三共自動車販売㈱ ハイブリッド HV プリウス専門 仙台CarTop店

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Contact 三共自動車販売㈱ ハイブリッド HV プリウス専門 仙台CarTop店

住所 :

Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0031 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : https://www.carsensor.net/shop/miyagi/052757059/%3Fvos%3Dalcsrglgmzz10000141
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Miyagi

Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0031 Miyagi,Japan
やまなかくんにくん on Google

自社ローンではありません! ここの独自ローンは、岩手にある聞いた事もない店名の消費者金融会社のオートローンを組めと言われます。 しかも、わざわざ岩手の店頭まで行って申し込みしなきゃいけません。そして、そこの審査を通ったら、審査を通したお礼として5万円現金で支払えと言われます。 それでも車を買いたい方は是非どうぞ
Not your own loan! The original loan here is said to be an auto loan of a consumer finance company with a store name that I have never heard of in Iwate. Moreover, you have to go to the Iwate store to apply. And if you pass the examination there, you will be told to pay 50,000 yen in cash as a thank you for passing the examination. If you still want to buy a car, please do
阿部尚樹 on Google

担当の方の対応が、本当に良かったので、妻も即決で決めてくれて、乗りたい車に決めれました。 ◯◯さん、本当に 有難う 御座いました。
The person in charge was really good at responding, so my wife decided on a prompt decision and decided on the car I wanted to drive. Thank you very much, Mr. ◯◯.
819 010 on Google

絶対に行かない方が良い。ボッタクリで費用が倍以上かかります。 特に伊藤と言う人に要注意。 身長が低くてポッチャリ体型ですぐわかります。 こっちが知識がないことを良いことに費用を馬鹿高くしてくる。 あまりにも費用が高いので知り合いの車屋さんに相談したら、トヨタのディーラーに頼んだ費用だとしてもボッタクリも良い所と言われ、それどころかトヨタがそんな価格を提示したら信用問題に関わるのでありえない。 問題があるのは三共自動車の方だと言われました。 そして、予算オーバーで少しでも安く済ませたいので知り合いの所で頼むと言った瞬間、費用を3万円下げて提示されました。 理由が安いのがあったので金額が変わりましたとのことです。 それは私が伊藤と電話してる最中に言われました。 つまり、伊藤は私と電話してる最中にたまたま、偶然にも安いのが今、見つかったと、そう言ってるようです。 ペテン師に詐欺をされてしまったと思い今までの支払った費用は勉強代だと思うことにしました。 追伸、コロナコロナって世間が騒いでる時ぐれーマスクしろや 営業マンがきいて呆れるわ 口くせーから歯磨きしろ愚か者が
You should never go. The cost is doubled and more expensive. Be especially careful with the person called Ito. The height is short and you can easily see it by the physical form. The cost is ridiculous to the fact that we have no knowledge. It's too expensive, so I consulted with an acquaintance's car dealer, and it was said that even if I asked a Toyota dealer for the cost, it would be a good place to go. On the contrary, if Toyota offered such a price, it could not be related to credit problems. I was told that the problem was with Sankyo Motors. Then, at the moment when I said that I would like to ask at an acquaintance because I want to make it even cheaper because my budget is over, I was presented with the cost reduced by 30,000 yen. The reason was that the reason was cheap, so the price changed. It was said while I was calling Ito. In other words, while saying that Ito happened to be cheap while I was on the phone with me, Ito said that. I thought I was being scammed by a scammer, so I decided that the cost I had paid so far was for my study. PS, Corona Corona is a mask when the world is noisy I'm amazed at the salesman Brush your teeth out of your mouth
th!“んth!”ん on Google

Thanks to the kind and polite person in charge, I was able to buy a good car. Support after delivery was quick, so I would like to ask you to continue to recommend this shop!
三浦哲也 on Google

Thank you for this time. I was introduced to a good car and I was able to sign a contract safely. The car is in good condition and I am satisfied. The after-sales service was solid and I was able to purchase with confidence. If there is anything in the future, we will consult with you. Thank you.
カビラジョン on Google

