Roadside station Seiryu-no-sato Shirotori - Gujo

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Roadside station Seiryu-no-sato Shirotori

住所 :

693-2 Shirotoricho Mukaikodara, Gujo, Gifu 501-5126, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 501-5126
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9AM–5:30PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

693-2 Shirotoricho Mukaikodara, Gujo, Gifu 501-5126, Japan
松島幸夫 on Google

It is a roadside station in the mountain, and food samples from small to large, seem to be finished by hand one by one, there are various accessories (food, vegetables, fruits, etc.), craftsmanship is great, it is the real thing and the distinction I can not do it. Please go to see by all means if you say to near.
赤い彗星 on Google

土曜日の12時頃に訪問して、駐車場は混雑していました。 お土産品が豊富で、特産品販売所と木遊館で地酒や明宝ハム、木製品や食品サンプルなどの郡上の特産品を購入できます。
I visited around 12:00 on Saturday and the parking lot was crowded. There are plenty of souvenirs, and you can buy local sake, Meiho ham, wood products, food samples, and other Gujo specialties at the special product sales office and Kiyukan.
ゲラーデアオス on Google

Minonambaba cream puffs using Hirugano Kogen milk, Ennen Shiso plum pickles with the benefit of extended years, Ennen Hachiya persimmon, swan rice, woodwork, vegetables, folk woodwork, and more are available at once. The food sample experience studio, Gujo's original Gujo pork ramen kamina using Gujo miso, and the handmade soba Gensuke-san are not in trouble.
64 MIKIMAMACHi on Google

地元の野菜が並んでいて、春は山菜、夏はとうもろこし、しいたけ、トマトを目当てに買いに来ます。郡上トマトは夏をすぎても10月くらいまでありますよ。スーパーと違って赤く熟してから収穫してるので甘さと旨味が全然違います。 メダカやクワガタが売ってる時もあり、おもしろいです。奥の売り場には、古民家家具や雑貨類があります。掘り出し物のタンスやかごなど、探すのも楽しいです。私のまわりでは川魚のキーホルダーが人気です。全種類そろえたいですね。
Local vegetables are lined up, and I come to buy wild plants in the spring and corn, shiitake mushrooms, and tomatoes in the summer. Gujo tomatoes are available until about October even after summer. Unlike supermarkets, they are ripe red and then harvested, so the sweetness and umami are completely different. Sometimes medaka and stag beetles are on sale, which is interesting. In the back section, you can find old folk house furniture and miscellaneous goods. It's fun to look for bargain chests of drawers and baskets. River fish key chains are popular around me. I want to have all kinds.
長谷川博一 on Google

There are many shops where you can enjoy not only meals but also cafes, product shops, and sample making experiences.
てっちゃん on Google

トイレがきれいですね。 お蕎麦の値段が高いので食べてません。
The toilet is clean. I don't eat soba because it is expensive.
900 GT on Google

飲食店が多く、施設としては中規模ですが、道の駅としては小規模ですね。 大型車スペースも奥に配置されていますが、出入り口が乗用車で塞がれているので出入りは不可能でしょう。 とにかく駐車スペースが狭くて落ち着かない印象です。道の駅としては評価出来ません。飲食店が多いので、オーナーさん達には頑張って頂きたいです。
There are many restaurants and the facility is medium-sized, but it is small as a roadside station. There is also a large car space in the back, but it will be impossible to get in and out because the doorway is blocked by passenger cars. Anyway, the parking space is small and I feel uncomfortable. It cannot be evaluated as a roadside station. There are many restaurants, so I would like the owners to do their best.
Moto on Google

そば工房源助さんでランチしました。 蕎麦は腰があってそばの香りが立ちます。 出汁がすごく美味しかった! また機会があれば是非行きたいです。 隣のしろとり木遊館で地元の特産品、地酒、工芸品を購入できます。
We had lunch at Soba Kobo Gensuke. Soba is chewy and has a soba scent. The soup stock was very delicious! I would love to go again if I have the opportunity. You can buy local specialties, local sake and crafts at the adjacent Shirotori Kiyukan.

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