
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 太田ホルモン

住所 :

Ryumaicho, Ota, 〒373-0806 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Gunma

Ryumaicho, Ota, 〒373-0806 Gunma,Japan
ヤマハWR250 on Google

思ったより高くつきました。 洒落たホルモン屋です、比較的コスト高目かな?
It was more expensive than I expected. It's a stylish hormone shop, is it relatively expensive?
オキ on Google

いつも家族で、飲み仲間と食べに行ってます。 厚切り牛タンは安くて柔らかくて美味しい!
I always go out to eat with my family and drinking friends. Thick sliced ​​beef tongue is cheap, soft and delicious!
本名は使用しない on Google

とても丁寧な下処理でとても美味しかったです。 ただしその分、値段は張るのでこの評価です。 特別な日に行けるくらいかな・・・
It was a very careful preparation and it was very delicious. However, the price increases accordingly, so this is the evaluation. I think I can go on a special day...
neko nade on Google

連休中のど真ん中での飲食でしたので、特上生ホルモンが品切れでした。 安くて美味しい。サブ料理も美味しかったので、またリベンジします!でも、人数多かったので奥座敷が良かったなぁと、少しがっかり。
As we were eating and drinking in the middle of the consecutive holidays, extra hormonal hormones were out of stock. Cheap and delicious. As sub dish was delicious, we revenge again! However, because there were a large number of people, it was a little disappointing that the room was good.
nobori on Google

太田でホルモンと言えば太田ホルモン! ここは本当に美味しい。 ホルモンが美味しいし、何よりもお米が最高に旨い。 お店が味に対してのこだわりもわかるし、太田に来たらここは外せない。
Speaking of hormones in Ota, Ota hormones! This is really delicious. The hormones are delicious and the rice is the best. You can see the store's commitment to taste, and you can't remove it when you come to Ota.
もも on Google

初来店! カウンター数席とテーブル席2、座敷が2。 初めにQRコードの紙をもらい自身のスマホから読み込んでメニューを注文する形式になっています。 初めは便利ーって思ったけどちょっとめんどくさくなりました笑 厚切りタンがおいしいと聞いたのでとりあえず一皿頼んでみた! ちゃんと厚みがあり、はさみをもらえるので焼いてから食べやすい大きさに切ってから食べるみたいです。 お肉の価格は安い! お酒の価格は普通です! 他にもホルモン、レバー、カルビなど食べましたがどれもお肉は新鮮なようでとても美味しかったです✨ また行きたいと思います!!
First visit! There are several counter seats, 2 table seats, and 2 tatami mats. First, you will receive a QR code paper, read it from your smartphone, and order the menu. At first I thought it was convenient, but it became a little annoying lol I heard that thick-sliced ​​tongue is delicious, so I ordered a plate for the time being! It's thick and you can get scissors, so it's like baking it and then cutting it into pieces that are easy to eat. The price of meat is cheap! The price of liquor is normal! I also ate hormones, liver, ribs, etc., but the meat seemed fresh and it was very delicious ✨ I think I want to go again! !!
酒場放浪癖 on Google

久しぶりの美味しいホルモンに大満足でした♪ ミノ刺し、ハツ刺し、センマイ刺しにはじまり、厚切りタン塩、タケノコ、生ホルモンとハラミとサガリ、〆は冷麺とユッケジャンクッパ? 必ずリピします。 ご馳走さまでした✨
I was very satisfied with the delicious hormones I hadn't had in a long time ♪ Beginning with mino sashimi, hatsu sashimi, omasum sashimi, thick-sliced ​​tongue salt, bamboo shoots, raw hormones, halami and sagari, 〆 is cold noodles and yukgaejang bowser ? I will definitely repeat it. Thank you for the treat ✨
Terry K on Google

隣町の高評価の焼肉ホルモン店、なかなか行く機会を逃しようやく初訪問。 店周辺は住宅街で交通量少なく「ついで需要」は見込めない。 この静寂な地であえて勝負している覚悟は期待大、気持ちは昂る。 17:00開店直後に入店、さすがの人気店で予約がいっぱいらしく19:00退店を条件にカウンター1席確保。(ホッ) 注文内容) 厚切りタン X 1 中落ちカルビ X 1 特上生ホルモン X 1 チョレギサラダ X 1 ライス大X 1 烏龍茶 X 1 ジンジャーエール X 1 合計 : 4500円 感想まとめ) ・オーダーはスマホでQR読み込んで発注、スタッフは配膳に注力できるし発注ミスのトラブルもない。先鋭的で良いシステムだが、、操作画面のインターフェイスがイマイチかな。 ・七輪風ロースターは強火でも火力弱いと感じるかもしれないが肉をじっくり焼き旨みを引き出すには絶妙な火加減かもしれない。せっかちな人には向かない。 ・厚切りタンは厚みと旨味食べ応え十分 ・生ホルモンと中落ちカルビの丁寧な下仕事、新鮮なホルモンの色が鮮やか 結論) 割と大食漢で2ラウンド突入する気構えだったが、厚切りタンで胃が満たされホルモン数枚残すという不覚、次回は失礼のないようにしたい。 店名の通りホルモンのクオリティに偽りなしの名店、次回は数名で再訪したい。
The first visit to the highly acclaimed yakiniku hormone restaurant in the neighboring town, finally missing the opportunity to go. The area around the store is a residential area, and there is little traffic, so "demand" cannot be expected. I have high expectations for the determination to compete in this quiet place, and my feelings are overwhelming. Entered immediately after opening at 17:00, and it seems that there are many reservations at a popular store, so one seat is secured at the counter on condition that the store leaves at 19:00. (Relieved) Order details) Thick sliced ​​tongue X 1 Medium-sized ribs X 1 Special raw hormone X 1 Choregi Salad X 1 Rice large X 1 Oolong tea X 1 Ginger ale X 1 Total: 4500 yen Impression summary) ・ Orders can be placed by reading the QR on your smartphone, and the staff can focus on serving and there is no trouble with ordering mistakes. It's a sharp and good system, but the interface of the operation screen is not good. ・ The Shichirin-style roaster may feel weak even on high heat, but it may be exquisitely cooked to bring out the flavor of the meat. Not suitable for impatient people. ・ Thick sliced ​​tongue is thick and delicious enough to eat ・ Careful work of raw hormones and medium-sized ribs, and the vivid colors of fresh hormones Conclusion) I was prepared to rush into two rounds with a relatively big eater, but I was afraid that my stomach would be filled with thick sliced ​​tongue and I would leave a few hormones, so I would like to avoid rudeness next time. As the name suggests, this is a well-known store that is truly hormonal in quality, and I would like to revisit it with a few people next time.

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