店長の松川さんをはじめ従業員の皆様がとても親切に対応していただけました。また、車も他社に比べ状態も良く、納車前に磨いてから納車してくれる為とても綺麗に渡してもらえました!中古車という部分を忘れるくらい綺麗でとてもこれからのカーライフが楽しみです! 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
Employees, including the manager, Mr. Matsukawa, were very kind and helpful. Also, the car is in better condition than other companies, and it was delivered after being polished before delivery, so it was handed over very beautifully! It's so beautiful that I forget about the used car, and I'm really looking forward to the car life in the future! I look forward to working with you.
。n_あんぱん on Google

良かったです! ハイブリッド多いし〜見てて楽しかったし!欲しい車決まってなかったけど、相談に乗ってくれて的確な対応、客の要望をちゃんと聞いてそれにあった車をおすすめしてくれました!客への対応がこの店はめちゃ速いし、何より場の空気が良かったな! 商談の場所で待ってる時気軽に飲み物出してくれたり、明るい挨拶に店の中の人のいい雰囲気が良かった! ここで車を決めたいと思いましたね ありがとうございました?
It was good! There are many hybrids ~ It was fun to see! I hadn't decided which car I wanted, but he consulted me and gave me an accurate response, listened to the customer's request, and recommended a car that suits me! This shop is very quick to respond to customers, and above all, the atmosphere of the place was good! When I was waiting at the place of business talk, he casually served me a drink, and the cheerful greetings made the people in the store feel good! I wanted to decide on a car here Thank you ?
O T on Google

