
2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact rovtski(ロフトスキー)イオンレイクタウンkaze店

住所 :

Lake Town, Koshigaya, 〒343-0828 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Lake Town, Koshigaya, 〒343-0828 Saitama,Japan
N. N on Google

I like the design of clothes and the clerk is also familiar. Therefore, it may be better to stop people who do not like to serve customers.
n. naoya on Google

従業員がありえない態度、、 売る気があるのかって言う態度接客を受けました。 お客を客と思ってなさそうです。 接客態度にかなりの問題があります。 店の代表の方も、接客態度の勉強をされてないのでしょうか? まずは代表の方がしっかりと他で学んできて、従業員に教えてほしいですね。 従業員の教育や従業員の態度を注意できないのでしたら、もう二度と行きたくないですね。 がっかりなお店です。
Employees can't have an attitude ... I received a customer service with an attitude asking if I was willing to sell. You don't seem to think of the customer as a customer. There is a considerable problem with customer service. Isn't the representative of the store also studying customer service attitude? First of all, I would like the representative to learn more firmly and teach the employees. If you can't pay attention to employee education and employee attitudes, you don't want to go again. It's a disappointing shop.
yume atsugi on Google

I was surprised to see the review, so I posted it. I went to buy my son's clothes the other day. My son's height was about the same as the clerk, so it was easy to understand, and he was very kind to me. However, those who are unfamiliar with customer service may not be good at it. It's more like friendship than customer service. Star 4 in that the price is high.
三日月夜 on Google

星1を付ける価値すらないです。 他の方が仰っていた通り友達感覚でタメ口を聞いて接客をしてくる方がいるのでそういうのが苦手な方は行かない方がいいです。 あの接客態度で許してしまう上層部の方大丈夫でしょうか? せっかくのお出かけの日にこのお店に寄って気分を害すくらいなら似たような洋服は沢山あるので他で買おうと思いました。 その反面他のお店の接客の良さを感じられるので反面教師を見たい方は是非一度訪れてみるのもありかもしれないです!
Not even worth the star 1. As other people have said, there are people who listen to the tame mouth and serve customers as if they were friends, so those who are not good at that kind of thing should not go. Is it okay for the upper management to forgive with that customer service attitude? There are so many similar clothes that I wouldn't be offended by visiting this shop on the day I went out, so I decided to buy them elsewhere. On the other hand, you can feel the good customer service of other shops, so if you want to see the teacher, you may want to visit it once!
japan takesima on Google

他の方が言っている通りです。 先週訪問しました。入って服を見ていると「この服結構高いよ~買えるの?買う気あるの?」と急にため口&上から目線で話しかけられました。 こちらも真摯に買う気があることを伝えましたが、その後も暴言と受けとれるもの、(おそらく悪気はないから一番たちが悪い)を浴びせられ不快な思いをしました。 (当方、入店後即声をかけられたので何か失礼なことマナー違反なことは一切行っていないです) 後ほど調べたのですが、このお店の店員さんは主に3人で暴言、ため口の店員は"店長"だというじゃありませんか!これでは店員の教育云々のはなしではないし今後も改善されることはないと思います。 このようなデザイン系統の服を好きな人全体のイメージダウンだし、販売に関わって欲しくないし服を売る権利はないです。
As others have said. I visited last week. When I went in and looked at the clothes, I suddenly said, "This clothes are quite expensive-can you buy them? Are you willing to buy them?" I told him that he was willing to buy it seriously, but after that he was exposed to something that could be regarded as abusive language (probably the worst because he was not malicious), which made me feel uncomfortable. (Since I was immediately called out after entering the store, I have not done anything rude or violating manners) I investigated later, but the clerk at this store is mainly three people who rant, and the clerk at the store is the "manager"! This is not a story about the education of the clerk, and I don't think it will be improved in the future. The image of all the people who like clothes with such a design system is downgraded, and I don't want them to be involved in the sale and I have no right to sell the clothes.
ムシキング on Google

