Rinsenji - Itō

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rinsenji

住所 :

90 Ogi, Itō, Shizuoka 414-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Postal code : 414-0053
Webサイト : https://hujidera.jimdofree.com/

90 Ogi, Itō, Shizuoka 414-0053, Japan
ベルパパ2017 on Google

Nagafuji's flower, Saki Yabun Now is the best. There are several parking lots in front of the temple and several parking lots across the road. A little money for the wisteria flower maintenance fee.
mikarin on Google

桶や柄杓の管理がされていて、 とてもキレイだと思います。 植木(下段との境に植えてある)が伸びて、 お参りしずらいので、しっかり刈って欲しいです。
The tub and cassotte are managed, I think it's very beautiful. The planting tree (planted on the border with the lower tier) grows, It's hard to visit, so I want you to mow it well.
on wa on Google

5月上旬、静岡県天然記念物に指定されているフジが見事です。 静かな境内は心休まる日本庭園です。
In early May, Fuji, designated as a Shizuoka Prefecture Natural Monument, is stunning. The quiet grounds are a relaxing Japanese garden.
土屋賢治 on Google

The forest trees at Rinsenji are two large trees about 300 years old and are designated as natural monuments in Shizuoka Prefecture. The best time is from late April. Please visit the Komuroyama Azalea Festival held at the same time. Check the Internet for details.
H W on Google

このお寺の藤の木が有名なようですね。約300年前に信者が寄進したと伝えられる古木で枝から垂れ下がる花房は、1.5mも伸びるとか。 私が訪れた時には、季節外れだったため藤の巨木を見る事はできましたが、花は咲いておらず残念でした。でも、木がかなり大きいので相当に綺麗な藤の花が咲くのだと想像できますね。 どうやら、藤の見ごろは4月末から5月にかけてのようですので、その頃に訪れる事をお勧めします。
It seems that the wisteria tree of this temple is famous. An inflorescence that is said to have been donated by a believer about 300 years ago, and the inflorescence hanging from the branch may extend 1.5 meters. When I visited, it was out of season and I could see the giant wisteria trees, but I was sorry that the flowers did not bloom. But you can imagine that the trees are so large that pretty beautiful wisteria flowers bloom. Apparently, the best time to see the wisteria is from the end of April to May, so I recommend you visit around that time.
花ちゃん777 on Google

4/24 伊東近辺で観光を探してヒット‼️ 駐車場もあり見事な藤の花でした。 御朱印と藤の花の和蝋燭を購入しました。
4/24 A hit looking for sightseeing in the vicinity of Ito! ️ There was also a parking lot and it was a wonderful wisteria flower. I bought a Japanese candle with a red stamp and wisteria flowers.
チタオチャン on Google

4月第三火曜日フジの花は目一杯たわわに咲き、訪れた方に満足感を与えるのに十分すぎる満開状況、でも残念ですね、境内のフジ棚を見て、お寺さんにはお参りなしで帰って行く参観者にはがっかりですね。 境内には池の周りが綺麗に植栽が手入れされ、そこここに羅漢像の石仏が配置され、それらを見ずにフジの花だけですか、それもありなんですね。
The third Tuesday of April The wisteria flowers are in full bloom and are in full bloom, which is more than enough to satisfy the visitors, but unfortunately, I saw the wisteria shelves in the precincts and did not visit the temple. It's a disappointment for the returning visitors. In the precincts, the area around the pond is beautifully planted, and the stone Buddha statues of the Rakan statue are placed here and there, and it is only wisteria flowers without looking at them, isn't it?
Sandy Lien (BIG NOOOBY MUM) on Google

Five stars for sure! Lovely Wisteria (Fuji) tree blooming in early May. Very peaceful temple.

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