株式会社エイブル 川口店

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社エイブル 川口店

住所 :

Sakaecho, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0017 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : http://shop.able.co.jp/000000410/
街 : Saitama

Sakaecho, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0017 Saitama,Japan
lala K on Google

もう数年前になりますが、契約時の不親切な対応、他のクチコミの方が書かれているように、入居前のクリーニングを忘れました等、不思議な事がたくさんありました? こちらから電話をした際もガチャ切りだったような。 親切で丁寧な不動産屋さんは沢山あります。 よくお考え頂いた方がよろしいかと?
It's been a few years ago, but there were a lot of mysterious things such as unfriendly correspondence at the time of contract, forgetting to clean before moving in as other reviews wrote ? It seems that even when I called from here, it was cut off. There are many kind and polite real estate agents. I wonder if you should think carefully ?
G j on Google

2019年6月に退居 未だ敷金の返金は無し。 コチラは規約通り全て期日内に対応 店舗訪問1回 電話を2回全てコチラから。 返金口座を口頭で聞く始末 、接客営業とは思えないレベルの対応 たかが1ヶ月程度の敷金ですが、態度があまりにも腹が立ちました。
Moved out in June 2019 No refund of security deposit yet. Click here for all on time according to the rules Visit the store once, call twice, all from here. Orally listening to the refund account, a level of response that does not seem to be a customer service business The deposit was only about a month, but my attitude was too angry.
にょち on Google

身バレ怖いので詳しくは書きませんが態度がさいっっっあくでした、、、 部屋が決まるまではハキハキと詳しく教えてくれて、入居決まらなければスタコラサッサと自分の席へ戻ってもう目も合わさなかった感じ。 私がありがとうございました、って言ってももう無視 えっこんな奴が営業やってんの?!マ?! 若い方は良かった ありがとうございましたー!って 気持ちが良かったです
I'm scared of myself, so I won't write it in detail, but my attitude was very quick ... Until the room was decided, he told me in detail about Hakihaki, and if I didn't decide to move in, I would return to my seat with Stacola Sassa and I couldn't even see him anymore. I'm grateful, but I'm ignoring it Is this guy doing business? !! pose? !! The younger one was better Thank you! What I felt good
神楽坂 on Google

