Roast Beef Kamakurayama - Kamakura

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Roast Beef Kamakurayama

住所 :

3 Chome-11-1 Kamakurayama, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 248-0031
Webサイト :
Description : Elegant garden restaurant known for its scallop & lobster plate, plus roast beef served from a cart.

3 Chome-11-1 Kamakurayama, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0031, Japan
SUM 036 on Google

鎌倉でかなり有名なお店です。以前から知っていましたが、機会がなく今回初訪問となりました。ランチ利用です。HPで価格を見て高級店だと改めて感じました。基本的には予約が必要です。明確なドレスコードは無さそうですが、ドレスアップして伺った方が良いかと。 お店の入り口から店内までは素敵な庭園を眺めつつ石畳みを進みます。植栽は非常に手入れが行き届いており、素晴らしい雰囲気です。入店前から料理への期待が膨らみます。店内は画像の通り、和洋折衷の内装でアンティーク調の家具が目を引きます。 ランチはAランチ一人7,700円を予約しました。 入店後はソファ席へ案内され、席の準備ができ次第順番に案内されます。 まずは飲み物のオーダーから。ノンアルのシャンパンを頂きました。一杯1,200円位。女性ウケしそうなフルーティな味わいでした。 前菜は鯛のお造りとホッキ貝。非常に美味でした。盛り付けが素敵。和でも洋でも隙のない感じが、お店のレベルを物語ってます。 2品目はエスカルゴを使った料理で、料理名は忘れました。玉ねぎを使ったブイヨンで煮詰められたエスカルゴ最高です。 メインのロースビーフは、目の前で肉の塊をカットしてもらうライブ感がたまりません。思わずムービーを、撮ってしまいました。サシの入った黒毛和牛。ジューシー過ぎるくらいの肉汁です。付け合わせのパンとの相性抜群です。当然この相性も計算されているのでしょう。 写真で見るとお肉が薄そうに見えますが、食べてみると結構ボリュームあります。年配の方は少々重たく感じるかも知れません。 お店の雰囲気、料理、店員の対応、全てに置いて満足です。文句無しの星5つです。 また特別な日に利用したいと思います。
It is a very famous shop in Kamakura. I knew it before, but I didn't have a chance and this was my first visit. It is for lunch. Looking at the price on HP, I felt again that it was a luxury store. Basically, a reservation is required. There seems to be no clear dress code, but I wonder if it's better to dress up and ask. From the entrance of the shop to the inside of the shop, proceed through the stone pavement while looking at the wonderful garden. The planting is very well maintained and has a great atmosphere. Expectations for cooking grow even before entering the store. As you can see in the image, the interior of the store is a mix of Japanese and Western styles, and antique furniture is eye-catching. For lunch, I booked A lunch for 7,700 yen per person. After entering the store, you will be guided to the sofa seats, and will be guided in order as soon as the seats are ready. First of all, from the order of drinks. I had non-alcoholic champagne. A cup is about 1,200 yen. It was a fruity taste that seemed to appeal to women. Appetizers are sea bream sashimi and surf clams. It was very delicious. The arrangement is wonderful. The feeling that there is no gap in both Japanese and Western styles shows the level of the shop. Two items are dishes using escargot, and I forgot the name of the dish. The best escargot boiled down in a bouillon with onions. The main loin beef has an irresistible live feeling of having a chunk of meat cut in front of you. I accidentally took a movie. Japanese black beef with sashimi. The gravy is too juicy. Excellent compatibility with garnished bread. Of course, this compatibility is also calculated. The meat looks thin in the photo, but it is quite voluminous when you try it. Elderly people may feel a little heavy. I am satisfied with the atmosphere of the restaurant, the food, and the staff's response. Five stars without complaint. I would like to use it on a special day again.
tarosgo1010 on Google

駐車場からお店までの石畳と樹々に鎌倉山を感じます。店内に入るとスタッフの方がお出迎え。今回は個室を予約しました。席からは庭園が望め四季を楽しむこともできました。 先ずは前菜のお刺身から。お肉は2種類から選ぶことができますが両方をオーダー(追加料金)。シャンパンやワインなどドリンクも種類豊富。お待ちかねのローストビーフも大変美味しく頂かせて頂きました。こちらも名物のスイーツ!2種類選べるのですか追加で色々頼ませて頂きました。 お祝い事や接待でもお勧めのお店です。
You can feel Mt. Kamakura in the stone pavement and trees from the parking lot to the shop. The staff will welcome you when you enter the store. I reserved a private room this time. From the seats, I could see the garden and enjoy the four seasons. First of all, from the appetizer sashimi. You can choose from two types of meat, but order both (additional charge). A wide variety of drinks such as champagne and wine. The long-awaited roast beef was also very delicious. This is also a famous sweet! Can I choose two types? I asked for additional things. It is also recommended for celebrations and entertainment.
航成 on Google

山の中で少し不便なところにありますが、お店の佇まいも雰囲気があり行く価値がある場所です。今回はバスで行きましたが、雪の降った次の日だったので車で行ってたら冬装備ごないと厳しかったかなと感じました。 店内の雰囲気だけではなく、お店の敷地に一歩踏み入れたところから静謐な雰囲気が漂っていて、期待を膨らませてくれました。 前菜ででてきたお刺身やスープからとても新鮮で美味しく満足でしたが、特にお店の売りであるローストビーフが秀逸でした。ローストビーフはお皿に載せられて出てくるのでなく、目の前でシェフが取り分けてくれたので、シェフが切り分けるときの肉汁から期待が膨らんでいきました。一口食べるだけで、肉の油の美味しさが口の中全体に広がり、口の中でとろけました。 ソースも選べたので、今回はグレイビーソースで食べたのですが、是非またお邪魔してスタンダードなソースも試したいと思います。 また、最後のデザートもワゴンサービスで3つの中から選べました。どれも魅力的でしたが、中でも抹茶のシフォンケーキが抹茶と黒豆の味を活かしていて美味しかったです。 最初から最後まで大満足な訪問でした。
It's a little inconvenient in the mountains, but the atmosphere of the shop is also worth visiting. I went by bus this time, but it was the day after it snowed, so if I went by car, I felt that it would have been difficult without winter equipment. Not only the atmosphere inside the store, but also the quiet atmosphere from the place where I stepped into the store grounds, which raised my expectations. The sashimi and soup that came out as an appetizer were very fresh, delicious and satisfying, but the roast beef sold at the store was particularly excellent. The roast beef wasn't served on a plate, but was served by the chef in front of me, so expectations grew from the gravy when the chef carved it. Just by eating a bite, the deliciousness of the meat oil spreads throughout the mouth and melted in the mouth. I was able to choose the sauce, so I ate it with gravy sauce this time, but I would definitely like to bother you and try the standard sauce. Also, the last dessert can be selected from three with the wagon service. All of them were attractive, but the matcha chiffon cake was especially delicious because it made the best use of the taste of matcha and black beans. It was a very satisfying visit from the beginning to the end.
S. CHDULE on Google

P. M. on Google

Tomoko Nabeshima on Google

Lovely place that is worth a visit. Their signature dish roast beef is unlike any other.
J T on Google

Empty parking lot, empty restaurant, couldn't be seated(after the cook looked us up and down). The menu price wasnt the problem. Apparently the restaurant is only for the snobbish. Don't waste your time, unless you fit that category. That restaurant can take this review as advertisement, so people don't take the journey up the hill to this seedy spot just to get turned away.
Fruticosa Westringia on Google

The excellent food and service. Quality was great! We had the desserts in a lovely garden. Expensive but worth trying. Strongly recommend if you’re around Kamakura!

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