
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ごんや中華麺房

住所 :

Sagae, 〒991-0041 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://clear.dayuh.net/touhoku/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Sagae, 〒991-0041 Yamagata,Japan
ポンポンたぬき on Google

夏に冷たいワンタン麺を頼んだ。 なかなか出てこず、けっこう待った。そんなに混んでいないのに。 冷たいワンタン麺を頼んだのに、スープがぬるい……。麺が温かい……。麺を冷やさず そのままスープに入れたのか?浮いている氷もほとんどとけていた。 正直、不味いと感じた。オススメはしない。
I ordered cold wonton noodles in summer. I didn't come out very easily and waited a long time. It ’s not so crowded. I ordered cold wonton noodles, but the soup was soaked ... The noodles are warm ... Without cooling the noodles Did you just put it in the soup? Most of the floating ice was melted. I felt honest and tasteless. I do not recommend it.
井ー on Google

美味しいよ! 駐車場も広いが店がちょっと分かりづらいか?
Is delicious! The parking lot is large, but is it a little difficult to understand the store?
黒木英治 on Google

この店はよく行きますが、 終了時間ガ早いのが一番の難点です。入店出来た時はあまり待つ事も無く早く食べれるのは仕事がら非常に助かります。味についてはその人の好みに任せます。
I often go to this shop, but the biggest drawback is that the end time is early. When you can enter the store, you don't have to wait too long and you can eat quickly, which is very helpful for your work. The taste is up to the person's taste.
木村一司 on Google

ネギ味噌ラーメンを頂いたのですが、ぬるくて残念でした… たまたまなのかな?
I got the green onion miso ramen, but it was lukewarm and unfortunate ... Is it just a coincidence?
田中寛子 on Google

2020.1.29 塩ラーメン(細麺)。スープはあっさりだけどチャーシューはボリュームあるラーメン…美味しかったです。
2020.1.29 Shio ramen (thin noodles). The soup was light, but the char siu was a voluminous ramen ... it was delicious.
S oizumi on Google

しょうゆ大盛りとごんめし小 この鶏油多めと節香るスープが細麺に絡んでうめ〜!
Large soy sauce and small soy sauce This rich chicken oil and fragrant soup is entwined with thin noodles!
ふみちゃん on Google

〈細〉しょうゆラーメン 550円 〈太〉ごんみそラーメン(辛) 700円 自家製麺のお店 お昼に訪問、作業着の方が次から次と、地元民に人気の名店のよう 麺は細と太の二種類かな、細はそこまで細くない感じ でも、太も細もツルツルと喉ごしがいい美味しい麺です 大盛(普通+0.5玉)、特盛(普通+1.0玉)ですが特盛も行けそうな美味しさです そしてしょうゆラーメンのこの値段、素晴らしい! 他にもつけ麺、餃子、ごんめしと安く気になるメニュー達 機会があたら次は塩いってみたいです ご馳走様でした
Salty soy sauce ramen 550 yen Gon miso ramen (spicy) 700 yen Homemade noodle shop Visited at noon, work clothes are one after another, like a famous store popular with locals There are two types of noodles, thin and thick, and the thin noodles are not so thin. However, it is a delicious noodle that is smooth and smooth on the thighs and thins. It's a large serving (normal +0.5 balls) and a special serving (normal +1.0 balls), but it's delicious enough to go to a special serving. And this price of soy sauce ramen is wonderful! Besides, tsukemen, dumplings, cooked rice and other cheap menus If I have a chance, I would like to try salt next time It was a treat
yasuhiro legacy on Google

寒河江に住んでた時は週1位で行ってた自家製麺の店です。10年ぶり位に訪問。 ・ごんみそラーメン(辛)700円 ・大盛100円 ・ニンニク抜き 自家製麺は太麺のストレートでもっちり感がありスープに絡む食べ応えのある麺です。 味噌スープはピリ辛程度ですが辛いのが苦手な人でも大丈夫かと。仕事途中のためニンニク抜きにしたけど十分コクが楽しめました。次は細麺の醤油系を食したいと思います。 ちなみに麺は太麺細麺が選べます。
When I lived in Sagae, I went to the homemade noodle shop first place a week. Visited for the first time in 10 years. ・ Gon miso ramen (spicy) 700 yen ・ Large 100 yen ・ Without garlic Homemade noodles are thick noodles that are straight and have a firm feel, and are entwined with soup. Miso soup is spicy, but I wonder if it's okay for people who don't like spicy food. I didn't have garlic because I was in the middle of work, but I enjoyed the richness. Next, I would like to eat soy sauce-based thin noodles. By the way, you can choose thick noodles and thin noodles.

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