Saka Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Nakatsugawa

2/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact Saka Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

151-167 Nasubigawa, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 509-9132, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87877
Postal code : 509-9132
Webサイト :

151-167 Nasubigawa, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 509-9132, Japan
きつね on Google

It was a pity that the telephone response was poor.
min ikd on Google

When I said that the muscles in the knees were aching, I wanted to take a look only by taking X-rays from the knees. The soles I wanted to see were diagnosed with muscle pain even though they were not seen or seen, and only the compress was delivered.
yoko 30 (よこいち) on Google

レントゲン、またはMRIで診断。本人の希望に合わせて下さいますが、わりとすぐに注射です。 膝水は注射器で抜いて、ヒアルロン酸注射のやり方なので、注射針が痛いし、しばらくするとまた水が溜まります。
Diagnosis by X-ray or MRI. I will do it according to my wishes, but it will be an injection soon. Knee fluid is pulled out with a syringe and hyaluronic acid is injected, so the needle hurts and after a while, water will collect again.
おかん on Google

新患に対して質問を余りしない、もっとどういった症状であるかを質問して診断してほしい。 直ぐにレントゲンにまわされる。 何でこうなったのか「分からない」と言われた…?? 非常勤の医師は顔も見ずパソコンばかり見ている、もっと患者に寄り添って欲しい!
Ask the new patient to ask more questions and ask what kind of symptoms they are. It is immediately sent to X-ray. I was told, "I don't know why this happened ..." Part-time doctors look only at their PCs without looking at their faces. I want more patients to snuggle up!
しょう on Google

指を痛めて3週間、一向に良くならずこちらにかかりました。 指を少し曲げて「ここまでは痛くないです」と言うと「痛くないねぇ、大丈夫だね(笑)」と笑われ「レントゲン異常ないし湿布貼って様子見ですね」と。 患者の痛み・つらさを分かろうとする気持ちは無いようです。 それから10日経ちますがまだ治りません。お金をドブに捨てた気分です。こんなところ行かなければよかった。
I hurt my finger and it took me 3 weeks to get better. When I bent my finger a little and said, "It doesn't hurt so far," he laughed, "It doesn't hurt, it's okay (laughs)" and said, "It's an X-ray abnormality or a compress is put on and waits." There seems to be no desire to understand the pain and pain of the patient. It's been 10 days since then, but it hasn't healed yet. I feel like I've thrown away my money. I wish I hadn't gone to such a place.

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