Ryokuundo Tezuka Acupuncture - Utsunomiya

5/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Ryokuundo Tezuka Acupuncture

住所 :

2 Chome-3-22 Sakura, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 320-0043
Webサイト : https://www.tezuka-acupuncture.com/

2 Chome-3-22 Sakura, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0043, Japan
塩見元基 on Google

お勧めの治療院です。 社会人リーグでアメフトしてましたが、40歳を超えて現役でいられたのもここのお陰と思っています! スポーツの特性上、沢山のはり治療院に通いましたがここは私には合っているようです! また、腕はモチロンですが、院長の人柄も良く治療に加えお話も楽しみに定期的に通院してます。 建物は新築で、とても清潔感があり安心です!
It is a recommended treatment center. I used to play football in the adult league, but I think it's because of this that I was able to play active duty over the age of 40! Due to the nature of sports, I went to many acupuncture clinics, but this one seems to suit me! Also, although my arm is Mochiron, the director's personality is good and I go to the hospital regularly to look forward to talking in addition to treatment. The building is new and very clean and safe!
123 S on Google

先日は治療有り難う御座いました。 久しぶりの登山に行き、下山中から脚がつってしまい痛みが強く、次の日の仕事が心配でしたが治療してもらい、仕事も多少の筋肉痛程度は残るものの通常通り仕事が出来ました。 先生の手がとても優しい感じで温かく心地良い鍼治療でした。
Thank you for the treatment the other day. I went to the mountain for the first time in a long time, and my legs got stuck from the middle of the mountain, and I was worried about the next day's work, but I was treated, and although some muscle pain remained, I was able to work as usual. .. The teacher's hands were very gentle and warm and comfortable acupuncture.
n k on Google

初診の問診に時間を費やして頂き、そして今までの病歴や怪我の有無など本当に丁寧に問診して頂きました。 室内もとても清潔でインテリアも素敵なのと、もぐさの香りが漂い居心地が良かったです。 内臓に疾患があり、肩首こりも酷くこちらにかかりましたが、脚の先から身体がポカポカになり鍼灸の良さをこちらの先生のおかげで身をもって実感できました。 定期的にお願いしようと思います。
He spent a lot of time interviewing him for the first visit, and he really politely asked him about his medical history and whether he was injured. The room was very clean and the interior was nice, and the scent of moxa was so comfortable. I had a disease in my internal organs and had a stiff shoulder and neck, but my body became warm from the tip of my leg and I could feel the goodness of acupuncture and moxibustion. I would like to ask you regularly.
あぶない看護師 on Google

久しぶりに本格的な鍼灸院に行きました。昔から東洋医学にも興味があり鍼灸の力も知っていたつもりですが、1回ですごく身体が軽くなりました。ずっと痛かった腰痛も今は楽です❗️身体全体を看る先生の姿勢にも感銘。悪いところ全部治してしまいたい。 視力まで少し回復したような感じがします。 本当につらい方にはお勧めですが、予約取れなくなったら嫌だなぁ(笑)
I went to a full-fledged acupuncture and moxibustion clinic for the first time in a long time. I have been interested in oriental medicine for a long time, and I thought I knew the power of acupuncture and moxibustion, but once I did it, my body became very light. Back pain that has been painful for a long time is now easier ❗️ I am also impressed with the attitude of the teacher who looks at the whole body. I want to cure all the bad things. I feel like my eyesight has recovered a little. I recommend it to those who are really hard, but I hate it if I can not make a reservation (laugh)

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