4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

1F 2 Chome-23-2 Shimomeguro, Meguro City, Tokyo 153-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 153-0064
Webサイト : http://rinascimento.tokyo/

1F 2 Chome-23-2 Shimomeguro, Meguro City, Tokyo 153-0064, Japan
Kurumi S on Google

外観からはここがレストランとは思えない隠れ家的なお店。 パスタコース 3300円 前菜 インサラティッシマ・リナシメント(20品目の前菜盛合せ) パン 自家製パン パスタ 秋鮭クリームソース 香ばしいアーモンド デザート 無花果コンポート パンナコッタ取り合わせ 塩キャラメルソース 食後のお飲み物 コーヒー・紅茶 ここは前菜が有名で想像通りとても綺麗な皿に仕上がっていました。おすすめの食べる順番がメニューに載っているのでどれか考えながら食べます。1口サイズでぱくぱく食べられるのが嬉しい。白レバー ピスタチオが好み。ワインとよく合いそう。パスタはいかにも秋らしい。アーモンドのアクセントが非常に良かった。サービスや雰囲気もよく落ち着いて過ごせるイタリアン。おすすめ。
From the outside, this is a hideaway shop that doesn't look like a restaurant. Pasta course 3300 yen Appetizer Insalatissima Rinascimento (assorted 20 appetizers) Bread homemade bread Pasta autumn salmon cream sauce fragrant almonds Dessert fig compote panna cotta assortment salt caramel sauce After-meal drinks coffee and tea The appetizer is famous here, and as you can imagine, it was finished in a very beautiful plate. The recommended order of eating is on the menu, so think about which one to eat. I'm glad that you can eat it in a bite size. I like white liver pistachios. It seems to go well with wine. Pasta seems to be autumn. The almond accent was very good. Italian restaurant where you can spend a relaxing time with good service and atmosphere. recommendation.
Kengo Watanabe on Google

目黒川の所から目黒不動尊へと斜めに走る道(チャムアパートメント、鮨のりんだ、町中華の味一等がある通り)で以前から気になっていたイタリアンの名店。 スペシャリテが30品目の小さな前菜が宝石のようにずらりと並んだインサラティッシマ・リナシメントで、これを中心に楽しむスタンダードコースを頼んだ。皆がだいたいこれを頼むから成立するのだろう、とっても手のこんだ品々は目と舌とそれから脳でも楽しめる。計算されてるからメニュー順に上から食べるといいですよと言われるのだが、どれがどの料理かすぐにはわからなくて、宝探し的なエンタメ感のある食事になって楽しい。雰囲気に飲まれたのか、いつもは絶対に食べない椎茸なんかも「美味しい!」と子供がパクついていて笑ってしまった。最後の方にあるピスタチオ白レバーやフォワグラテリーヌ 無花果が絶品だった。相当高レベルなものが並んでいたが、時季によりまた違うものが出てくるなら、再度頼んでもいいかな。他ではこんなメニューないしね。 メインは足利マール牛のステーキをチョイス。いつもは赤いところが多い焼き加減だと嫌がる家族も絶賛。そして何より真鯛白子と春菊ソースのパスタ! え〜、春菊ってどうなの?と口に入れる前は思ったものの、これホントに素晴らしかった。 頼んでないのに子連れだからと個室にしてくれ、気配りもとても行き届いていて、名店の名に恥じないサービスを堪能した。 平日なのに気軽にこんな店で食事してる近所のマダムたちや、シェフとサシ呑み状態のオジサマもいて別世界…自分もこんな店に年に数回程度は来られるようになりたいもんだ。
A famous Italian restaurant that I've always been interested in on the road that runs diagonally from the Meguro River to Meguro Fudoson (the street with Cham Apartment, Sushi Rinda, and Aji-ichi of Chinese food in town). Insalatissima Rinascimento, where 30 small appetizers are lined up like jewels, I asked for a standard course to enjoy. It's probably because everyone asks for this, and the very elaborate items can be enjoyed with the eyes, tongue, and brain. It's calculated, so it's said that you should eat from the top in the order of the menu, but you don't immediately know which dish is which, and it's fun to have a treasure-hunting entertaining meal. Perhaps I was drunk by the atmosphere, and the shiitake mushrooms that I would never eat were "delicious!" The pistachio white liver and foie gras terrine figs at the end were excellent. There were quite a lot of high-level items, but if different items come out depending on the season, I wonder if I can ask again. There is no other menu like this. The main choice is Ashikaga Maru beef steak. Family members who dislike the fact that it is usually reddish are also praised. And above all, pasta with red sea bream milt and garland chrysanthemum sauce! What about garland chrysanthemum? I thought before I put it in my mouth, but this was really wonderful. Even though I didn't ask for it, he made it a private room because he was with children, and he was very attentive and enjoyed the service that was not ashamed of the name of the famous store. Even though it's a weekday, there are Madams in the neighborhood who casually eat at such a store, and there are chefs and old men who are swallowing sashimi, so it's a different world ... I also want to be able to come to such a store several times a year.
Tadashi Murayama on Google

The 30 kinds of appetizer plates are very beautiful. Since there is a theme, I was told to eat in order from the top of the menu table, but I was frustrated because I could not find 5 items. The main meat and pasta other than the appetizer were also delicious.
コロニアルトレード on Google

Fantastic value for lunch delicious wine as well will definitely come again
toshiki kawanishi on Google

you can enjoy lovely and tasty italian dishes here
UM-IM MIMU on Google

Love it esp. dessert!! Will try for dinner some days
Kenji Onozawa on Google

Really, really great experience here. Food was excellent and the staff provided top notch experience. Will definitely come back here and would recommend this to friends looking for a solid date restaurant. P.S. The bolognese was incredible.
Bryan Cheng on Google

Absolutely amazing restaurant with the highlight being their appetizer plate, which consisted of over different 20 bite size dishes. The rest of the dishes were flavorful, although in my opinion not as good as the appetizers.

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