約2年前にこちらで購入した者です。すべて正直に書かせて頂きます。結果から言うと、かなり残念でした。こちらでは買わない方がいいと思います。 納車からトラブルだらけでした。まずは冬だったので、スタッドレスタイヤ&アルミも一緒に買いました。そしたら、頼んだのは純正サイズの205/55r16でしたが、215/55r16のサイズ違いで納車。それに気づいたのは数週間後でしたが、すぐ交換しますとの事で対応だけは迅速でした。そして、元頼んだサイズに交換して頂いて、数日後に洗車していると、後輪両側にガリ傷を発見。擦ったとしたら片側前輪後輪に傷がつきますが、後輪の両側でした。絶対に擦ったりはしていません。しかもこすったりはできない様な場所にエグれた様な傷が...。後は倒した跡が何ヶ所も...。他県でしたが、あまりにも頭に来たので直接見せに行きましたが、ガソリン代や高速代の一言も無し。アルミ2本の交換だった為、同等品を探すのに多少時間がかかりましたが、こちらも交換していただきました。そして最後にお詫びの品として、レーダー探知機をいただきました。 そして、数ヶ月後に当方がドアパンチで傷をつけられてしまった為、仕上がり重視で修理を依頼しました。そこでもトラブルが多数ありました。納車予定の当日の午前中に、もう県外から引き取りに出発した後でしたが、ムラがあり、板金塗装が上手くいっていないのでもう少し時間を下さいと担当者から連絡がありました。そして、約10日後引き取りに伺いました。自宅の駐車場でふと見ていると、なんとムラだらけ&ひどいゆず肌でした。サンキョウさんの方ではチェックしないのでしょうか?それともこのレベルでよしとしているのでしょうか?そして、またやり直し。また、数週間後に引き取りに伺うと店長さんと担当さんが出てきて、『今度は大丈夫です、塗装した所はどうしても先入観で色が違う様に見える』との事。信用して安心して自宅に帰りました。数日後、離れてみるとボカシ目がまる分かり&ムラ&明らかに色違いだったので、連絡しました。本当は返金して頂こうとかと思っていましたが、ボディと窓が塗装ミストでザラザラにされてしまった為、それを取るのと同時にやり直してもらう事に。こちらから行くのも馬鹿らしかったので、数日後に引き取りに来てもらいました。そして、また数週間後に納車されましたが、今度はドア下部についていたハイブリッドのエンブレム(プレート)が変色していたので、交換。板金塗装の仕上がりもひどいものでした。ドア2枚をブロック塗装しただけの為、フロントとリアのフェンダーとの色違い&ゆず肌。関係の無かったパネルにまで無断で塗装されました。やり直してるにも関わらず、素人目にもひどいレベルでした。もうこちらで修理してもらうのは諦め、そのまま乗る事にしました。 結局板金塗装の色違いが気になりましたが、追加で修理するのもアホらしいし、思い出すだけで頭に来るので、約1年間で売却し乗り換えました。安物買いの銭失いになります。というか、結局は安くも無いのですが。グーネットと実際の販売価格は5万円も違ったし。 まあ、担当さんの対応自体は迅速だし悪くはありませんでした。 ですが、とにかく書ききれないほど提携の整備工場?やチェック体制が酷かったり、トラブルが続出でした。なので今更ながら、口コミに投稿させてもらいました。
I bought it here about 2 years ago. I will write everything honestly. From the result, it was quite disappointing. I think you shouldn't buy it here. It was full of troubles from the delivery. First of all, it was winter, so I bought studless tires and aluminum together. Then, I ordered the genuine size 205 / 55r16, but delivered it with a different size of 215 / 55r16. I noticed it a few weeks later, but I heard that it would be replaced soon, so the response was quick. Then, when I had the car replaced with the size I originally ordered and washed the car a few days later, I found scratches on both sides of the rear wheel. If you rub it, the front and rear wheels on one side will be damaged, but it was on both sides of the rear wheel. I never rub it. Moreover, there are scratches that look like they have been squeezed in places where they cannot be rubbed. After that, there are many traces of defeating ... It was in another prefecture, but I came to my mind so much that I went to see it directly, but there was no word for gasoline or highway. It took some time to find an equivalent product because it was a replacement of two aluminum pieces, but I had you replace it as well. And finally, as an apology, I received a radar detector. Then, a few months later, I was damaged by the door punch, so I requested repair with an emphasis on finish. There were many troubles there as well. In the morning of the day when the car was scheduled to be delivered, I had already left for pick-up from outside the prefecture, but the person in charge contacted me to give me a little more time because there was unevenness and the sheet metal painting was not working well. Then, about 10 days later, I went to pick it up. When I suddenly saw it in my parking lot, I found that it was full of unevenness and had terrible yuzu skin. Isn't Sankyo checking it? Or is it good at this level? And start over again. Also, when I asked him to pick it up a few weeks later, the store manager and the person in charge came out and said, "This time it's okay, the painted parts look like different colors due to prejudice." I trusted and went home with peace of mind. A few days later, when I looked away, I noticed that the eyes were blurred, uneven, and the colors were clearly different, so I contacted him. Actually, I was thinking of getting a refund, but since the body and windows were roughened with paint mist, I decided to have them try again at the same time as taking it. It was ridiculous to go from here, so I asked him to come to pick it up a few days later. Then, it was delivered a few weeks later, but this time the hybrid emblem (plate) attached to the bottom of the door was discolored, so I replaced it. The finish of the sheet metal painting was also terrible. Because only two doors are painted in blocks, the front and rear fenders have different colors and yuzu skin. Even the unrelated panels were painted without permission. Despite having to start over, it was a terrible level for amateurs. I gave up having it repaired here and decided to ride as it is. After all, I was worried about the different colors of the sheet metal painting, but it seems stupid to repair it additionally, and it comes to my mind just by remembering it, so I sold it in about a year and switched. You will lose money to buy cheap goods. I mean, it's not cheap after all. The actual selling price was 50,000 yen different from Goo-net. Well, the person in charge's response itself was quick and not bad. But anyway, is it an affiliated maintenance factory that can not be written? The check system was terrible, and troubles continued. So I've just posted it in the word of mouth.

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