, I was relieved to find a friend who was worried about finding a room. I thought the atmosphere in the store was also good.
おしりかゆ彦 on Google

賃貸物件の斡旋を依頼したことがありましたが、非常に頼りになる不動産屋さんだと思いました。今後ともお付き合いしていきたいと思っています。 駐車場が近隣のコインパーキングなのですが、帰りに支払いについてきていただける時と、ついてきていただけない時がある(自腹)のが、惜しいと思います。
I once asked for a rental property, but I thought it was a very reliable real estate agent. I would like to continue to associate with you in the future. The parking lot is a nearby coin parking lot, but I think it is regrettable that there are times when you can pay for it on your way home and times when you cannot follow it (self-sufficient).

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