今回、部屋を借りる為仲介して頂きました。 ここは、とても不親切で、ちゃんとした説明はほとんどありません。 (資格を持った方の説明はしっかりしてくれました) 担当者の対応に苛立ちを覚えましたが、いつかきちんとしてくれることを期待して我慢してましたが、最後まで対応は良くなりませんでした。 口コミを見られた方に注意して頂きたい点があります。 エイブル川口店では、見積もりの際に、説明なく光触媒コーティング、害虫駆除、くらし安心サポートなどの『その他の費用』に組み込まれてました。 お金を先に支払った後の申し込みになるものです。 今回の新居では、管理会社が緊急時の対応をしてくれるものでエイブルのくらし安心サポートと同様、それ以上のサービスを受けることができるのに、エイブルでは説明もせずお金だけをとろうとしてました。 光触媒コーティングでは、居室内の壁に汚れや埃があるのに行ったとの説明、それはおかしいのではと追求しようと担当者や相談窓口に連絡するも、一向に連絡がありませんでした。 店舗にも何度も電話しても連絡はなく、こちらから店舗に伺ってようやく会うことができました。 都合が悪いことになると、対応しないようにするなど、誠意を感じることはできませんでした。 返金を求めると、物件の紹介の条件に光触媒コーティング、害虫駆除、くらし安心サポート24に加入が必要とのこと。 初めてそこで知りました。 しかし、お金は振り込んでいたものの申込書にサインした覚えがない為、私がサインした申込書の提出をお願いすると出していただけず、今回は特別返金対応すると言われお金は返ってきました。 今回のことで、いくら気に入った物件だとしても、誠意ない不動産会社、担当者のいるところでは、危ない、騙される可能性が高いことが良く分かりました。 世の中の不動産には、ちゃんと確認しないと危ないと教えてくれた埼玉エイブル川口、その社員の方々には感謝します。 本当にありがとうございます。 この口コミを見て少しでも騙され、必要のないお金を取られる方が減ることを願います。
This time, I had you mediate to rent a room. It's very unfriendly here and there are few proper explanations. (The explanation of the qualified person was solid) I was frustrated by the response of the person in charge, but I put up with the expectation that it would be done properly someday, but the response did not improve until the end. There is a point that I would like you to pay attention to those who saw the word of mouth. At the Able Kawaguchi store, when making an estimate, it was included in "other costs" such as photocatalytic coating, pest control, and living security support without explanation. It is an application after paying the money first. In this new house, the management company will respond to emergencies, and you can receive more services like Able's living security support, but Able is trying to take only money without explaining. rice field. He explained that he went to the photocatalyst coating even though there was dirt and dust on the walls of the living room, and he contacted the person in charge and the consultation desk to pursue it as if it was strange, but he did not contact at all. Even if I called the store many times, I didn't get in touch with him, so I finally met him when I visited the store. When it became inconvenient, I couldn't feel sincerity, such as not responding. If you ask for a refund, you will need to subscribe to photocatalyst coating, pest control, and living security support 24 as conditions for introducing the property. I knew there for the first time. However, although I had transferred the money, I don't remember signing the application form, so when I asked to submit the signed application form, I couldn't get it, and this time I was told that a special refund would be available and the money was returned. This time, I realized that no matter how much you like the property, it is dangerous and likely to be deceived where there is a real estate company or a person in charge who is not sincere. I would like to thank Saitama Able Kawaguchi and his employees for telling us that real estate in the world is dangerous if we do not confirm it properly. thank you very much. I hope that this review will reduce the number of people who are deceived and take unnecessary money.
仙道みいさ on Google

At the time of the preview, he took a picture of the current room without saying anything (By taking a picture of the scratches in the room from the beginning, it is not a new scratch made by the resident. Can be proved). Other than that, "There is a delivery person who can put the delivery if someone other than the resident approaches the balcony on the first floor even if there is no delivery box", and the strength of the ventilation fan differs depending on the property, so smokers Said, "Be careful because the ventilation fan is weak here," and he was really kind and friendly. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the property I was looking for in the end, so I signed a contract with another company, but I think this was all I could do. The impression was so good that I wanted to sign a contract here if possible. Thank you very much for your hard search in our difficult conditions.
u i (ui) on Google

もう一度家探しをするなら、絶対にお願いしません。 担当した営業担当に地域のことを聞いても「わかりません」「そうなんじゃないっすか?」と適当なことばかりでした。独り立ちしたばかりだというので大目に見ていましたが、こちらが出した条件をほとんど無視して変な部屋の紹介ばかりでした。 内見の際には決まった言葉しか言わず、前向きな回答をしないと帰してくれません。仮押さえして結局キャンセルしました。またいい物件見つけたらご連絡しますということでしたがその後1ヶ月近く連絡はありませんでした。仮押さえの際支払いした現金は預けたままです。こちらとしてはお金を預けている以上不安ですし仕事して欲しいです。強引に近い形で仮押さえしたので尚更不信感ばかりでした。
If you are looking for a house again, please do not ask. When I asked the sales staff in charge about the area, they just said "I don't know" and "Isn't that so?" I was overlooking it because I had just become independent, but I almost ignored the conditions I put out and just introduced a strange room. When I look inside, I say only certain words, and if I don't give a positive answer, they won't return. I temporarily held it down and canceled it after all. I was told that I would contact you if I found a good property, but I haven't heard from him for almost a month. The cash paid at the time of temporary holding is still in deposit. I'm worried because I'm depositing money, and I want you to work. I was even more distrustful because I temporarily held it in a form close to forcible.
Mr. B on Google

Great estate agent for low price rooms too. Good for foreigners.
名無しの権兵衛 on Google

The worst real estate agent ever. Sooo funny experience you can try!

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