最悪のお店です。星1も付けたくありません。 非常に不愉快な思いをしました。 良いと思った服を見つけたので、値段を聞こうと思い店員に声を掛けると、「興味あんの?」といきなりタメ口。 三流ホストの様な見た目の店員でした。 おいくらですか?と訊ねると、「結構高いよ、お客さんここの店初めてだよね?高くて無理だと思うよ」と、客を舐めているとしか思えない上から目線の態度。値段も8000円とブランドとしては別に高くない値段でした。 服自体は良く、購入しようとしていましたが、その店員の態度で速攻店を出ました。 こんな態度の店員は初めての経験なので、1日気分悪く過ごしました。 オーナーはどういう教育をしているのか、他に被害者を出さない為にも厳しい指導を希望致します。
The worst shop. I don't want to add 1 star. I felt very unpleasant. I found clothes that I thought were good, so I asked the clerk to ask for the price, and suddenly he said, "Are you interested?" It was a clerk who looked like a third-class host. How much Is? When asked, "It's quite expensive, it's the first time for a customer to shop here, isn't it? I think it's too expensive," he said. The price was 8000 yen, which was not too high for a brand. The clothes themselves were good and I was trying to buy them, but the clerk's attitude left the store in haste. It was my first experience with a clerk with this attitude, so I spent the day feeling sick. I would like strict guidance on what kind of education the owner is doing so as not to cause other victims.
崎山みちか on Google

以前はオシャレで質の良い服が多かったのですが、いつの間にかサブカルチックな尖り過ぎのセンスのない服主体になっており残念です。 音楽を一つのキーワードに服をデザインしていたコンセプトはどこにいってしまったのか、、、 代官山も横浜も店舗がなくなり、もう完全に別ブランドだなという印象。 ただ、品質が昔と同じならモノはいいはず。 私自身10年前に買った服も余裕で今も現役です。 アウターもニットもシャツもパンツも。 いやぁ〜ほんと残念。
In the past, there were many fashionable and high-quality clothes, but it's a shame that the clothes are mainly subcultured and have no sense of sharpness. Where did the concept of designing clothes with music as one keyword go? The impression is that both Daikanyama and Yokohama have no stores, and they are completely different brands. However, if the quality is the same as before, things should be good. I can afford the clothes I bought 10 years ago and I am still active. Outerwear, knitwear, shirts and pants. I'm really sorry.
とある暇人さん on Google

先日お伺いしたのですが、店長?のような身長の高い方の接客態度があまりにも酷すぎました。 タメ口は当たり前で、お客さんを見下すような発言等も多く、洋服を見る気が失せてしまいました。 他の店員さんは人当たりもよく、話しやすくてよかったのですが、あの高身長の方だけ酷すぎます。 コソッと後ろの方で、高身長の方が他の店員さんにキツく当たってる姿(接客の仕方やタイミングが悪い等の発言)もお見かけしたので、どんな教育をしているのだろうとも疑問に思います。 まず、貴方が自分自身を見直すべきだろう…と切実に思いました。 お店の売上になるお客さんを選別してる感がとても強かったので、ふらっと見に行く程度では行かない事をおすすめします。 買わない意思表示を見せたら邪魔者扱いをするよう高身長の方が教育をしているみたいなので注意が必要です。
I asked you the other day, is it the store manager? The customer service attitude of taller people like this was too terrible. The tame mouth was natural, and there were many remarks that looked down on the customers, and I lost the desire to look at the clothes. I'm glad that the other clerk was friendly and easy to talk to, but only that tall person is too terrible. In the back, I saw a tall person hitting another clerk tightly (remarks such as how to serve customers and timing is bad), so I wonder what kind of education I am doing. I'm wondering. First of all, I really thought that you should review yourself. I felt that I was selecting the customers who would be the sales of the store, so I recommend that you do not go to see it. It seems that taller people are educating people to treat them as an obstacle if they show their intention not to buy, so be careful.

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