SAGAWA EXPRESS Musashimurayama Sales Office - Musashimurayama

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact SAGAWA EXPRESS Musashimurayama Sales Office

住所 :

2 Chome-60-1 Inadaira, Musashimurayama, Tokyo 208-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 208-0023

2 Chome-60-1 Inadaira, Musashimurayama, Tokyo 208-0023, Japan
Ak Fu on Google

Webで本日配達予定で配達中になってたので1日在宅してたのに19時過ぎに持戻り表記に、、、 電話しても時間外で問い合わせできず。 こちらのクチコミにも似たような事が多々有る様ですね。 追記 問い合わせができなかったので、佐川急便HP のご意見・お問い合わせからクレームを入れたからかどうかしれませんが20時過ぎに謝罪の電話があり無事に持ってきて頂けました。 対応された方は丁寧な方でしたので星の数を無いも等しい1から3へ変更させて頂きます。
I was on delivery for one day on the Web today, so I was at home for one day, but after 19:00, it was returned to me... Even if I call, I can't contact you after hours. It seems that there are many similar things to this review. Addendum I could not make an inquiry, so it may be because I made a complaint from the opinion / inquiry of Sagawa Express HP, but I got an apology phone call after 20:00 and brought it safely. The person who responded was a polite person, so I will change the number of stars from 1 to 3 which is equal.
高崎裕司 on Google

It's lively and has a nice atmosphere.
kashituka on Google

何度も、不在の時があり 配達員の方も 営業所の方もとても親切に 対応してくれました。
There are times when I am absent many times The delivery staff and the sales office are very kind Corresponded.
諭中村 on Google

正直、佐川さんの配達にガッカリ。再配達で最終時間指定で持ってこない。しかも2回もあり。 他でもその様な話を聞きます。配達員個人の問題だとは思いますが、プロとしては❌と思ってますよ。⤵
To be honest, I was disappointed with Mr. Sagawa's delivery. I will not bring it by specifying the final time for redelivery. Moreover, there are two times. I hear such stories elsewhere. I think it's an individual problem for the delivery person, but as a professional, I think it's ❌. ⤵
べとちん野郎 on Google

連絡もなし、不在票もなしで勝手に持ち帰りにされました。早く欲しかったのでAmazon primeで買い物したのに全く意味がありません。
I was taken home without any contact or absentee vote. It doesn't make any sense to shop at Amazon prime because I wanted it early.
もみぃ on Google

いい加減ムカつくのでこちらで評価させてもらいます。 マイナスがあるなら-☆5つです。 佐川急便には何度もクレームを出したことがあります。在宅なのに不在票、サインをしてないのに無許可で玄関前に荷物を置く、天地無用なのに横置きした形跡、割れ物入りなのにどしんと荷物を置く音。 挙げたらキリがありません。 1度こちらの営業所にクレームの電話を入れるも営業時間外。後日連絡すると担当ドライバーに繋がらないだとかではぐらかされ謝罪の言葉はなし。 今の時代どうしても通販を利用します。 配達業者が佐川急便になっているととても嫌な気持ちになります。 通販会社さんはとてもいい仕事をしてくれてるのに、佐川急便がそれを台無しにするのはどうかと思います。 他の配達業者さんはどんなに忙しくても、きちんと仕事をし、愛想よくしています。 佐川だけがなぜこうもクソなのか… 今日の配達もあまりに酷く、こちらで発散しました。 どこに置くか聞かれたので、「この辺に適当に」と答えるとどすん!となんの考えもなく横置きです。天地無用、読めないのでしょうか?もうテープはこのような状態ですからねえ。 通販なので受け取るしかなく仕方ありませんが、自分からは絶対に利用しない配達業者です。
I will evaluate it here, as it is easy to make. If there is a minus-☆ is five. I have issued a complaint to Sagawa Express many times. Although I am at home I am absent, I put the package in front of the entrance without permission even though I have not signed it, the evidence that I put it sideways although it is useless for Tenchi, the sound of putting the luggage even though it is a broken object. There is no pricking when it mentions. Once I make a call to this sales office, I am out of business hours. If you contact him at a later date, he or she will not be connected to the driver in charge, and there will be no apology. I use mail order by all means now. It will be very disgusting if the delivery company is Sagawa Express. Mail order company does a very good job, but I think that Sagawa Express will ruin it. No matter how busy the other delivery companies are, they work properly and are friendly. Why only Sagawa is so fucking ... Today's delivery is too bad, it has diverged here. I was asked where to put it, and I answered "It's appropriate to this area"! It is horizontal setting without any thought. Tenchi useless, can not read? Tape is already in this condition, hey. There is no choice but to receive it because it is a mail order, but it is a delivery company that you never use from yourself.
齊藤か on Google

I didn't receive any absentee card, and the telephone contact was slow, and I was asked for my address, so I told him the address, but in the end I went directly to the sales office to get it, or if I was at home I couldn't redeliver it unless I paid the transmission fee of about 1360 yen, and I strongly sympathized with the reviews of other people.
達也 on Google

指定日に荷物が届かない為、佐川急便HPの意見問合せに内容入力後、翌日連絡があり無事に到着。 今後、このような事も想定して注文する事を勉強しました。
Since the package did not arrive on the specified date, I was contacted the next day after entering the content in the opinion inquiry of Sagawa Express HP and arrived safely. In the future, I learned to order with this in mind.

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