ROLEX Shop Hamamatsu Entetsu

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ROLEX Shop Hamamatsu Entetsu

住所 :

Sunayamacho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒430-8588 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
街 : Shizuoka

Sunayamacho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒430-8588 Shizuoka,Japan

S K on Google

岩瀬和男 on Google

The guide is kind!
myu nico on Google

暇な時の 気だるそうな やる気の無さそうな顔 見られてる意識皆無 接客業として如何なものかと思う 30代後半の女従業員
In my spare time It seems to be annoying Unmotivated face No consciousness being seen I wonder what it is like as a hospitality business Female employee in her late 30s
厚志坪倉 on Google

友達はランゲをして同じ日新堂系列の高島屋に行ったら、店員さんがランゲを知らなく、高級品を扱うのにランゲを知らないのかと説教したら、バックヤードから緑のオイパペが出てきた!! 私もパテックをしていったら、何故か、店員さんのキツイ説教が出てきた!! 面白いから、また行く!! 久しぶりに闘志が沸いて来た! もっと楽しませて欲しい。 お客の私に色々な条件を言うのは言いが、いい加減に私の希望の物を出して欲しい。 こっちは、しっかりやっているのだから。 因みにキャバクラではなくツボクラです。死ぬまでにレア物は出るのかなぁ!? 7月16日に行ったら店長さんと楽しく会話が出来た!格好いいロレックスをしており、勉強させて頂いた!! また、いつもの人はいなかったが、たまには違う空気も良い物た。 今後は通販で買った時計で付けて話して見たくなった!勿論、いつもの人にも!!今年はロレックスカタログくれるかなぁ。昨年、com.comと渋滞見たいな事を言っていたが、欲しいと言っているなに、三下の、私にはキッいね。ブッキングするぐらいだかね。ワクチンを2回目を打ったら速攻、行くので、優しく、丁寧、真摯に対応してもらいたいです。決して、自分のミスを責任者に黙っていて、一気に信頼を無くようでは、いかがの物かと思う!! お客様には厳しく、店員には甘いのは、考えものだ!!
My friend did Lange and went to Takashimaya, which is affiliated with Nisshindo, and when the clerk preached that he didn't know Lange and didn't know Lange to handle luxury goods, a green oipape came out from the backyard! !! When I did Patek, for some reason, a clerk's hard sermon came out! !! It's interesting, so I'll go again! !! Fighting spirit has come to life for the first time in a long time! I want you to entertain more. It's a good idea to tell me various conditions as a customer, but I want you to give me what you want. I'm doing well here. By the way, it is not a cabaret club but a pot club. I wonder if rare things will come out by the time I die! ?? When I went on July 16th, I had a good conversation with the store manager! I'm a cool Rolex and I've been studying! !! Also, although there was no usual person, sometimes the different air was good. In the future, I would like to talk with the watch I bought online! Of course, for the usual people! !! I wonder if you can give me a Rolex catalog this year. Last year, I said that I wanted to see traffic jams with, but I said that I wanted it, but Mishita, it's not good for me. It's about booking. If you hit the vaccine a second time, you will go haste, so I would like you to respond gently, politely, and sincerely. I think it's a good idea to keep your mistakes silent to the person in charge and lose trust at once! !! It's an idea to be strict with customers and sweet with clerk! !!
Nockn Pockn on Google

It's a kind shop, but even if I go to Asaichi in the morning, it doesn't sell sports model watches.

The clerk will tell you in detail and give you a kind response.
濃厚チーズケーキ on Google

客を遠ざける接客残念で仕方ない。大事にした方が良いと思う。まぁ〜店側が客を選ぶなら仕方ないが!いきなり掌を返すのはどうかと… 最近たまたま聞いたんだけど、3人同じ事言って居たのにはビックリしました。 過去にこちらで購入したらしいんだけど… その後、よそよそしくて今後どう接して良いか分からないと。カタログ貰いに行くのも嫌と。 私個人としては最近、受付?女性の大あくびにはビックリしました。 仕事中でも流石に…
It is regrettable to keep customers away. I think you should take good care of it. Well, if the store chooses a customer, it can't be helped! Why don't you suddenly return your palm ... I happened to hear it recently, but I was surprised that the three of them were saying the same thing. I heard you bought it here in the past ... After that, I'm afraid I don't know how to deal with it in the future. I hate going to get a catalog. Is it a receptionist for me personally recently? I was surprised at the big yawning of women. Even at work ...

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