
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 桑島食堂

住所 :

Ryozenmachi Kakeda, Date, 〒960-0801 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:15AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:15AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:15AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:15AM–2PM
Thursday 11:15AM–2PM
Friday 11:15AM–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Ryozenmachi Kakeda, Date, 〒960-0801 Fukushima,Japan
野木新一(Shing Chang) on Google

一昨年まではラーメンが350円。ラーメン大盛り400円でしたが、100円値上げになりました。 混んでない時間帯ならば要望も聞いてもらえるので、個人的には、味濃いめ、麺硬め、大盛り(大盛り 50円増し)がオススメです。 そして、そして、特筆すべきは綺麗な若女将が接客してくれる事! 大女将も丁寧で愛想が良いのですが、若女将はまるでエレベーターガールかキャビンアテンダント出身かと思わんばかりの接客。 わずか450円のラーメンなのに、高級店で食事をした気分になれます。
Until the year before last, ramen was 350 yen. The price of ramen was 400 yen, but the price has increased by 100 yen. If it's not crowded, you can ask for requests, so I personally recommend the ones with a strong taste, hard noodles, and a large serving (a large serving of 50 yen). And, it is worth mentioning that a beautiful young landlady will serve you! The big proprietress is also polite and friendly, but the young proprietress is just like an elevator girl or a cabin attendant. Even though the ramen is only 450 yen, you can feel like you ate at a high-class restaurant.
SKボーイ on Google

接客かなりいい 美味しくても接客ダメだと美味しくない ここはかなりいいし美味い ラーメン450円でしたが780円出していい ほかも安い カレーは優しい味 カツ丼絶品
Customer service is pretty good Even if it is delicious, it is not delicious if it is not good to serve customers This is pretty good and delicious Ramen was 450 yen, but you can pay 780 yen Others are cheap Curry has a gentle taste Katsudon exquisite
MINI_GB _YoC on Google

ラーメン 450円 皆さんカキコしてますが、接客が良いです ラーメンは昭和感漂ってます 玉子焼きが珍しい チャーシュー旨し 接客とコスパで★4つ 次々とお客さんが入ってきます 町の食堂ですね 五目ラーメン550円を頼むお客さんが多かったようです
Ramen 450 yen Everyone is crazy, but the customer service is good Ramen has a Showa era feeling Tamagoyaki is rare Char siu Customer service and cospa ★ 4 Customers come in one after another It's a cafeteria in town It seems that many customers ordered Gomoku Ramen for 550 yen.
櫻井誠 on Google

The昭和40年代。 山田洋次監督作品に出てきそうです。ラーメンとカツ丼で¥1,100円でした びっくり。 味も美味しいかったです。あと若女将さんの接客は素晴らしいです。 帰り際とても良い気持ちになります。 草津町のみやたや食堂以来でした。是非皆さんも行ってみてください。(前にある、バスの駅も山田洋次風でした。)カツ丼は後から出てきたので写真忘れました。
The 1965's. It seems to appear in the work directed by Yoji Yamada. It was 1,100 yen for ramen and katsudon I was surprised. The taste was also delicious. Also, the customer service of the young landlady is wonderful. I feel very good on my way home. It was the first time since Miyataya Shokudo in Kusatsu Town. Please come and visit us. (The bus station in front was also Yoji Yamada style.) I forgot the photo because the katsudon came out later.
Letter to you on Google

I visited you for the first time in a long time. I've been to it many times since before. The one to ask is "Gome Chinese food". Before entering the restaurant, I think "I wonder if I'm going to eat katsudon today", but after all it's Gomoku Chinese food. I've been to the restaurant dozens of times before it became so much talked about, but I've never ordered another menu. Actually, I'm Yonezawa. It's a stupid story of driving a car for 50km in a time when gasoline is soaring, but there is no shop in Yonezawa that offers the taste of Chinese food. There is often a story about cospa in writing, but cospa is secondary. The Japanese-style dashi Chinese food is precious in the times when Kotekote ramen is touted. The shop used to be a sushi restaurant, so I wonder if that technique is being used. I had a drop of soup yesterday. Feast.
ジージョトム on Google

クチコミを見て来店しました。 店構えは昭和感があり、それとは裏腹に女性の方の上品な接客は好感持てます。 私はカツ丼で妻は中華そばを注文。 カツ丼は味付が絶妙。強いて言えば卵が半熟であればなお良いです。 中華そばは慈悲深いスープに麺はムギュっとして歯応えが良い。美味しいです。 駐車場は店の前4台ほどで、トイレは表にありますが女性の方は使用しない方がいいと思います(笑)
I came to the store after seeing the word of mouth. The store has a Showa era feeling, and contrary to that, the elegant customer service of females is good. I ordered Katsudon and my wife ordered Chinese noodles. Katsudon is exquisitely seasoned. It is even better if the eggs are half-boiled. Chinese soba is a benevolent soup and the noodles are crunchy and crunchy. Is delicious. There are about 4 parking lots in front of the store, and the toilets are on the front, but I think women should not use them (laughs).
koichi watanabe on Google

