ローワンコーヒーロースターズ Rowan coffee

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ローワンコーヒーロースターズ Rowan coffee

住所 :

Hara, Suwa District, 〒391-0104 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://rowancoffee.theshop.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5:30PM
Sunday 11AM–5:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–5:30PM
Thursday 11AM–5:30PM
Friday 11AM–5:30PM
街 : Nagano

Hara, Suwa District, 〒391-0104 Nagano,Japan
TAKA N on Google

テイクアウトでローワンブレンドを頂きました。 前のお客さんの注文が入っているので少しお時間頂きますと事前の説明がありましたので、店内や店先の敷地で八ヶ岳や南アルプスを眺めながら待たせていただきました。 コーヒーは大変美味しかったのでまた利用したいと思います。 少し待ち時間が長かったので☆-1です。
I got a rowan blend for takeout. There was an explanation in advance that it would take some time because there was an order from the previous customer, so I waited while looking at Yatsugatake and the Southern Alps inside the store and on the premises of the storefront. The coffee was very good so I would like to use it again. The waiting time was a little long, so it's ☆ -1.
childer on Google

On a clear day, you can see the scenery at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake beautifully. The gateau chocolate was delicious.
荒川鉄男 on Google

素晴らしいロケーションです。 八ヶ岳も、南アルプスも入笠山も全てコーヒーを飲みながら堪能できます。 コーヒーは、とっても優しい味で、美味しかった〜。
Great location. You can enjoy Yatsugatake, the Southern Alps, and Mt. Nyukasa all while drinking coffee. The coffee had a very gentle taste and was delicious.
Hisamitsu Kita (ゴンカズ) on Google

Location with a good view, fluttering in a week after opening. The inside of the store is very fashionable and warm. Buy coffee beans. I am looking forward to the variety. The first time I bought a deep roasted India APPA.
T Keisuke on Google

本格的なコーヒー専門店なので、注文してから時間がかかってしまうのは当たり前。その辺の喫茶店と一緒だと考えているような人には不向きです。 味だけでなく、コーヒーを淹れている間の香りや音を楽しみたいという方にはおすすめ。おいしいし、コーヒー好きの欲求をしっかり満たしてくれます。
It's a full-fledged coffee shop, so it's natural that it takes time after ordering. It is not suitable for people who think that it is the same as a coffee shop in that area. Recommended for those who want to enjoy not only the taste but also the aroma and sound while brewing coffee. It's delicious and will satisfy your coffee lover's desires.
中澤良雄(NOPPO) on Google

#原村カフェ #自家焙煎珈琲 #ローワンコーヒーロースターズ #ローワンコーヒー #rowancoffee #八ケ岳南麓 #rowancoffeeroasters #原村払沢 #県道17号 #県道17号線 #豆買えます #蜂蜜カステラ 長野県道50号線沿いのスタバ諏訪城南店は、良く利用しますが、 長野(山梨)県道17号、茅野・北杜・韮崎線沿いの諏訪郡原村払沢に昨年の12月14日に新規開店されたローワン・コーヒー・ロースターズ@rowancoffeeroasters に、お邪魔して来ました。土曜日の信濃毎日新聞で、紹介されていて、月曜日定休だったので、慌てて出掛けた次第。 ローワンと言っても、語学力の無い自分は、スターウォーズのローグワン位しか思い浮かびませんでした。ローワンは、西洋ナナカマドの事で、日本のナナカマドとは、別種のようですが、コーヒーチェリー?の様でも有り、今、竈門○○郎なんかもはやっているから、、、花言葉は、慎重、賢明だそうです(?) こちら、丁寧に生豆をハンドピッキングされて、雑味の無いコーヒーを自家焙煎、抽出して、提供下さいます。 美味しいコーヒー☕の唯一の欠点が、するする飲めるので、すぐ無くなっちゃう(笑)?当然、お替りで、もう一杯☕注文しました。 一緒に頼んだ蜂蜜?たっぷりカステラも珈琲☕と、あって美味でしたね(?)?♫
#Haramura Cafe #Home Roasted Coffee #Rowan Coffee Roasters #Rowan Coffee #rowancoffee #Southern Foot of Yatsugatake #rowancoffeeroasters #Haramura Haraizawa #Prefectural Road 17 #Prefectural Road 17 #Honey Castella I often use the Starbucks Suwa Jonan store along Nagano Prefectural Road 50, I visited Rowan Coffee Roasters @rowancoffeeroasters, which was newly opened on December 14th last year in Haraizawa, Suwa-gun, along the Chino / Kitamori / Nagisaki Line on Nagano (Yamanashi) Prefectural Road 17. It was introduced in the Shinano Mainichi Shimbun on Saturday, and it was closed on Monday, so I went out in a hurry. Even though I say Rogue One, I could only think of myself as Rogue One in Star Wars because I didn't have the language skills. Rowan is a Western rowan, which seems to be a different species from the Japanese rowan, but it is also like coffee cherry ?, and now I'm doing something like 竈 MON ○○ rou, so be careful about the flower language. It seems wise (?) Here, raw beans are carefully hand-picked, and coffee without any unpleasant taste is roasted and extracted in-house and served. The only drawback of good coffee ☕ is that you can drink it, so it will be gone soon (laughs) ? Of course, I ordered another cup ☕. The honey I ordered together ? Plenty of castella was also coffee ☕ and it was delicious (?) ?♫
かよこ on Google

コーヒー好きな私。専門的な事は分からないけど、いろいろな店でコーヒーをテイクアウトして飲んでるのだけれど、 初めてここのコーヒーを飲んだ時 これ、美味しい!!と感動したのを境に 度々足を運んでいます。自分へのご褒美に‥ 今日も美味しい珈琲、ご馳走様でした!
I like coffee. I don't know what's technical, but I take out coffee at various stores and drink it. The first time I drank coffee here This is delicious! !! I was impressed I often go there. Reward to myself‥ It was a delicious coffee and a treat today!
Miwa Ichikawa on Google

A coffee shop that you want to go all the way to. If you're wondering which coffee to use, talk to the owner. The coffee that the owner carefully brews is delicious and you can feel that this is real coffee. It is a luxurious time to see Yatsugatake, which changes throughout the four seasons, from inside the store. You can buy beans online, so I'm happy that you can enjoy them at home. Not only coffee lovers, but also people who are not good at coffee should visit and taste it.

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