(株)ケーユー 仙台若林店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)ケーユー 仙台若林店

住所 :

Rokuchonome Kitamachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0003 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89789
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/usedcar_shop/0903452/detail.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Miyagi

Rokuchonome Kitamachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0003 Miyagi,Japan
佐々木丈夫 on Google

I bought a third car here.
岩間祐樹(yuu) on Google

いつもお世話になっています。 丁寧に対応していただけます
I am always indebted. You can respond politely
Tommy on Google

The person in the store will respond to you in detail and carefully!
メイウェザーパッキャオ on Google

The car I bought 6 years ago is still on the verge of the third inspection without knowing any breakdowns. I haven't been to the store at all, but if I take this car inspection, I want to buy another car before the car inspection expires.
YOSHIAKI T. on Google

最初は、乗っていた車が壊れて、全国でほしい車を探していたら、何と近所で発見。直ぐに見に行ったら、担当者が嫁の旧姓と同じで出身他も同じ?不思議な縁を感じて、即決したら、これが面倒見の良い中古車屋さんでした。 ロードサービスもやっておりオイル交換無料の特典が付いて4000円弱。私の様な一回の交換で 7リットルも使う車に乗ってると大変お得です。 前回の車検では、事前見積りを取ってから行いましたが、「ライト(HID)のバルブが多少暗かったのに事前見積り時に気がつかなかったのは、わたしたちのミスです。」と言う事で、ディーラーなんかでは20000円以上する交換費用を何の交渉もなく、自発的に無料にしていただきました。 子供たちも大きくなり、大きな車は必要無くなったので、近々今乗っている車を買い換えようかと思いますが、又、ここから探そうかと思います。
At first, the car I was riding in was broken, and when I was looking for the car I wanted all over the country, I found it in my neighborhood. When I went to see it immediately, was the person in charge the same as the wife's maiden name and the same origin? I felt a mysterious edge, and when I decided immediately, this was a used car dealer who looked after me. There is also a road service and there is a free oil change benefit for just under 4000 yen. It's a great deal if you are in a car that uses as much as 7 liters for a single exchange like me. In the previous vehicle inspection, I did after taking a prior estimate, but it is our mistake that I did not notice at the time of prior estimate even though the bulb of the light (HID) was a bit dark, "he said. There was no negotiation for the exchange fee of 20,000 yen or more at a dealer, and we voluntarily made it free. The children have grown up and I don't need a big car anymore, so I think I'll buy a new car soon, but I'll try to find it again here.
平松がーすー on Google

先日、こちらでタント購入しました。 [良い所] 接客対応は丁寧でこちらの要望等も快くきいてくれて、お陰で良い車に出会う事が出来ました。 [悪い所] 特にはないですがしいて言うならば、契約成立してから納車までのやり取りはサバサバした対応になってるくらいですかね。 総合的には他の大手の中古屋さんと比べると断然良いお店かと思いました。
I bought Tanto here the other day. [a nice place] The customer service was polite and he was willing to respond to these requests, and thanks to that, I was able to meet a good car. [Bad place] There is nothing in particular, but if I say it, the exchanges from the conclusion of the contract to the delivery of the car are just a sloppy response. Overall, I thought it was a much better store than other major second-hand stores.
菅原翼 on Google

The clerk was kind and the first impression was refreshing. It was a cheap used car purchase, but I was happy because I was able to do my best. I was relieved because the inside of the store, the toilet, and the kids' space were clean. I think I'll put the second one here as well
あべわたる on Google

購入もその後のメンテもいつもとても親切で、みなさん挨拶も丁寧で、訪問理由も事前に把握して下さっていて助かっています。 ですが、最近来た少し偉い人と思われる人の言動が不愉快です。偉そうに命令口調でしゃべっているのが本当に不愉快です。令和の時代にあのような横柄な態度の社員がいるのも奇跡的ですが…。彼は大きな声で話すので店舗中に聞こえます。こちらは聞くのも嫌になって寒空に表に出たりしています。 オリコンの顧客満足度で一位を取ったとのことですが、これまでならさもありなんでした。 それなのに、この方一人のためにイメージは最悪になりました。
The purchase and maintenance after that are always very kind, everyone's greetings are polite, and it is helpful to know the reason for the visit in advance. However, the behavior of a person who seems to be a little great person who came recently is unpleasant. It's really unpleasant to speak in a commanding tone. It is miraculous that there are employees with such an arrogant attitude in the Reiwa era. He speaks loudly so he can hear it all over the store. I don't like to hear this, so I'm out in the cold sky. It is said that Oricon ranked first in customer satisfaction, but it was not so far. However, the image became the worst for this one person.

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