Saiseikai Niigata Hospital - Niigata

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Contact Saiseikai Niigata Hospital

住所 :

280-7 Teraji, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-1104, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 950-1104
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM

280-7 Teraji, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-1104, Japan
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こちらの産婦人科で帝王切開にて出産、入院しました。 お医者さんの腕は良く、的確に診てくださり良かったです。 看護師・助産師スタッフは色々な方がいるので、期待し過ぎない方が精神衛生上良さそうです。相手も同じ人間なんだな、と…。 母子同室。 しんどいときは預かってくれる、とは言われますが…預けようとするといい顔はされません。 ゆっくり休める時間はほぼありませんし、常にしんどかったです。 オムツはグ~ンでした。 当時は『売店でオムツが安く買える』と言われて買ってみたら、型落ちのグ~ンで、その使い心地が残念でした。入院時に頂いたオムツは当時流通している物で、悪くなかったから買ったのに、微妙。 入院中、赤ちゃんは沐浴ではなく、一日一度体を拭いてもらいます。入院中の実践的な沐浴指導は無く「動画観といてくださいね~」で終わり。 完母推奨です。 調乳指導はありません。 ミルクのサンプルとかも一切貰えません。 母乳の出が悪い場合ミルクは貰えます。哺乳瓶ではなく、カップで飲ませる方式です。 私は出が悪く、夜中に何度もミルクを貰いに、カートに赤ちゃんを乗せて調乳室に通うのはしんどかったです。 ただ、頻回でも完母で行けるくらい出るようにはなったので、完母にこだわりたい方には良いのかも。 そこまでのこだわりはなく、母乳の出もイマイチだとストレスに感じることも多かったです。 個室はシャワートイレ付きですが、相部屋は共用で、シャワーは時間予約が必要でした。 個室でもドライヤーが部屋に無く、受付にいちいち借りに行く必要がありました。 食事はすごく良くも悪くもなく、普通です。 お昼は毎食お祝い膳で、花形のごはんの入ったお弁当方式です。パック緑茶が付きます。(完母推奨なのに、カフェイン…と思わなくもない) 一般的な病院食よりは美味しさに配慮した物だと思いますが、すごく豪華という訳ではないです。
I gave birth and was hospitalized by Caesarean section at this obstetrics and gynecology department. The doctor's skill was good, and I'm glad that he gave me an accurate diagnosis. There are various staff of nurses and midwives, so it seems better for mental health to not expect too much. The other person is the same person ... Mother and child sharing room. It is said that they will take care of you when it is difficult, but when you try to take care of them, you will not get a good face. I didn't have much time to rest and it was always tough. The diaper was Gun. At that time, I was told that I could buy diapers cheaply at the shop, but when I bought it, it was out of shape and I was disappointed with its usability. The diapers I received when I was hospitalized were in circulation at the time, and I bought them because they weren't bad, but they are delicate. During hospitalization, the baby should be wiped once a day instead of bathing. There is no practical bathing instruction during hospitalization, and it ends with "Please watch the video." Recommended for complete mothers. There is no milk preparation instruction. I don't get any milk samples. If you have poor milk output, you can get milk. It is a method of drinking with a cup instead of a baby bottle. I had a bad time, and it was difficult to get milk many times in the middle of the night and put my baby on the cart and go to the milk preparation room. However, it has become possible to go out with a complete mother even if it is frequent, so it may be good for those who want to stick to a complete mother. I wasn't so particular about it, and I often felt stressed when breastfeeding wasn't good enough. The private room has a shower / toilet, but the shared room is shared, and the shower had to be reserved on time. Even in a private room, there was no hair dryer in the room, so I had to go to the reception desk to borrow one by one. The food is not very good or bad and is normal. Lunch is a festive meal for each meal, and it is a lunch box with flower-shaped rice. Comes with a pack of green tea. (Although it is recommended by my mother, it is not surprising that caffeine ...) I think it's more delicious than general hospital food, but it's not really luxurious.
らんらら on Google

こちらで出産し産婦人科にお世話になりました。 他院から緊急搬送された後入院だった為、こちらの病院が母乳育児を推奨していることは知らずにいました。 昼間に他の助産師さんに、夜は無理しないで赤ちゃん預けてくれていいからねと言われていました。夜は違う担当の助産師さんだったのですが、赤ちゃんを預かって欲しいと言ったところ、「あなたがおっぱいあげなかったら、誰がこの子にあげられるの?まぁ、いいですけど...」という返答をされました。 高血圧、既往症に精神疾患がある人に向けて、そういったことを言われたのが理解できません。産後うつを促しているのかな?助産師さんはほとんどの人が優しく接してくれましたが、全員ではありません。初見で、タメ口で話してくる人は少し勤務態度がよろしくない人が多い印象を受けました。
I gave birth here and was taken care of by the obstetrics and gynecology department. I was hospitalized after being urgently transported from another hospital, so I didn't know that this hospital recommended breastfeeding. Other midwives told me in the daytime that I shouldn't overdo it at night and leave my baby. At night, I was a midwife in charge of a different job, but when I asked him to take care of my baby, he said, "If you don't give your breasts, who can give this child? Well, that's fine ..." I got a reply. I don't understand what was said to people with high blood pressure and mental illness. Is it promoting postpartum depression? Most midwives treated me kindly, but not all. At first glance, I got the impression that many people who speak with a tame mouth do not have a good working attitude.
甲斐009 on Google

