ビッグ・エー 足立六月店

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ビッグ・エー 足立六月店

住所 :

Rokugatsu, Adachi City, 〒121-0814 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.biga.co.jp/shop/%25E8%25B6%25B3%25E7%25AB%258B%25E5%2585%25AD%25E6%259C%2588%25E5%25BA%2597/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Rokugatsu, Adachi City, 〒121-0814 Tokyo,Japan
Key on Google

Besides, I buy cheap and a little lacking items, alcohol, sweets, etc.
Кошка on Google

I buy tea or bag ramen (BIG / A brand) because it is cheap and delicious ฅ (= ・ ω ・ =) ฅ
コロスケ84 on Google

A mini supermarket with an affordable price and a range of products. As Boya has disappeared, it is an unmatched level, but is it useful?
紫百合香 on Google

I don't say that the store is worse. An increasing number of people are not keeping up with social distances. It's hard to buy.
Sato Nemo on Google

けっこういろいろある感じです 個人の見解ですか
There are quite a lot of things Is it your personal opinion?
紺野和男 on Google

It's been quite crowded since the supermarket, which used to be a few houses away, closed.
MARU MARU on Google

長期出張に行き、初めて利用。 酒類、惣菜で、約3000円購入。 「安かろう悪かろう」の典型的な店。 夕方行ったが、弁当の米はパラパラで食べられる代物ではない。 レジでは現金のみで、60代と思われる男性のレジ係にガードの可否を聞いた際もムッとされ、弁当類3点+惣菜で、箸を3膳持っていくと睨まれ、レジ袋も1枚10円と高い。 価格もそれ程安くなく、自分も約30年スーパー業界で働き、様々な店を見てきたが、これ程酷いのは初めてでした。 もう二度と行きません。
I went on a long-term business trip and used it for the first time. Purchase about 3000 yen for alcoholic beverages and prepared foods. A typical "cheap or bad" store. I went there in the evening, but the rice in the lunch box is not something that can be eaten. At the cash register, only cash was used, and when I asked a male cashier who seems to be in his 60s whether or not he could guard, he was sick, and he was glared at when he brought 3 sets of chopsticks with 3 lunch boxes and side dishes. It is as high as 10 yen per sheet. The price is not so cheap, I have worked in the supermarket industry for about 30 years and have seen various stores, but it was the first time that it was so terrible. I will never go there again.
てるてるねこねこ on Google

Currently (22 years), business hours are shorter than other stores and close at 21:00. There is no parking lot. Vegetables are cheap. Bento side dishes are cheap, but they are cold because they are made elsewhere. Private brand items are cheap.

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