Restaurant - Takasaki

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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住所 :

平井青果店 2199-5 Kuraganomachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-1201, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87779
Postal code : 370-1201

平井青果店 2199-5 Kuraganomachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-1201, Japan
井浦里予 on Google

It is a popular dining room that is easy to enter. It's delicious!
石原浩人(カイエン) on Google

The set meal is cheap and delicious
篠崎勝巳 on Google

I stopped by for lunch, but it was cheap and delicious. Udon is main, but there is a set meal. Next time we will try set meal.
よつバード on Google

うどんののぼり旗が気になって寄ってみました。とても感じのいいご年配のご夫婦の接客でおいしいうどんをいただき、とてもいいお店に巡り会えうれしくなりました。 定食やナポリタンも気になるのでまた行きたいと思います。
I was worried about the flag of Udon and tried to stop by. I was happy to meet a very nice restaurant with delicious udon served by a very pleasant elderly couple. I also like set meals and Napolitan, so I would like to go again.
Koji Fukuta on Google

There were few places to eat in the area, and it happened to go by. We ate a set meal in a beautiful store, but the number of items such as small bowls was large and the price was cheap and satisfied. Yakisoba and Napolitan also looked delicious.
VVV on Google

唐揚げ定食650円。けんちん汁、納豆、厚焼き卵など2〜3品。ここまではよかった。けどご飯が少ない…。皿に盛られたご飯では見た目にも寂しい。 そして肝心の唐揚げ。何か小さいし、形もどこかで見た事あるような…と思ったら弁当やコンビニで見かける冷凍食品でした。冷凍庫から袋を出すところを見てしまいました。口コミも良いので、手作りの家庭料理のようなものを期待していましたが、まるでファミレスのような定食にはがっかりでした。ただ、けんちん汁は、ちょっと薄味だけど、きちんとした家庭の味でした。
Fried chicken set meal 650 yen. 2 ~ 3 items such as kenchin soup, natto, thick roasted egg. It was good so far. But there is little rice ... The rice on the plate looks lonely. And the deep fried chicken. Something small and the shape was something I saw somewhere ... when I thought it was frozen food I could see in a lunch box or convenience store. I've seen the bag get out of the freezer. The word of mouth was good, so I was expecting something like homemade home cooking, but I was disappointed with the set meal like a family restaurant. However, kenchin soup was a bit thin, but it had a decent home taste.
音速騎士(Sonic) on Google

安くて量多い老夫婦(?)が営む八百屋みたいなお店。 焼きそばは超絶人気商品? 客7人の内5人が注文してた(笑) 勿論、美味しかったですよ。 後、ナポリタンも美味しいです! また機会がありましたら伺いますね。
A shop like a greengrocer run by a cheap and large amount of elderly couples (?). Is yakisoba a super popular product? Five of the seven customers ordered (laughs) Of course, it was delicious. After that, Napolitan is also delicious! I will come back if I have another chance.
T ISHII on Google

いわゆる定食屋。特別なメニューはないが、食事はとても美味しくいただくことができた。 鮭定食を注文したところ、鮭と味噌汁ご飯だけでなく、豆腐や納豆などのおかずも付いてとても満足のいく内容だった。そして値段も高くない(安すぎでは?)。 今回はたまたま通りがかりに寄らせてもらったが、自宅のそばにあったら毎日通いたい、そんなお店であった。 中山道を旅する人には、周辺に食事ができるところが少ないので、ありがたい食事処となるだろう。
A so-called set meal shop. There is no special menu, but the food was very delicious. When I ordered a salmon set meal, I was very satisfied with not only salmon and miso soup rice, but also side dishes such as tofu and natto. And the price is not too high (is it too cheap?). This time I happened to drop by, but if I was near my house, I would like to go there every day. For those who travel on Nakasendo, there are few places to eat in the surrounding area, so it will be a nice place to eat.

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