Room Cube

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Room Cube

住所 :

Kuramae, Taito City, 〒111-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Kuramae, Taito City, 〒111-0051 Tokyo,Japan
清水凉子 on Google

白鵬翔 on Google

901 loq on Google

I was very kind
山賀理恵 on Google

Under very strict conditions, I was looking for a property that matched my wishes. It is a recommended real estate agent.
R T on Google

社長さん、愉快でとても素敵な方です 親身になって希望に沿ったお部屋を見つけて頂けました! 感謝します✨
The president is a funny and very nice person You have been kind enough to find a room that suits your needs! Thank you ✨
m k on Google

I decided on the property here because I fell in love with the room I introduced and the personality of the president. I asked for a difficult task, but I came across a nice room as I wanted! It is recommended that you can search for wonderful properties that cannot be experienced by major chains.
なお on Google

この度は大変お世話になりました。 最終的に当初より私の1番に希望していた物件に無事入居でき、未だ、片付けや配置に苦戦の毎日ながら(笑) ここに住めてる事に、嬉しい日々を過ごさせて頂いております。 物凄く御苦労お掛けした半年でしたが 今こうして穏やかに過ごせてるのも ルームキューブさんのお陰です。 有難うございました。 引越を考えてから1年。 ◯ー◯で気軽に『詳細知りたい』を ポチッとしたら…怒涛の様な電話やメールに辟易し、 違う不動産屋で探したモノは『釣り』で、 しかも対応も悪く… 気持ち少し萎えてはいたものの、住む地域は決めていたので 口コミを見て、地元不動産屋を巡ることにしました。 何件か巡りましたが条件を聞いて門前払いの所や、ピントのズレた物件しか出さない所… 途方に暮れ最後にお邪魔したのが ルームキューブさんでしたが、お伺いした時、ちょうど接客中で、残念ながら帰ろうと肩を落としていた所、目礼して下さった女性の方は、接客を止め、表まで出て来て下さり『◯時頃、またお越し頂けましたら、お話伺えるのですがご都合如何でしょうか?』と声を掛けて下さいました。勿論、快諾し再訪させて頂きました。 落ち着いた店内、 選べるドリンクサービス等に嬉しい驚きでした。 私は物件へのこだわりが多く、 彼は『内見しないと決められない』そして2人とも土日しか動けない中、こまめに条件に合う物件情報をメールで送って下さり且つ次回来訪時にはプラスαな物件までご用意頂きました。 こちらの気になる物件の内見予約をして頂き、内見して…(汗) このコロナ禍で本当にご苦労お掛けしました。 でも一度足りとも嫌な顔をされたこと無く、毎回ステキな笑顔で迎えて下さいました。 最終的に物件が決まってからは、お互いバタバタでしたね(笑) いつも一生懸命でハツラツとしておられ、チョッピリお茶目な面もあったご担当者様、 そして 隣からプチ情報をいつも教えて下さった素敵な先輩様、 豪快で愉快で場の雰囲気を明るく温かくして下さった頼れる店長様… 改めて、 ルームキューブの皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。 そして、これを読んで下さっている あなた様。 私の長い口コミを、最後まで読んで下さり有難うございます。(本当はもっと語りたいのですが(笑)) もし、お引っ越しをお考えでしたら 是非是非ルームキューブさんをオススメ致します? (*^▽^*)マチガイナイ!
Thank you very much for your help this time. In the end, I was able to move in to the property that I had hoped for first from the beginning, and I still struggle to clean up and arrange it every day (laughs). I am happy to be living here. It was half a year that I had a lot of trouble I'm able to spend my time calmly like this now Thanks to Room Cube. Thank you. It's been a year since I thought about moving. Feel free to "I want to know more" with ◯ ー ◯ If you click ... I'm tired of angry phone calls and emails, The thing I searched for at a different real estate agent was "fishing" Moreover, the correspondence is bad ... Although I was feeling a little weak, I had decided where to live. After seeing the reviews, I decided to visit a local real estate agent. I went around several cases, but when I asked about the conditions, I paid in advance, and I only put out properties with misaligned pins ... I was at a loss and the last thing I disturbed was It was Room Cube, but when I visited him, he was just waiting on customers, and unfortunately he was dropping his shoulders to go home. Sari: "If you come again around ◯, I can talk to you, but how convenient is it? ". Of course, I kindly agreed and revisited. Calm interior, I was very surprised at the drink service that I could choose. I have a lot of commitment to properties, He said, "I can't decide if I don't look inside," and while both of them can only move on Saturdays and Sundays, he frequently sent me property information that meets the conditions by e-mail, and when I visited next time, he prepared a plus α property. Make a preview reservation for the property you are interested in, and preview it ... (sweat) Thank you very much for your hard work. However, he never gave me an unpleasant face, and he welcomed me with a wonderful smile every time. After the property was finally decided, it was fluttering with each other (laugh) The person in charge who was always working hard and had a playful side, And a nice senior who always told me petite information from the neighbor, A reliable store manager who was lively, entertaining, and made the atmosphere of the place bright and warm ... Once again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone at Room Cube. And you who are reading this. Thank you for reading my long review to the end. (I really want to talk more (laughs)) If you are thinking of moving I definitely recommend Room Cube ? (* ^ ▽ ^ *) Machigainai!
kkk 8.25 on Google

I called to send a postcard to start the service, but I didn't come for half a year after moving in, and when I made inquiries many times, I suddenly got a call and wondered if something happened. I was asked if I could call you back after checking it. Should I say that from the beginning? I thought. I got a call back, and I got a call later, so can you answer it? I heard it without thinking. Is it a company that is said to be from another company? I heard again. I wanted you to give me the necessary information at once without asking many questions.

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