Ryusenji - Hamamatsu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ryusenji

住所 :

371-1 Negata, Hamakita Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 434-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 434-0016

371-1 Negata, Hamakita Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 434-0016, Japan
竹下登 on Google

It is a beautiful garden.
渡津清弘 on Google

The story was wonderful as well as the very kindness
BAN2443 on Google

I received a red stamp
七未一未 on Google

xiao long on Google

初夏の色とりどりの花が綺麗でした。 住職さまがとても明るく親しみやすいお人柄で、気持ちよく御朱印を受け取りお寺を後にすることができました。
The colorful flowers in early summer were beautiful. The priests were very cheerful and friendly, and they were able to comfortably receive the red stamp and leave the temple.
Kitty Love on Google

It is a beautiful temple in the garden. Thank you for writing your seal to your kind duty
ゆずこAtsu-to on Google

住職さまのお人柄が最高っ!お湯のみが龍泉寺のお湯のみで お茶を飲みながら御朱印の説明や、お寺は こうやって話せるから温かみのある所だね、と話をしてくださいました(´▽`)池のお水は湧水だそうで、水子地蔵さまがいらっしゃいますよ?
The character of the priest is the best! Only the hot water in the Ryusenji hot water, while drinking tea, explaining the seal and the temple is a warm place because I can talk like this ('▽ `) The water of the pond is It seems to be a spring, and there are Mr. Mizuko Jizo
濱乃翔穏 on Google

岩水寺~浜名湖北岸~三ヶ日町にかけては数多くの歴史的寺社が並び、寺社好きにとっては興味の尽きないエリアとなっています。 南北朝時代に開創された曹洞宗 龍泉寺もそのひとつで、四柱造りの本堂内陣にはご本尊の聖観世音菩薩が祀られています。弁財天を祀る「墨田が池」は、湧水により涸れることがないと言われています。 以前は静かな環境にあったのですが、時代の流れとともに、現在は新東名高速道路高架下になりました。
Many historical temples and shrines line up from Iwasui-ji Temple to the north shore of Lake Hamana to Mikkabi-cho, making it an area of ​​great interest to temple lovers. The Soto sect Ryusenji Temple, which was founded during the Nanbokucho period, is one of them, and the main temple, the Holy Kanzeon Bodhisattva, is enshrined in the four-pillar main hall. It is said that "Sumida ga Pond", which enshrines Benzaiten, will not be drained by spring water. It used to be a quiet environment, but with the passage of time, it is now under the elevated Shin Tomei Expressway.

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