Roadside station Sekikawa - Iwafune District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Roadside station Sekikawa

住所 :

1252-1 Kamiseki, Sekikawa, Iwafune District, Niigata 959-3264, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 959-3264
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4:30PM
Sunday 9AM–4:30PM
Monday 9AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–4:30PM
Thursday 9AM–4:30PM
Friday 9AM–4:30PM

1252-1 Kamiseki, Sekikawa, Iwafune District, Niigata 959-3264, Japan
414 GreenGreen on Google

自然に囲まれ温泉や足湯があります。駐車場は広いです。 トイレもきれいでした。 山がすぐ近くにあり、景色に心が癒やされます。 また行ってみたいですね。
Surrounded by nature, there are hot springs and footbaths. The parking lot is large. The toilet was also clean. The mountains are just around the corner and the scenery will soothe your mind. I want to go again.
haru haru on Google

豪雨を避けるため、常磐道コースを日本海東北道路進んでいたら ナビが道の駅関川の方向に案内され、休憩に立ち寄りました 看板はでかくて凄く目立つけど 道の駅はこじんまりとした所でした 駅横には温泉も有りましたが今回は帰路の為、駅内で 大福餅とおにぎり、こんにゃくを買って帰りました こんにゃくは 期待はずれで 不味かった 一本100円は高かった
To avoid heavy rain, when I was following the Joban Expressway on the Nihonkai Tohoku Road, the navigation system was guided in the direction of the roadside station Sekikawa, and I stopped by for a break. The signboard is big and very noticeable, but the roadside station was a small place There was a hot spring next to the station, but this time I went home, so I bought Daifuku mochi, rice balls, and konjac inside the station. Konjac was disappointing and unpleasant 100 yen per bottle was expensive
ichiro Kandaijin on Google

新潟方面ドライブで立ち寄る。きれいなところ。笹団子をお土産に買った。笹のフレッシュな香りがする。あんが入ったお団子は、しっかりしていて美味しかった。 外のフードコーナーでは、ウナギの肝串焼きを食べた。柔らかくて味は薄めという感じで、美味しかった。
Stop by a drive in the direction of Niigata. A beautiful place. I bought bamboo dumplings as a souvenir. It has a fresh scent of bamboo grass. The dumpling with the bean paste was firm and delicious. At the outside food corner, I ate eel liver skewers. It was soft and light in taste, and it was delicious.
Posaune Driver on Google

道の駅の通りは、米沢と繋がっている国道で、大型トラックがとても多く走る幹線道路。 道の駅の前に信号もあるため、トラックが加速して行く走行音や通過音がとてもうるさく、車中泊をしたい方、ちょっと仮眠したい方は、建物の裏(南側)のジャリの駐車場に停めると静かです。
The street of the roadside station is a national highway that connects to Yonezawa, and is an arterial road where many large trucks run. There is also a signal in front of the roadside station, so the noise of the truck accelerating and passing is very noisy, so if you want to stay in the car or take a nap, go to the parking lot of Jari behind the building (south side). It's quiet when you stop.
Kazuki on Google

21年11月に訪問しました。 敷地は広大ですが、温泉施設、 産直、お土産品はコンパクトです、 産直の店員の方が3人居ましたが、 店長さん、女性の2人のレジの方達は 親切に案内して頂きました、 良い印象の道の駅です。
I visited in November 2009. The site is vast, but the hot spring facility, Direct production, souvenirs are compact, There were three clerk directly from the factory, but The store manager and the two female cashiers Kindly guided me, It is a roadside station with a good impression.
貂貉 on Google

It is a roadside station in the village. There were a lot of motorcycles. Besides roasted sweetfish, I also sold shaved ice. I don't think there was a restaurant ... The hot springs were not open in Corona, so check the information in advance. The stamps were at the souvenir shop's cash register and at a tourist guide in a building a little far away.
ra ra on Google

Lothar Blauert on Google

This stop has four EV chargers. 2 quick and 2 regular chargers. While you wait there are many places you can explore at this place, or take a quick dip at the local Onsen Yuumo. They also have a nice foot bath.

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