今日の麺活?福島県伊達市 初訪問?桑島食堂? 【ラーメン】450円 +【かつ丼】650円 昔ながらと侮るなかれ‼️ 和出汁が効いた絶品醤油スープ 主張し過ぎず飽きがこない ツルモチ中細麺も本格的 まさにシンプルイズベスト? かつ丼も食堂王的美味さで お新香&味噌汁がベスト箸休め 俺の歴史にまた1ページ…???
Today's noodle activity ? Date City, Fukushima Prefecture First visit ? Kuwashima Shokudo ? [Ramen] 450 yen + [Katsudon] 650 yen Don't look down on old-fashioned! ️ Exquisite soy sauce soup with Japanese soup stock Don't insist too much and never get bored TSURUMOCHI medium-thin noodles are also authentic Just simple is best ? Katsudon is also delicious as a dining room king New incense & miso soup is the best chopstick rest One more page in my history ... ???
ハルォーンdwbH on Google

ソウルなヌー堂 「伊達市霊山町掛田 桑島食堂 ラーメン 五目チャーハン」 450円+600円 ラリルレリーマンの昼メシシリーズ。 「ふくしまのハナシ」1009。 残したいソウルフルフードセレクション、その902。 ご機嫌いかがですか。 ワンダーソン ハルォーン☆ dwb ℋ うたふくです。 さぁ、 ココロはいつもアカペラに、 エビバディおいしくいただきましょう〜。 This is me-n(麺)-この店あの店に出逢えば。 わさわさ降る雪の会津若松AM。磐越道、東北道、東北中央道を経由し霊山インターから国道115号線、349号線とつなぎ霊山掛田に着いたのはお昼あたり。1月の頃の雪はなく路面は乾燥。そしてついにやってきましたこちらの老舗食堂。 入店後メニューに半チャーハンの記載なく可能かどうか念のため聞いてみるとやはり1人前のみ。予定通りラーメンと五目チャーハンそれぞれ1人前オーダー。ラーメンのきれいな琥珀色のスープ。つやつやなかがやき。細スト麺によくからむ。すすり具合もいい。薄焼き玉子もいい。焼豚も肉厚。五目チャーハンはしっとりほろほろと焼飯の風情。銀のスプーンがとまらない。チャーハンスープをすすりラーメンスープで締めるーのハナシだー♪ のん♪ ということで、 はい、 どーですか、 この麺(=面:つら)構え〜 とこの面構え〜(o^^o) ん〜 雨にも風にもコロナにも負けず ハルォーンでございます〜w^_^w #ラーメン #細スト麺 #五目チャーハン #老舗 #桑島食堂 #醤油 #福島県 #伊達市 #JAPAN #noodle #霊山町掛田 #ご当地麺
Seoul a Nu_do "Date City Lingshan Town, Kakeda Kuwashima cafeteria Ramen Gomoku Fried Rice " 450 yen +600 yen Lari Relais noon meal series of Lehman. "Story of Fukushima" 1009. Soulful food selection that you want to leave, the 902. How are you. Wanderson Haruon is ☆ dwb ℋ Utafuku. Well, Heart is always in a cappella, Ebi Body Please give me delicious. This is me-n (noodles) - If you come upon this store that store. Wasawasa falling snow of Aizuwakamatsu AM. Panji Koedo, Tohoku Expressway, Tohoku Chuo Expressway via the 115 National Highway from Lingshan Inter, and the per lunch had arrived at the 349 Route and tie Lingshan Kakeda. The road surface is dry rather than snow days in January. And here of long-established cafeteria that has finally come. I asked just to make sure whether it is possible without the description of the semi-fried rice to enter the store after the menu only still one person. As planned ramen noodles and fried rice Gomoku each 1 servings order. Beautiful amber color of the soup of noodles. Tsutsuma Yanakayaki. Involving well to a fine strike noodles. Good condition is good. Usuyaki egg good. Roasted pork even thickness. Gomoku fried rice is moist by ones and twos To fried rice taste of. Silver spoon does not stop. Story's over ♪ of Shimeru ramen soup sipping fried rice soup ♪ I of So Yes, Oh, The noodles (= surface: bitterness) poised - And this side ~ (o ^ ^ o) Hmm~ Not lose to corona also to wind the rain There a Haruon ~w ^ _ ^ w # Ramen # fine strike noodles # Gomoku fried rice # Long-established # Kuwashima cafeteria # soy sauce # Fukushima Prefecture # Date City #JAPAN #noodle # Lingshan Town, Kakeda # your local noodles

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