TMI総合法律事務所 東京オフィス

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TMI総合法律事務所 東京オフィス

住所 :

Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, 6 Chome−10−1, Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-6123 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, 6 Chome−10−1, Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-6123 Tokyo,Japan
Jill Katz on Google

Evaluation of Archis Foreign Law Joint Business Law Firm
Mizuki Konno on Google

For some reason, I couldn't stop sneezing in the conference room.
遊佐克彦 on Google

A wonderful room ceremony that feels dignified as a general law firm.
koji miyoshi on Google

First of all, it ’s beautiful.
橋本隆寿 on Google

One of the best law firms in Japan. It is a law firm with considerable scale and ability, including several former judges of the Supreme Court as corporate lawyers and many lawyers who are good at foreign legal affairs and intellectual property legal affairs. The reward will be high, but if it is an advanced project, it will be cost-effective.
yuki on Google

The team will act systematically, logically and emotionally. I think I couldn't survive in the end because I was involved in a malicious proceeding and it wasn't the response of this office.
mayu kana on Google

費用対効果は度外視しても依頼してもらえたら納得いく結果を出してくれる弁護士事務所かな。 あくまでも一般論ですが、例えば、民事、刑事の裁判官を務める人間を特定したら、その裁判官が忖度する元上司や先輩などを直ぐに委任状、訴状に乗っける事とか、、、。これが出来る、やる弁護士事務所かな。 余談ですが、以前には、他の事務所にも加藤済仁先生とか和田衛先生とかカッコいい先生が他にも居たんだけどね。
I think that the cost-effectiveness is an attorney's office that will give you satisfactory results even if you request it even if you ignore it. Generally speaking, for example, if you identify a person who will serve as a judge for civil or criminal matters, you can immediately put the former boss or senior who the judge will be able to get on the power of attorney or complaint. I think I can do this, a law firm. As an aside, there were other teachers in the other offices, such as Mr. Seito Kato, Mr. Mamoru Wada, and other cool teachers.
あかり on Google

クライアントファーストのよい事務所だと思います。 どの弁護士も一生懸命案件に取り組んでくれ、深夜や明け方にもメールの返信があることがままあります。 それを当たり前だと思ってはいけないと思いますが、やはり迅速な対応が必要な場面は多いため、ありがたいです。
I think it's a good client-first office. All lawyers work hard on the case, and sometimes we get email replies at midnight and dawn. I don't think it should be taken for granted, but I am grateful that there are many situations where prompt response is required.

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