麺's ハウス 豊来軒

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺's ハウス 豊来軒

住所 :

Higashiuchino, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0821 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Saitama

Higashiuchino, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0821 Saitama,Japan
川口一のへんぺーそく on Google

夜に豚肉とキャベツの辛子炒めとご飯セットを頼んだ 簡単に言うと辛い回鍋肉w 味付けが少し濃いめで辛くて量がちょっと多めなのでご飯のペース配分に悩んだww 自分には辛くて鼻水止まんなかったんで 次回は辛味を抑えてもらおう(*´ω`*) 家の近くで美味い中華料理が食べれるのは嬉しいすな もっと早く行けば良かったww
At night I ordered a stir-fried pork and cabbage with mustard and a rice set Simply put, spicy Twice-cooked meat w The seasoning is a little strong and spicy, and the amount is a little large, so I was worried about the pace distribution of rice ww It was so painful for me that I couldn't stop running nose Next time, let's have the spiciness suppressed (* ´ω` *) It ’s nice to be able to eat delicious Chinese food near my house. I should have gone earlier ww
James “James Bond” Bond on Google

I was very satisfied (^^ ゞ
じゃがいもカレー on Google

回鍋肉をいただく 肉厚で旨い! 夜にピッタリかも? 美味しかった
Twice-cooked meat is thick and delicious! Is it perfect for the night? was delicious
山田太郎 on Google

I ordered fried chicken with soy sauce. The meat was tender. The seasoning was perfect.
もりげんさん on Google

We had fried chicken and dumplings but it was delicious. The person who accompanied me ate Mato tofu, but said that it was excellent. Even though it is past lunch time, it can also be appreciated that there are many customers and it is prosperous. I would like to go eat again. Thank you for the meal. For more information, please search for "Toyoriken" + "Carely Dining Out".
なおちフフン(さん) on Google

四川料理の美味しいお店です。 細切筍とザーサイと豚肉を炒めた細切りザーサイ麺がお気に入りで、麻婆豆腐は山椒が効いていて、辛いものが好きな私には最高です。
It is a delicious Sichuan restaurant. I like shredded Zha cai noodles with chopped bamboo shoots, Zha cai and pork, and Mapo tofu is the best for me who likes spicy foods with Japanese pepper.
Satoru on Google

子供の頃よく食べていた馴染みの味が、20年ぶりに食べても変わらない味で感動しました。 濃厚で後味引く味噌ラーメンが大好きで、ここの味噌ラーメンがきっかけで味噌好きになったくらいです。
I was impressed by the familiar taste that I used to eat when I was a kid, even if I ate it for the first time in 20 years. I love miso ramen, which is rich and has a rich aftertaste, and I even became fond of miso because of the miso ramen here.
Youhei K on Google

2021.03訪問 周囲にあまり飲食店がない場所にぽつりとある中華屋さん。 そんじょそこらの町中華ではなく、料理は至って本格派。 定番のラーメンや餃子もしっかりおいしい。 ラインのお友達になっておくとたまに超お得なクーポンが発行されますよ。 店の前に駐車場あり。 川口市情報サイト:川口なびっ!
Visit 2021.03 A Chinese restaurant in a place where there aren't many restaurants around. The food is very authentic, not Chinese food. The classic ramen and dumplings are also delicious. If you become a friend of the line, you will occasionally get a super-value coupon. There is a parking lot in front of the store. Kawaguchi City Information Site: Kawaguchi Navi!

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