サイオ板金 春日井市車 - Kasugai

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サイオ板金 春日井市車

住所 :

Saiocho, Kasugai, 〒480-0302 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Postal code : 480-0302
Webサイト : http://kasugai-bankintosou.net/
街 : Aichi

Saiocho, Kasugai, 〒480-0302 Aichi,Japan
ヤマシン on Google

It's cheap and there is no problem with the finish! !!
横井達也 on Google

The technology and the price are the best.
鈴木習一 on Google

I had my car repaired (painted with scratches) a year and a half ago. Kindness, cheap, fast was the best ❗
miyazaki daisuke on Google

電話に出たお婆さんの対応が悪すぎ。担当がいないから携帯にかけろと。そっちから空いている時間にかけてくれと頼んだら逆ギレされてこっちの番号も聞かずにガチャ切り。 家の人とは言え商売やってるなら最低限のマナーは持っていてもらいたい。 ここには頼みません。
The response of the grandmother who answered the phone is too bad. I don't have a person in charge, so call me on my cell phone. If you ask me to spend some free time from there, it will be reversed and I will cut the gacha without asking this number. Even if you are a family member, if you are doing business, I would like you to have the minimum etiquette. I don't ask here.
よしたく on Google

板金塗装やってもらいました。GW中に直したかったので色々ボディーショップはしごして回りましたが一番安かったです。他所と比べてもかなり安いので心配でしたが、オーナーさんの人柄でやって頂こうと決めました。 仕上がりもキレイでぼかしも入れてくださっておりお値段以上の仕事をしていただけました。その節はありがとうございました!
I got the sheet metal painting done. I wanted to fix it during the GW, so I went around various body shops, but it was the cheapest. I was worried because it was considerably cheaper than other places, but I decided to do it with the personality of the owner. The finish was also beautiful and the blur was added, and I was able to work more than the price. thank you for your help!
じゅうなな on Google

It was said that there were more than 100,000 other scratches that needed to be replaced, but it was less than half the price. It was the cheapest and quickest. The finish was also very beautiful and was helpful.
irmscher- RS on Google

今回初めて車の塗装でお伺いしましたが、初期コンタクトがとても感じが良いお店の方でした。塗装の値段も良心的でしたが、やっぱり決めてはお店の人ですよね。大事な車を預ける訳ですから値段も大事ですが、やっぱり作業してくださる人が大事だと思います。 なので即決で車の塗装お願いさせて頂きました。これから長いつきあいになりそうです!
This was the first time I visited the shop for painting a car, and the initial contact was a very pleasant shop. The price of the paint was also reasonable, but after all it was the shop staff who decided. The price is important because you leave your important car, but I think that the person who works is important. So I asked for the car to be painted by a prompt decision. It's going to be a long relationship from now on!
丸山昌広 on Google

修理の技術は勿論ですが、オーナーさんのお人柄・対応も素晴らしいです。 金額も良心的で本当に助かりました。 また機会がありましたら宜しくお願い致します。
Not to mention the repair technique, the owner's personality and response are also wonderful. The amount of money was also conscientious and it was really helpful. If you have another chance, thank you.

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