Road Station Higashiyuri - Yurihonjo

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Road Station Higashiyuri

住所 :

Hatakeda-28 Higashiyurioikata, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0211, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 015-0211
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

Hatakeda-28 Higashiyurioikata, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0211, Japan
大屋俊英 on Google

Roadside station with hot springs. For souvenirs, try the specialty French duck meat and smoked meat. I buy it every time. Please stop by when climbing Mt. Yashio or going out for Botsumekiyusui.
tyuyo on Google

黄桜温泉 湯楽里に行ったときに見つけました。 一升ビンのボツメキビール! ゆったり温泉に入った後に呑みたいんですが、栓を抜くと呑み切らないといけない感じがしたのと、買って帰っても一升ビン冷やせる冷蔵庫を持って無いので諦めました。 でも、いつかは呑んで見たいビールです。
I found it when I went to Yurari. A bottle of botsumeki beer! It's like drinking after taking a relaxing hot spring, but when I unplugged it, I felt like I had to swallow it, and even after I bought it, I didn't have a refrigerator to cool it, so I gave up. But someday it's a beer I want to drink.
Hiroshi Murayama on Google

車が停めやすい、道の駅です。 地元野菜、果物は勿論ですが、スーパー(Aコープ)も有る道の駅なので、 夕飯のおかずも買うこともできます。 この道の駅の私のオススメは、お米で(あきたこまち、ひとめぼれ、ササニシキ)10Kg(もちろん精米済)が税込み3180円 (2018.09.18現在)販売しており、美味しいでので、立ち寄った際は購入しています。 正直な感想としまして現状では、他の道の駅と比べて魅力が少ないの ですが、現在、KSP(黄桜すいプロジェクト)という、 本荘市ご当地キャラクターの 黄桜すい を起用した、道の駅東由利 の立て直しを進行中みたいですし、頑張ってほしいです。 なので、これからも施設を利用し、野菜、果物、米、を購入し応援します。 店員さんの対応も良いですし、お薦めします。 2018.11.3追加 新米を買いに訪れました。購入した銘柄は、あきたこまち、ひとめぼれ、ササニシキで、いずれも、3298円で、15Kg4500円の玄米も 販売していました。(車まで運ぶのに代車を貸してくれます) 以前と比べ、そば饅頭、乾麺コーナーでは、弥助蕎麦、ももや蕎麦、 ゆり根うどんも販売しており、お土産の選択が広がったと感じました。
It is a roadside station where cars can easily park. Not only local vegetables and fruits, but also a supermarket (A-COOP), so it's a roadside station. You can also buy side dishes for dinner. My recommendation for this roadside station is rice (Akitakomachi, Hitomebore, Sasanishiki) 10Kg (of course, rice milled) is 3180 yen including tax. (As of September 18, 2018) It is on sale and it is delicious, so I buy it when I stop by. To be honest, at present, it is less attractive than other roadside stations. However, it is currently called KSP (Kizakura Sui Project). Roadside station Higashiyuri, which uses the local character of Honjo City, Higashiyuri It seems that the rebuilding of is in progress, and I want you to do your best. Therefore, I will continue to use the facility to purchase and support vegetables, fruits, and rice. The clerk's response is also good and I recommend it. 2018.11.3 added I came to buy new rice. The brands I bought were Akitakomachi, Hitomebore, and Sasanishiki, all for 3298 yen and 15 kg of brown rice for 4500 yen. I was selling it. (They will lend you a substitute to carry it to your car) Compared to before, at the soba bun and dried noodles corner, Yasuke soba, thigh soba, Yurine udon is also on sale, and I felt that the selection of souvenirs had expanded.
Admiral 56 on Google

Michi-no-Eki is located in the middle of Yurihonjo and Yokote. The parking lot is wide and the toilets are clean, and it is an area from hot springs, restaurants, souvenir shops to local supermarkets. In this area, the local character, Sui Huangzakura, is famous throughout the country. It seems that they are also making a unique attempt to do crowdfunding as part of town development! Local Yuri beef and duck dishes are delicious! The staff were kind and taught me a lot of special products! I think I want to go again!
Shinichi Arihara on Google

最上階の展望台は晴れていると日本海と鳥海山が同時に見られ素晴らしい場所です。 また、温泉とマッサージも受けれます。 1回のお店はお土産が沢山の品揃えで良い道の駅です。
The observatory on the top floor is a wonderful place where you can see the Sea of ​​Japan and Mt. Chokai at the same time when it is sunny. You can also get a hot spring and massage. One shop is a roadside station with a large selection of souvenirs.
Kazuki on Google

21年10月に訪問しました。 建物は古さを感じますが、 産直、お土産品、 フードコート、スーパーは 臨時休業でしたが、温泉もあります、 駐車場は広いです。
I visited in October 2009. The building feels old, Direct production, souvenirs, Food court, supermarket It was temporarily closed, but there is also a hot spring, The parking lot is large.
きよたんKIYOTAN on Google

it's the best. Although I have visited many times since ancient times, I can relax in the calm atmosphere of the hot spring facility. 450 yen for adults. There is also a sauna, and the cold water bath makes your body crispy. The water pressure in the shower is high and there is no stress. Ventilation at the dressing room was perfect, and it dried quickly without wiping. I think it's a good plan to come to bike touring from Akita City, take a hot spring, eat delicious food and go home. Also, it is convenient to use electronic money.
Sれさぱんちゃん on Google

道の駅内には2軒のラーメン屋さんがある。 こちらはお手頃価格の方の辛味噌ラーメン! 結構辛くて病みつきになりそうです♪ 割り箸には湯楽里の文字…市の経営かな?
There are two ramen shops in the roadside station. This is a reasonably priced spicy miso ramen! It's pretty painful and addictive ♪ The characters of Yurari on disposable chopsticks ... Is it the management of the city?

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