個人的にチェック表示すれば設備内容は良であります‼️検査を継続して行く事から病院変更は現実的はないです!令和3年12月、最近コロナ禍で精神的か待遇面かでしょうか従事者よりカモトークを直球で受ける! 受け応える事はしないようにしましょう!御飯のツマミになります!
If you personally check and display, the equipment contents are good! ️ It is not realistic to change the hospital because the examination will be continued! In December of 3rd year of Reiwa, I received a camo talk from a worker on a straight ball, whether it was mental or treatment due to the recent corona disaster! Let's not respond! It will be a knob for rice!
Mo& Re on Google

救急車で運ばれて、到着しての処置・対応は雑に扱われ、家族への対応も悪く。 しまいには、文句まで言われました。 午前中の診察まで待てないくらい辛いのに、対応してくれなく、文句まで言われ、看護師、先生に雑に対応されて。とても辛い気持ちになりました。痛みは本人でないと分からないはずなのに、こんなのたいして痛くないでしょ。なんて決めつけられて、折れても痛くないみたいな言いがかりをつけられました。 看護師の皆さんも家族・本人に対しての対応も悪く二度と行きたくないです。 結局、他のところへ行き、みてもらったら折れていました。いかに適当にしてるか。残念です。
Carried by ambulance, the treatment and response upon arrival are handled roughly, and the response to the family is also poor. In the end, I was even complained. It was so painful that I couldn't wait for the medical examination in the morning, but he didn't respond and complained, and the nurses and teachers dealt with me roughly. I felt very painful. The pain shouldn't be known unless you are the person, but it doesn't hurt so much. It was decided that it wouldn't hurt if it broke. I don't want to go to the nurses again because of the poor response to my family and myself. After all, when I went to another place and had a look, it was broken. How do you make it suitable? I'm sorry.
くじら on Google

科や職員によってはあれれ?と思うとこもありますが、患者都合に合わせてくれて比較的良心的な病院だと思います。 ただしインフォームドコンセントの症例で感じますが、救外の症例で度々簡単な誤診があるのでもっとしっかり診てほしいなと。 なぜこんなことが分からなかったのか…?っていうのが。専門外の先生だとそうなるのでしょうか。少し残念です。
Is that depending on the department or staff? I think that it is a relatively conscientious hospital that suits the patient's convenience. However, as I feel in the case of informed consent, there are often simple misdiagnosis cases in cases of non-rescue, so I would like to see more firmly. Why didn't you understand this ...? That is. Is that the case with non-specialized teachers? I'm a little disappointed.
つきゆき on Google

産科でお世話になりました。総合病院だけあって毎回とても混みます。その割に診察は5分、何を聞いても先生は「問題ないですよー」しか言われません。コロナワクチン接種のことも、風疹の抗体が低いことも、全く相談出来ませんでした。母子手帳は書き忘れ多いし、糖が出ても何も言われず放置。検査結果も後になって母子手帳見返して、結果の紙が貼り付けてあるのに気づいて知りました。さらに検査自体も2回忘れられ、母子手帳見てこちらから「今日検査じゃないんですか?」と申告してからやっとおこなったり、転院の手続きも適当…個人病院に行ってる友人の話を聞くと、こちらはなんて雑なんだという印象。 看護師さんや助産師さんは優しかったです。 追記 県外の総合病院に転院後、こちらは同じ総合病院でも全く対応が違うのでびっくり。今の病院はちゃんと向き合ってくれます。済生会がいかに適当だったか思い知らされました。「新潟の病院で検査しなかったですか?」と言われた検査項目があったり、済生会で検査したものを(母子手帳を書いてくれないためほぼ白紙)今の病院の人が転記してくれたり…かなりびっくりしています。なぜあんなに混んでいるのか不明。二度と受診しません。
Thank you for your help in obstetrics. There is only a general hospital and it gets very crowded every time. For that reason, the medical examination lasts 5 minutes, and no matter what I ask, the teacher only says "No problem". I couldn't talk about corona vaccination or low rubella antibody. I often forget to write the Mother and Child Handbook, and even if sugar comes out, I leave it without being told anything. Later, I looked back at the maternal and child health handbook and noticed that the result paper was pasted on it. In addition, the examination itself was forgotten twice, and after looking at the Mother and Child Handbook and declaring "Isn't it an examination today?" The impression that this is so messy. The nurses and midwives were kind. Postscript: After transferring to a general hospital outside the prefecture, I was surprised that the correspondence was completely different even at the same general hospital. Today's hospitals face each other properly. I was reminded of how appropriate the Saiseikai was. There is an inspection item that says "Did you inspect at the hospital in Niigata?" Give me ... I'm pretty surprised. I don't know why it's so crowded. I will never see you again.
めいめい on Google

整形外科に入院。現在余病で通院中。 看護師さんも先生も皆親切で優しいです。 病院食も薄味なのに出汁や薬味が効いてておいしい?ただ量が少ない!さすが健康食! 病棟のスタッフさんは皆親切だけど、外来は忙しいせいか、ちょっと不親切な人も。 予約しても眼科は一時間以上待つので疲れますが、仕方ないですよね。町医者だって待つもの?
Admitted to orthopedics. Currently going to the hospital because of a residual illness. The nurses and teachers are all kind and kind. Even though the hospital food is light, the soup stock and condiments are effective and delicious ? However, the amount is small! As expected, healthy food! The staff in the ward are all kind, but some people are a little unfriendly, probably because the outpatient department is busy. Even if you make a reservation, the ophthalmologist will wait for more than an hour, which makes you tired, but it can't be helped. Even a town doctor waits ?
Massive Gamer on Google

I got my inguinal hernia surgery here, it was the only place in Japan that I could find to do the Dasarda surgical procedure. Everything was perfect Dr. Musha spoke English a bit and the Anastasiaologist too. All in all I had a fantastic experience, I highly recommend if you get a hernia or are in need of surgical treatment in Japan you would come here for your best chance, Everything was perfect!! Thank you so so much!!

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